Now that we know from secular history what Simon’s institution looks like, let us examine God’s Word to determine what she will do in the future. A particular irony is noted in the fact that Catholics as well as Protestants are doing what the hated Jews have been doing for thousands of years–awaiting the arrival of the Messiah. Another irony is that Muslims are trying to start a world war so as to hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam. It seems that the masses are looking for the arrival of someone. Neither Catholics nor Protestants have recognized the Messiah/Savior written about in the Scriptures. The Jews look for a man while the whole of Catholicism/Protestantism has embraced a substitute savior, the same “image of jealousy” many Israelites worshiped in the days of the prophets–Tammuz, the pagan god whom the Lord warns us about in Ezekiel 8.
Finding themselves in the midst of the most horrible time ever experienced on earth, the religious masses will be ripe for even deeper deception. Into this scenario will step the False Prophet, whom I believe will be the ruling pope of that day. His “coming out” will be a global eye-opener. He will arrival on the scene will include “all power, signs and lying wonders” which he will perform before the world (2 Thes. 2:9) in real time through the media. With his demonstrations of the miraculous, which will include calling fire down from heaven (Rev. 13:13-18), he will persuade the masses that he not only knows who the Messiah is, but that he is in their midst. He will then present the Antichrist–the leader of the Beast Government that will operate under the direction of the False Prophet. This prophet will be the leader of a one-world church. This duo is characterized in Revelation 17:1-6 as the harlot who sits astride (controls) a beast. The whore, we are told, has shed the blood of the saints–the martyrs of Jesus. As has been shown, not less than 50,000,000 of God’s people were slaughtered by this “lady” known as “Mystery, Babylon.” Together, she and the Antichrist’s government will rule the world’s masses through a global church/state conglomerate. The False Prophet will persuade the whole of humanity that the Antichrist is the Savior they have been anxiously awaiting.
At last, the world will have its Messiah–humanity’s Savior will have arrived to solve humanity’s problems. But there is a price to pay. All who would benefit from the duo’s actions must receive a “mark” designed to identify their followers. Without this mark, one will not be allowed to buy or sell. Sound familiar? It was at the Nicene Council of 323 A.D. that the Roman Government, at the behest of the Catholic hierarchy, declared that from that time onward no one could buy or sell without the government’s permission. In the future, a “mark” will reveal who has the Beast Government’s permission. The “mark” that identified those submissive to the government following the Nicene meeting was observance of the Sunday Sabbath. During the Great Tribulation a “mark” will identify who can buy or sell (Rev. 13:16,16). The Mark of the Beast has been around since 323 A.D. and has been “worn” by the Catholic Church ever since. Following their departure, the Protestants quickly reverted back to their mother’s Satanic ways by believing and practicing her many heathen doctrines and customs, including the Sunday Sabbath. See the introduction to this website for a list of several pagan religious practices that the Institutional Church continues to practice.
By joining the Beast Government/church and receiving its “mark” one will automatically become part of the religious organization headed by the False Prophet, the man who had introduced the world to its savior and and his “mark.” The masses will enthusiastically receive the “mark” that identifies those subject to the Beast Government/church. The movement will be so convincing that even some of God’s elect will be subject to its spell (Mk. 13:22).
In order for the government/church to enforce the mark and worship of the Antichrist, it will be necessary to place officials throughout the world in order to enforce global compliance to the government/church’s dictates. So powerful and deadly will be the church that, as Jesus said, the love of many will grow cold, even causing children to betray their parents and parents their children (Jn. 13:12). Only two things are powerful enough to cause this type of behavior: religion and fear. To be continued. L.J.
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