America’s moral decay is the result of a curse. Every curse has a cause (Prov. 26:2). America’s curse is caused by the same thing that causes all individual and national curses. The cause is sin–disobedience to God’s Law, which He condensed into Ten Commandments. Students of His Law (Genesis to Revelation) know that He prophesied thousands of years ago that any individual or nation that rebelled against Him would fall at His hand from the curses He would pour out on them. In Daniel8:10-12 He said through the prophet that a time would come when even His True Church would rebel against Him. The passage describes a demon army attacking God’s people by tempting them to “cast God’s Truth to the ground.” And that they would succeed. These people would have the Truth and would have, at one time, believed and obeyed it. Today, only a tiny remnant, the spiritual descendants of that church, is still walking in the ways of the Lord as we are commanded to do in First John 2:6 as well as many other verses. I believe that God’s true church today numbers only in the thousands globally, and not many thousands at that. My guess is about 10,000. And I am being generous.
How could this have happened? Why did God allow it? Daniel tells us that it happened “because of transgressions”–the breaking of God’s Law–for “To transgress the Law is sin; for sin is the transgression of the Law” (1 Jn. 3:4). Because 99% of God’s people turned away from Him they left themselves open to Satanic and demonic invasion. And invade they did. The first thing the rebels did was to reject His Law, claiming that it was nailed to Christ’s cross. The spirit of iniquity (Gk.–Lawlessness) took over the minds of the rebels and convinced them that they could create their own rules of right and wrong. Sound familiar? It should, for that is exactly what Adam and Eve did and for the same reason–they craved self-governance. They got it. And the rest is history.
The spirit of Lawlessness leaves the individual open to many other spirits. When an individual stops fighting evil they automatically go into a soul-destroying descent made up of four predictable steps: 1) they give in to evil, 2) then they accept it as inevitable, 3) then they proclaim its rightness, 4) then they come against anyone who rejects it. This is also true of nations. At this point they begin to call evil good and good evil, to call light darkness and darkness light. Anyone who comes against their version of “good” and “light” are said to be “evil” and to live in “darkness.” In religious circles they are accused of not following Jesus who “loves everyone and accepts them as they are.” It is also the point at which they call males females and females males.
That America is at point four is proven by the fact that our once blessed nation has embraced the spirit of surrender. Consider this: The World’s most powerful military now has a man who dresses like a woman being celebrated as “America’s first female four-star general.” How did we come to believe that we must “affirm” our children by pharmacologically castrating them and surgically carving up healthy genitalia? Question: How did we sink into such a moral abyss? Answer: one step at a time.
How did we come to the point at which transgenderism has been normalized by an ever-growing percentage of our population? How did we get to the point at which those who do not accept it as normal are labeled abnormal? Why have we surrendered to that God-defined abomination? What caused our once-godly nation to make her abode in a cesspool of sin? What were the legal steps she took on her Satan-directed journey? A short trip into the past will spell it out ever so clearly. 2 PAGES
The reason the American society refuses to stand up to the blatant evil that is transgenderism is because we have already surrendered to Satan, his fallen spirits and their human followers. She surrendered without a fight. The church, which should have been powerful enough to bring it to an end, was too far removed from God to receive power from Him. As a result, we are watching that Satan-directed body wave the white flag of surrender while hanging queer/trans flags outside her doors. I don’t like to even drive by the Catholic and Protestant citadels of sin. There is an aura of death that surrounds them. As well it should for Satan’s spiritual helpers reside within them. Their human members are spiritually dead, which explains why the nations they inhabit are equally dead. Only individually can God’s true saint remain victorious over the devil and his demons. As Jesus tells us in Revelation 3:21, only those who overcome them as He overcame them will join Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God.
Anything is possible. I believe that there will be a period of “revival” when people will turn to God, but only on the church level, not the Biblically commanded level. The change will be not only superficial, but also temporary. Eventually, America the Beautiful will become America no more. My heart breaks as I review the history of Israel and know that America will suffer the same defeat, slaughter and enslavement. Do not be a part of that. Turn to God totally. Quit sin utterly. Walk as Jesus walked and be taken to His place of safety before the Great Tribulation begins. L.J.
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