I have been where some of you probably are right now. After hearing a perverted version of God’s Gospel for many years, things changed drastically when I learned the truth. I could not wait to share the true Gospel with members of my family. Big mistake. What I thought would be embraced with open hearts by those whose lives revolved around the church was instantly and totally rejected. Without exception they were all in total agreement about what I revealed about the Bible they all carried with them to church, read every day, etc. They rejected it. To a person, they rejected any Words in that Book that did not agree with their theology. The only parts they accepted were what I call God’s “headlines” (about 5%). I pointed out the other 95% which I call His “fine print.” Everyone loved “headlines” such as “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:31). However, statements such as “IF you would enter into life, keep the commandments” (Mat. 19:17)–not so much. Note in verses 18-21 that THE MAN WOULD NOT RECEIVE SALVATION BECAUSE HE REFUSED TO KEEP COMMANDMENT #10 CONCERNING COVETING. My super-religious, Bible-toting, Scripture-quoting, church-obsessed relatives rejected at least 95% of God’s Holy Word. Lesson taught.
Then I saw what the Lord said about witnessing and proselyting and, over time, the lessons He was teaching me were learned. One of the lessons I learned I will share with you in this series. Warning: God’s Word on the subject will be the exact opposite of what you have always been taught as “Gospel Truth” by well-meaning but Scripture-rejecting church leaders. Let us now learn what the Writer of those Scriptures said about witnessing.
In Matthew 24:14 Jesus told His disciples (followers), who were soon-to-be apostles (sent ones), about the meaning of the word “witness.” He said: “This GOSPEL of the kingdom shall be PREACHED in all the world as a WITNESS to all nations, and then the end shall come.” Notice that He was telling His MINISTERS to preach the GOSPEL, which would be His WITNESS to the nations of the world. Notice that He said nothing about the other 99% of His people being involved in ministry. In Ephesians 4:10-13 we are told that upon His ascension into Heaven He appointed some men in the church to be ministers for the purpose of perfecting the individual members so that the Body of Christ would be edified. The appointed ministers were to teach their congregations the Gospel until they came to exhibit “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” in their daily lives. (Eph. 4:13). Note that those in the congregations were not told to minister like Christ, but rather to live like Him amidst the sinful world around them.
Ministry is the domain of the APOSTLES, PROPHETS, EVANGELISTS, PASTORS AND TEACHERS WHOM THE LORD APPOINTS AND ANOINTS. The job of these men is to teach the church how to live. The job of the church is to live as they have been taught–to live as Christ lived (1 Jn. 2:6; 3:3/ Rev. 3:21). Which brings us to the subject of this series.
It is understandable that, once having learned the Truth about God’s Word, one wants to tell everyone else about it. Everyone wants to be a minister, even on a one-on-one basis. But is this desire coming from the God of the Holy Scriptures? The answer will probably surprise you.
First, it is essential to understand that no human being has the authority to call other people unto God’s Truth. Jesus makes this clear in John 6:44 where He says: “No man can come to me unless the Father calls him ….” No one volunteers to be a true (Biblically defined) Christian. As Jesus tells us in John 15:16: “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you.” An individual must be willing to respond to God’s calling. However, no one has the right to volunteer him/herself to true Christianity. One most certainly cannot call others to do so. Calling people to the Truth is God’s responsibility. For this reason GOD DOES NOT CALL TRUE BELIEVERS TO PROSELYTIZE (tell others about Him).
But did not Jesus say in Matthew 28:19,20: “Go YE therefore and teach all nations … to obey all things whatsoever I have taught you ….” Obviously, the Lord wants His Gospel Truth to be preached and taught throughout the world. But notice to whom Jesus was speaking–HIS APOSTLES whom He had taught and trained for their ministry. This is the process God uses to call, train and send out those through whom His Truth is to be made available to those who want to hear it. And even then, His ministers are not to try to talk anyone into accepting Bible Truth or to be converted. God’s ministers do not try to force people to hear His Truth. Recall that Jesus “knew who would betray Him.” Jesus knew from day one that Judas was a thief and a betrayer (Jn. 13:11). Note that He put forth no special effort to convert him. Recall also the 70 disciples whom He sent out to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, only to have them desert Him later on (Mat. 10:1,17, Jn. 6:59-66). Note that He did not try to dissuade them from leaving. JESUS KNOWS THE HEART OF EVERY HUMAN BEING.
In Isaiah 42:2 and Matthew 12:19 it is written about Jesus that “His voice was not heard in the streets.” He buttonholed no one. He spoke to no one in the streets except on those rare instances when He dealt with a specific person in a particular situation. The man at the pool at Bethesda is a prime example (Jn. 5:1-9). On a few other occasions individuals came to Him or were brought to Him, as in the case of the prostitute written about in John 8:1-11.
The Lord does not obligate anyone to personally proselytize. He does, however, require His people to be a light to those around them. Note that saints are to serve as a light so that others might see the difference between themselves and those who are so very different from them (1 Peter 2:9). Those whose hearts are open to His Word will “come to your (our) light” so that the lighted one can share God’s light with everyone “in the house” (Mat. 5:15). Note that light seekers must come into the “house” in order to partake of the light. That light is God’s Word. The “house” is where the light is shining. The light does not go to the person, the person comes to the house where the lighted one lives and from which he/she shines. Warning: the vast majority who see your light will not come to it. The more religious the viewer, the less likely he/she will embrace your light. Darkness hates the light (Jn. 3:20) because it exposes their darkness.
While Jesus was in the world He was the “light of the world” (Jn. 8:12). Upon His departure, the apostles became the “light of the world” (Mat. 5:14). Note that the light is singular–light, not lights. They were 13 differed people going in 13 different directions. How could they each individually be God’s singular light of the world? They were not. But they all carried God’s Word which they became–the Word of God in human form. Before coming to earth as Jesus of Nazareth He was a God Who was the Word in spirit form. For this reason He was called “the Word” (Jn. 1:1-4,14). He simply changed from being the divine WORD in spirit form to being the divine WORD in physical form. Jesus called Himself “the Truth” (Jn. 14:4). He identified the Truth as God’s Word (Jn. 17:17). He was so filled with the light that He became light. The same is true for His saints. Spiritually, we become what we consume. We must consume the Word/light in order to become the Word/light made flesh as did Jesus. John 12:48 tells us that mankind will be judged by the WORD of God. As I have so often stated: EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO THE WORD. To spend eternity in the Kingdom of God, we must become His Word in the flesh.
As the “light of the world” we all are to shine as a light in the darkness of this world. In this world of darkness, light draws to itself those who are attracted to it. Those who prefer darkness (sin) reject God’s light (holiness-producing Word) and will not come to it. For this reason we are told not to speak His Word to everyone. We are warned not to “… cast your pearls before swine.” We are to simply live the light-filled life. God will send to us those whose hearts are open to His light. Do not be surprised if no one comes to your light. Recall that Jesus said where TWO OR THREE are gathered in His name, He would be there. He knew that the lighted life is a life of spiritual aloneness. John the Baptist showed how living the light points others to THE ULTIMATE LIGHT (Jesus) so “… that all men through him might believe” (John 1:7).
In closing I will remind you that Jesus spoke to multiplied thousands, fed them, healed them, delivered them, etc., but did not tell them about the Kingdom of God. Nor did He ask them to believe His Words. In fact, He spoke to the masses in parables so that they could not understand the ways of God. Why? Because “He knew the thoughts of their hearts” (Mk. 9:47).
Live the light/Word of God. God will SEND TO YOU those whom you might touch with your testimony/witness (the Gospel). Some will come to your light. However, some of them, possibly most of them or even all of them, might then go back to the darkness. Like Judas, Simon of Samaria and the 70 disciples, some will refuse to embrace the light. Remember the parable of the seeds–some sprouted and sprang up, only to wither away later. Your job is to keep shining. God will take care of everything else. L.J.
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