Smyrna was a wealthy city located approximately 50 miles southwest of Ephesus on the Aegean Sea. Today it is a Turkish city called Ismir.
In Revelation 2:8-11 we find Jesus dictating Smyrna’s portion of the book in which, among other things, He is informing each of the seven churches of Asia Minor of their spiritual condition–what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. He begins by identifying Himself as the first and the last, the One who was dead but is alive. The Lord praises the Church of Smyrna for their WORKS–obedience to Him–and for bearing up under the TRIBULATION they are suffering because of their works. He then mentions their poverty. Living in a city known for the well-heeled life-styles of its citizens, their lack of finances could have been the result of their generosity. Or perhaps they could not get well-paying jobs due to their service to the Lord. We do not know for certain the reason for their financial situation.
Jesus then points out that there were some in the church, we do not know how many, who were not true saints. Some only claimed to be Jews (Christians) but were instead of the “synagogue of Satan.” These counterfeit Christians were carrying on a false, Satan-serving church inside God’s true church. These false saints were serving the devil while pretending to serve God–they were talking the talk but not walking the walk. Jesus warns His true saints that, because they love, believe and obey Him, they are going to suffer at the hands of God-haters. In the Scriptures God warns us that His saints will suffer persecution from Satan’s people both inside and outside the church. Though the Smyrna church is God’s church, He points out that not everyone in the church belongs to Him. That this problem was common in the ancient church is brought out in 1 Peter 4:1-19 where he begins by warning true believers that persecution is a fact of life for those who obey the Lord, that the Lord’s people are called to suffer for righteousness’ sake according to His will. His statement that church members are not to suffer because of sin shows that being persecuted for being a “Christian” does not necessarily mean that one is a true Christian. The proof of one’s standing before the Lord is in the doing, not in the labeling–proof in advertising is always required by the Lord. Peter continues his Spirit-inspired narrative: “For the time is come that JUDGMENT MUST BEGIN IN THE HOUSE OF GOD” (vs 17). There is much confusion concerning who is to judge whom. Let it be known that God judges those outside the church; His saints are commanded to judge those inside the church (1 Cor. 5:12,13). See Judgment and All That Glitters. God warns the church at Smyrna that some of His saints will be cast into prison because of their walk with Him. He promises to reward them with eternal life IF THEY REMAIN TRUE TO HIM UNTO DEATH. This proves that salvation is awarded at the end of life after one has proven himself to be a true saint of God. As the Scriptures reveal, the easy, smooth, socially accepted lives of those in the Counterfeit Church prove that they are counterfeit Christians. Nowhere in Scripture do we find God’s people being socially accepted. If His Word is to be believed, the true saint’s life is the exact opposite of what is today called “the Christian Life.” Like the initial phase of being in the military’s Special Forces, this life is a proving ground. Among the Green Beret’s for example, only two out of a hundred wear are allowed to wear the hat. The Lord said that only “one of a city and two of a family” would become part of His family. It is during our time on earth that we either make it to the Big House or are relegated to the out house. It is ultimately important that church people understand that persecution, hatred, rejection, etc. for obedience to God is one of the hallmark signs of being a true saint, and that only those who OVERCOME–maintain their righteousness–will sit with Jesus in His Father’s kingdom and will not be hurt by the second death. See Matthew 10:16-39. As Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,14, only a few will make the cut. See Persecution and The Resurrections.
The Lord’s message to the Smyrna church reveals that some in that body were indeed serving Him in righteousness. No doubt these saints had suffered rejection from beloved relatives and friends–the most hurtful of treatment. Jesus warned that some in the church would be put to death for their obedience to His Word. We must believe the many Scriptural references given by the Lord that SUCH TREATMENT AT THE HANDS OF GOD-HATERS IS NOT THE EXCEPTION–IT IS THE RULE. In antiquity there were few, if any, laws protecting Christians from being persecuted for the lives they led. Today, civilian law is the only thing separating true saints from such treatment from professing Christendom. THIS WILL SOON CHANGE. One day soon all religions known to mankind will unite, resulting in the creation of two religious bodies on earth–God’s saints and the other 99.9% of humanity. In this life each individual is determining which group he/she will be a part of. L.J.
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