As I have stated on several occasions, the “kingdom of heaven” is the modern day church with its many supposedly acceptable sins and errors that God supposedly overlooks because everyone is supposedly saved and supposedly born again–not one of which is true. According to Jesus, only a few within the end time (Laodicean era) church are God’s true saints. In the Holy Scriptures we find Jesus repeatedly describing the kingdom of heaven while speaking in parables, which He used when addressing people whom He knew were not interested in His message, but rather in His miracles. Because of this He did not want the multitudes who followed Him “… to know the mysteries (knowledge) of (how to enter) the kingdom of heaven” (Mat. 13:10-13).
As I pointed out in the previous series (key word–Professors), only a tiny minority of people will be saved and born again in this lifetime. Following the millennium, during which time (1000 years) those of the second resurrection will hear God’s Truth for the first time, God will offer them salvation. Those who reject it will be cast into the Lake of Fire, along with those who had heard His Truth in this life, knew it was true, then rejected it. These people will rise in the third resurrection and join unbelievers from the second resurrection. Those in both groups will be burned to ash which will be walked upon by God’s people. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three.
Sex is one of the most powerful weapons in Satan’s arsenal. Using this weapon in a variety of ways, he has been extremely successful in the spiritual seduction of mankind. Sex is a blessing from God Who designed that wonderful gift to be used as the ultimate expression of love between husbands and wives. It was also designated to be the method by which the world was to be populated (Gen. 1:28), which Adam and Eve were commanded to do. The irony of this situation is that they were placed in a paradise on earth, given total control over not only Eden but the entire world and everything on and under it forever. BUT THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH! They wanted the power to determine right and wrong, which only God possesses. This situation should look familiar, for this is the reason why the multi-bodied beast called Christianity exists today. Man made himself a god, thereby awarding himself the power to determine right and wrong, which is what we today call “church doctrine.” Each church has its own set of doctrines which differ from all the doctrines of all other churches, denominations, faiths, etc.
The first instance of sexual perversion recorded in the Holy Scriptures is found in Genesis 9:22-24. This instance concerned the law of parental authority. Children were not to see their parents’ private body parts, which Ham did when he looked inside Noah’s tent and visually saw his nakedness. Unknown to most is the fact that men are forbidden to see the nakedness of other men. It can be assumed that the same rule applies to women. Anciently, both men and women wore robes. Men, and presumably women, did not wear what we call undergarments. Only the priests were commanded to wear them when approaching the alter of God in order to lead the congregation in worship (Exo. 28:42). Alters were required to not need to be climbed. This was to prevent the next in line from seeing the private parts of the one ahead of him.
Numerous Scriptures forbid people from seeing the nakedness of other people. Read Leviticus chapters 18 and 20. Nowhere are we told that this law was changed. Mankind (including women) break this commandment many times every day when members of sports teams undress, shower, etc. together. I always felt uneasy when doing so. Now I know why–God forbids it.
The Scriptures tell us that one of the first, if not the first, sin entered into when an individual or a nation turns away from God involves deviant sex. In Romans 1:18-27 the Apostle Paul writes about ancient Israelites who, having known God, rejected Him in favor of other gods. Therefore (vss 24-28,31) He allowed them to do what they wanted to do–become sexual deviants, specifically queers, both males and females. In 2:2,3 we are told that God will severely punish those who sin. He specifically and thoroughly condemns homosexuality in both sexes. Today we see so-called “Christian nations” proudly proclaiming their sexual abominations and trying to show the world who exalts sex deviants the most. Because of this obsession with sexual depravity its various types are rapidly becoming accepted as “normal,” even by the church. Each American Foreign Embassy now flies the queer flag next to the American flag. I have prophesied for several years that the latter day church would do the same. It is happening today. And according to Jesus, what we are watching take place is only “… the beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:8).
Sexual leaven has spread throughout all of the self-defined “Christian nations” world-wide. The irony is that Muslim nations and other heathen countries outlaw such sins. Christian nations have allowed Satan’s sexual leaven to totally saturate and dominate individual morality within their borders. As Jesus warned, a little leaven in the dough quickly afflicts the entire loaf. When that happens, what God proclaims as good (coming against sexual deviance) is called evil ,and evil (exalting sexual deviance) is called good (Isa. 5:20). God pronounces “woes” upon those who call good evil and evil good (Eze. 22:26). Sexual leaven has rotted the hearts of the entire Western world, even though less than five percent of the people profess to be sexually deviant. What is especially disturbing, though totally expected, is that churches are flying the queer flag and telling people to come as queer as you are and stay as queer as you are. Jesus, they are told, prefers you that way. I was born with a violent temper, which I kept for many years. Then God took over my life and took removed that which displeased Him. Why? BECAUSE I REALIZED THAT MY TEMPER WAS OF SATAN AND ASKED HIM TO REMOVE IT. And He did. The same was true for several other “addictions” such as watching sports, reading novels, watching t.v. crime shows, etc. HE TOOK THEM ALL AWAY BECAUSE HE KNEW I WANTED TO FOCUS ONLY ON HIM. If He will do that for me, He will do that for anyone.
Concerning the queer month we have had at our throats for the past 26 days, what would happen if true Christians held a straight pride DAY each year? We all know what would happen. Leaven is allowed, even given governmental approval, when it is negative and glorifies ungodly, unbiblical behavior. How about a Christian Pride Day? Look around you; many churches have turned into sexual deviance-embracing institutions. As I predicted several years ago, before it is over ALL CHURCHES WILL FALL UNDER SATAN’S SEX SPELL. That, along with all of the other sins the God-proclaiming nations are engaged in, is why destruction, defeat, slaughter and enslavement are coming on the church and the nations that house her during this the Laodicean era of man’s human existence. Read Revelation 3:14-20.
I believe that God is going to give America one last opportunity to repent individually and as a nation and return to Him. I also believe that Donald Trump will be our next president. He is a spiritual reprobate, but he is the one I believe God will place in the leadership role (Dan. 4:17) for the purpose of turning the nation around politically, economically and militarily. I also believe that God is going to use His called-out, appointed and anointed apostles to fill the world’s airwaves with His Truth, not only with the spoken word, but in signs, wonders and miracles such as have never taken place on earth. Due to the degree to which global information is available today, everyone on earth will be able to see such things as the healing of bodies and minds, deliverance from demonic spirits, raising of the dead, walking on water, etc. take place in real time. I believe that God has shown me that He is going to prove to the world that His Word is TRUTH. I also believe that the period when these things take place will be short-lived as people, including church people, will turn against Him, His messengers and their followers. Why? Because having the Holy Scriptures proven to be God’s Truth will prove that the churches are not only wrong, but have been wrong all along. Man will not tolerate such an assault on his pride. The retaliation will be deadly. Remember the Catholic Inquisition in which some 50 million innocent people were killed by the Roman Empire at the behest of the church hierarchy. Because of this, I work diligently while it is day, for night comes when true servants of God will not be allowed to do what we do. I believe that, before that takes place, the world will see things that will make the Book of Acts pale by comparison. L.J.
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