As the following postings will affirm, Catholicism is nothing more than heathenism cloaked in Christian trappings. Because she practices many of the same heathen rituals and worships the same heathen god (Tammuz), Protestantism is nothing more than closet Catholicism. The overall message transmitted by the following postings is that Satan is alive and well in his Church.
In this posting we will examine a number of Catholic beliefs and practices for which there are no Scriptural bases. As will be shown, they were borrowed from the world of heathenism from which the masses of her ancient “converts” arrived.
MOTHER AND SON WORSHIP: Long before Simon the magician founded his Counterfeit Church in Rome, various societies were already worshiping mother and child duos. The ancient Babylonians worshiped the goddess mother Simiramis and the child in her arms, Tammuz. In Egypt mother and child were worshiped as Isis and Osiris, in India as Isi and Iswara, in Asia as Cybele and Deoius, in ancient Rome as Fortuna and Jupiter, in Greece as Ceres and child and in ancient China as Shing Moo and child.
WORSHIP OF MARY: The Catholic Church believes that it is not the Seed of Mary (Jesus), but Mary herself who will bruise the head of the serpent (Satan) as recorded in Genesis 3:15. In defiance of the Scriptures, the cult renders the passage thus: “She shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise Her heal.” According to Mary worshipers, she is the “refuge for sinners,” the “immaculate (sinless) one” who made atonement for mankind by “standing at the cross at Christ’s death, her anguish resulting in true atonement.” She is “the Mediatrix between God and man.” She is “the repairer of the guilt of Eve,” in the same way that Jesus is the “repairer of the guilt of Adam.” All titles given to Jesus are also attributed to her by the church which professes that she is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit who will serve as co-judge of mankind. Mary herself supposedly affirmed her salvation-awarding godship by promising: “The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary shall not perish. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall, at the moment of death, participate in the merits of the Saints in Paradise.” Pope John Paul II, an unabashed Mary worshiper, publicly prayed to her, asking that she would “… comfort, guide, strengthen and protect the whole of humanity.” His prayer ended with these words: “Sustain us, O Virgin Mary, on our journey of faith, and obtain for us the grace of eternal salvation.” He maintained that Mary was “… the path that leads to Christ”–the path one must walk in order to reach Him and receive eternal life. He often stated that “Victory will be through Maria.” This is the same Maria/Mary whom Pope Pius IX declared to have not only remained a virgin until the end, but to have also entered heaven without benefit of death.
TRANSUBSTANTIATION: Catholics believe that the wafer and wine taken at communion are not symbols, but are miraculously transformed by the priest into the literal body and blood of Jesus.
THE SIGN OF THE CROSS: Historically called the Tau, the cross was the sign of the heathen god Tammuz, the miraculously-conceived son of Simiramus (Eng.-Easter) who reportedly returned on his birth date (Dec. 25) each year to leave presents beneath trees his worshipers had brought into their homes and propped up with nails. The sign of the cross made with the hand remains a symbol of one’s devotion to Mary and her son to this day.
EASTER: Worshipers of Tammuz and Semiramis celebrated the holy mother’s day with festivities which included rabbits, eggs and a “sunrise service” in honor of her son Tammuz, the sun god whose devotees bowed toward and prayed to as he “arose” in the East.
CHRISTMAS: At least five different pagan religions celebrated December 25th as either the birthday or memorial day of their gods. The practice was embraced by the Catholic Church to appease the numerous pagan “converts” who had joined the organization rather than die following Emperor Constantine’s edict in 323 A.D.
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