Before embarking on this study of the legacy of one of history’s most evil men, I want to thank those men of old who not only took the time to research the life and work of Simon of Samaria, but were kind enough to record it for future believers who, like myself, lack the time and resources to do what they have done. I stand on their spiritual shoulders and will be eternally grateful for their efforts.
Who was Simon? In Acts 8:1-4 Luke tells the story of a miracle worker who had so impressed the local population that everyone, from the highest to the lowest, proclaimed him to be “… the great power of God.” Luke tells us that Simon had “bewitched” the Samaritan population by performing incredible miracles and wonders. He had impressed them to the point that they believed him to be THE POWER OF GOD IN HUMAN FORM. Only one other Man has had that said about Him– Jesus Christ. The fact that Simon could perform spiritual miracles should prove to us that being able to affect the miraculous does not necessarily mean that the miracle worker is of the Lord. Recall that Pharaoh’s magicians performed several of the miracles performed by Moses. “Beware lest any man deceive you ….” is still in effect. Hundreds of miracle workers have duped members of professing Christendom into believing that they are God’s ministers, which they believe themselves to be. Due to either ignorance of or unbelief in the Word or God, they serve Satan while giving credit to the Lord. “You shall know them by their fruits” (obedience to God’s Word), not their miracles. We must “Try the spirits” of those who lead us to see if they are of God.
Secular history, from which we get most of our information concerning Simon, tells us that he was part of the pagan contingent brought in by the Assyrians to populate the area of the Promised Land occupied by the northern ten tribes of Israel prior to their being conquered and taken into captivity. Simon the Sorcerer, as he is known in church circles, was a pagan priest to whom Satan had given magical powers designed to draw people to him. This priest is known historically as Simon Magus–Simon the Magician–a soothsayer from the area of the Persian Empire from which several Magi (magicians) had traveled to the Holy Land some 80 years earlier to announce the birth of the King of the Jews. The effect that this pagan priest has had on the world has been hidden by Satan for the past 19 centuries. However, of late God has begun to shed light on the identity of the organization Simon founded and is revealing the devastating effect it has had, is having and will continue to have on the human race until the return of Jesus Christ. See The Ingathering. The spiritual destruction this organization has caused is the subject of this study. But before we delve into the legacy of Simon of Samaria, a little background information is in order.
In Acts chapters 6 and 7 we find the story of Stephen the waiter of tables who was so filled with God’s Spirit that he performed miracles while taking care of the newly-founded church’s widows and orphans. His miraculous acts, highlighted by his testimony about Jesus of Nazareth, so angered the Jews that they brought him before the high priest and the council where he was accused of heresy. Stephen’s words in his own defense were so condemning of the Jews that they stopped his voice by stoning him to death, leaving their coats in the care of one Saul of Tarsus.
Stephen’s death instigated a time of deadly, far-reaching persecution of the church by the Jews. The atmosphere in Jerusalem became so volatile that believers were forced to flee from Judea into various parts of the Middle East where they went about bearing witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the areas they fled into was Samaria, now populated by pagans who had been brought in to replace the region’s former inhabitants–the northern ten tribes of Israel to whom God had deeded the land after their release from Egyptian captivity.
Philip, one of the Lord’s original disciples, had gone into Samaria to spread God’s Word. There he came in contact with the local priest named Simon. In Acts 8:5-8 we are told that the people, upon seeing the signs and miracles Philip performed, embraced his Messiah, bringing great joy to the region. Verses 9-13 reveal that Simon was so impressed by Philip’s power that he believed, was baptized and became part of the local congregation.
Some time later, Peter and John, having heard of Philip’s work in Samaria, paid a visit to the new church that had sprung up among the former pagans. It was then that the famous scene took place between Peter and Simon who had tried to buy God’s power. It is interesting that Simon asked Peter to intervene with God on his behalf. Simon’s request–that Peter would serve as a mediator between himself and God. Also of interest is the fact that Simon asked Peter to ask God not to punish him for his sin. These requests would come to play important roles in the religion Simon would found some two years later. Also of interest is the fact that Luke has more to say about Simon than about some of the apostles. The reason for Luke’s emphasis on Simon will become apparent as we examine the rest of his story and the legacy he left behind, a legacy that has negatively affected the world until this day and will become even more deadly in the days to come. But before we begin our study of his legacy, I will clear up a long-standing misunderstanding concerning the identity of the Samaritans. Truth is important in any endeavor, especially when it involves the Word of God–the Word by which every human who has ever lived will be judge. For this reason we are commanded to STUDY God’s Word in order to be approved by Him. Let us do so with focus, vigor and determination to know the Truth which will set us free from all error. To be continued. L.J.
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