Question: Why doesn’t the American society stand up to the abomination called “transgenderism” and send the transgressors back into the shadows where they belong? Answer: Because America has already surrendered to the sexual deviant crowed. She has waved the multi-colored flag of defeat. Over the past few years she has turned her back of the God Who created her to be His light to the world and has submerged herself in Satan’s darkness. Here are a few examples of her surrendering her moral superiority of old to the moral inferiority of this age.
Some years ago the nation’s liberal Supreme Court changed the meaning of marriage from the union of one man and one woman to the union of two members of the same sex. Several years earlier the court satisfied the nation’s cry for acceptance of the formerly unacceptable by legalizing and socially embracing homosexuality. In the years leading up to these abominations the nation had decided that such Biblically defined sins as pornography, divorce, adultery and fornication should be accepted as normal. Generally speaking, America has surrendered to sin (Satan) on every front. So how can we expect her people to suddenly summon the moral spine to take on the latest sexual abomination to come out of the closet and into the mainstream–transgenderism?
The Apostle Jude’s letter to the church reminds us of the fate of ancient cities which had become saturated in sin: “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them who were like them, having given themselves over to fornication and homosexuality, are SET FORTH AS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW SUCH BEHAVIOR BRINGS ON THE VENGEANCE OF ETERNAL FIRE” (vs 7). Supernatural fire turned those cities into ash. Verse 18 shows that this prophetic epistle was recorded and preserved to be used as church study material in “the last days” and as “an example” for us who are living in those days. Note that Sodom and Gomorrah had “given themselves over” to homosexuality, meaning that the people had not always been queer. The Apostle Paul said the same thing in Romans 1:24 and 26. God had tried to lead them in His way. Having been rejected, He “gave them up” or allowed them to follow their own lead into homosexuality.
I can remember when homosexuals were not accepted in the American military. As President of the United States, Donald Trump announced that transgenders would not be allowed to serve in the military in any capacity. Months later the courts overruled him, thereby allowing transgenders to join the military. Surrender on these points opened the floodgates, creating a spiritual tidal wave aimed at those who were “gendered confused,” etc. Early on, homosexuality was designated as mental illness which could be treated. But wiser people decided that being queer was as normal as being straight. Since then the types of “gender confusions” have increased, each one asking for and receiving special consideration and total acceptance in the social realm. Of late we have become familiar with the ever-increasing number of males posing as females in order to compete against them on the sports level. Any voice coming out against this social disgrace is met with a chorus of voices calling the offender the enemy of “gender-affirming care.”
America is at war, and she is losing. Battle after battle is won by God’s enemy. The nation’s moral sickness is a self-inflicted wound. A personal or national surrender to sin creates a toxic environment in which perversion, especially sexual perversion, flourishes as if on spiritual steroids. A healthy body is able to ward off normal attacks of diseases. A spiritually healthy mind is able to deflect Satan’s “fiery darts” of temptation (Eph. 6:16). The more we sin the farther we are removed from God (Isa. 59:2) and the easier it becomes for Satan and his demons to penetrate our defenses. This is why the devil works so hard to weaken and sicken us through sin which renders us unable to resist his temptations. One sin leads to another, then another as the opening in our spiritual armor becomes larger. In the final analysis the sinner turns himself over to the enemy for domination and enslavement. One who continues to sin after committing to the Lord is the slave of the devil.
America has become a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Ours is the prophesied Laodicean church age (Rev. 3:14-17). The modern church is rich, increased with goods, self-satisfied and complacent. As one woman told me, “I know all I need to know.” All she knew was John 3:16. And she had that wrong. Read the series on John 3:16. Key word–John. We must follow the Lord’s COMMANDS relative to keeping ourselves separate from the world around us, including the so-called “Christian world.” He tells us through Paul that we must not get entangled in the affairs of this world, but must work to please the Lord (2 Tim. 2:3,4). We must avoid the toxic weapons with which Satan has filled this world, sex being perhaps the most powerful. We must not be affected by his entertainments and distractions that take us away from God. As I watch people spend hours staring into hand-held screens, watching television, etc. I recall God’s COMMAND to “redeem the time” He has allotted us. We must “redeem” it, meaning to take it away from Satan who will rob us of it if we let our guard down.
We are at war with an enemy who does not sleep and is constantly on the offensive. We must be prepared for battle at all times because we do not know when he will send one of his temptations our way. And he will, usually when we least expect it. Always be on guard for “the devil walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Let us listen for his sounds (watch out for his temptations) and be ready to go toe to toe with him using the power of the Holy Spirit which God has given to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32). Like a child learning to walk, we are expected to fall in the beginning of our Christian lives. But with help we soon learn to walk without falling.
However, in the spiritual realm we are EXPECTED to fall repeatedly until the moment of death, thanks to Adam’s supposed sin-transferal miracle. But all is well if you believe in Jesus, we are told. I recently saw a young woman being interviewed. When asked if she had sex with her boyfriend she did not hesitate to answer “yes.” When reminded that fornication was a sin. She replied innocently, “But God forgives me.” SHE WAS SPEAKING FOR BILLIONS OF LIKE-MINDED CHURCH PEOPLE. Satan’s sin-repent, sin-repent cycle is standard procedure for those in the church, we are told from pulpit and podium, from television and radio, from movies and books. Indeed, “Satan has deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9).
Let us grow up and stay on our spiritual feet. Let us not be like the Hebrews whom Paul wanted to teach but who, having received only Scriptural “milk,” were still babes, unable to receive God’s “strong meat” (Heb. 5:11-6:6), which I call His “fine print.” Let us grow up in the Lord. Let us wean ourselves off the church’s breast milk (5:12,13; 6:1,2). Let us search out and devour the Lord’s “strong meat” (5:14). Death awaits those who refuse to do so. As Paul told the Hebrew Christians, if we continue to sin after supposedly accepting Christ as our Lord, we “crucify to ourselves the Son of God and put Him to an open shame” (6:6). By continuing to sin after supposedly being “saved,” we proclaim to the world that Jesus did not die to empower us to resist Satan’s temptations. Rather, He died to enable us to sin and get away with it. This is what you hear every sun god day from Satan’s false prophets.
One such local prophet summed up the attitude of professing Christianity when he told his local and t.v. audience: “Don’t even try to be righteous. You’ll just make yourself sick. You are nothing but a society of sinners.” The camera panned his congregation, revealing a sea of grinning faces and nodding heads. That same message is preached millions of times every Sunday. Is it any wonder this nation is in its present hell-bound condition? God is calling out to salvation seekers: DO NOT FOLLOW AFTER AMERICA’S SINNING WAYS. DO NOT BE PART OF HER LAODICEAN CHURCH SYSTEM. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1) and obey God’s command. Only those who do so will join Him in His earthly kingdom. So said Jesus Christ in Revelation 3:21. L.J.
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