“We are not going away” screams a sexual pervert in a recent Pride Month parade. The statement is true because the vast majority of Americans either do not know or do not care about God’s Word concerning the most recent abomination to pollute the nation’s collective mind. Does anyone care about God’s attitude toward what is dominating the airwaves throughout not only America but other “Christian nations?” Very few people have ever read Deuteronomy 22:5 where the God who made us male and female and gave us the commission to create other males and females said: “A woman will not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor will a man put on a woman’s garment, for ALL WHO DO SO ARE ABOMINATIONS TO THE LORD THEIR GOD.” The dictionary definition of the word “ABOMINATION” is something that is disgusting and morally abhorrent. Which is exactly what God thinks about what has been exalted and glorified throughout America over the past month. How must He view the drag shows that glorify transgenderism that is now the “in” thing being forced upon innocent children under the guise of helping them “figure out who and what they actually are,” which, to no one’s surprise, is always the opposite of what God made them. This proves that Satan is alive and dominant in America today.
Most people dismiss God’s Old Testament Words as primitive dictates of a domineering, self-exalting tyrant who has been replaced by a more lenient, user-friendly Buddy whose goal is to please his free-range followers rather than rule over them. The nation’s true spiritual leader (Satan) is described by Jesus as he who “cares not for the things of God, but for the things of man” (Mk. 8:33). The “things” of man are the opposite of the things of God. As the Lord said in Genesis 8:21: “The heart of man is evil from his youth.” When allowed to, that evil reveals its itself publicly. Sex is a favorite venue on which Satan-dominated man chooses to reveal his true character.
This phenomenon has a long history. As stated in a previous posting, when ancient Israel turned away from God, He “gave them up to uncleanness, to the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves” (Rom. 1:24,26). One of those lusts involved presenting themselves as the opposite sex. The tenth commandment prohibits desiring what one is not allowed to have, to do or to be. Recall that the rich man was denied eternal life because of “one thing”–his lust for more things (Mk. 10:17-22). The trans person lusts for what he/she cannot be–the opposite sex. Satan has the solution. One need only believe that he is a she or she is a he and, in an instant, one is what one is not and is not what one is. All it takes is a thought.
Knowing that changing one’s sex is impossible, deviants settled for dressing and acting like the sex they want to be. Today this is called “transgendering.” We must understand the difference between sex and gender. Sex pertains to what one IS–one’s physical self. Gender pertains to what one DOES–one’s mental self. One can change genders at will simply by changing clothes, which God forbids. Notice that “transsexing” is not involved in the God-forbidden abomination under discussion. Removal of certain bodily organs does make one the opposite sex which would require a total physical change, including one’s dna, which is impossible. Dna can be changed from one sex to the other only in the mind of a mentally-deranged, demon-possessed person. Transgendering is caused by a demon which must be removed from its host. This is normally accomplished through deliverance.
Most people are ignorant of the root cause of the transgender problem because they either do not know God’s Word or do not believe it. Either way, America is decaying rapidly because His Word is rejected by the vast majority of her citizens. As a result, transgendering has been allowed to burst onto the American social, political and religious scene unchecked. The abomination has taken center stage in the nation’s classrooms, boardrooms, legislatures and streets. Teachers have taken it upon themselves to indoctrinate an entire generation in the rightness of what God calls sin. Everywhere we look we see proofs of “woke’s” popularity and growing acceptance as “normal.” A recent statistic noted that the number of youths that identify as transgender has increased 1000 percent over the past ten years. Businesses are being forced by governmental and legislative decree to go “woke.” Doctors are chemically and surgically mutilating the bodies of healthy children in a vain, Satan-led obsession to change nature.
This trend graphically demonstrates the consequences of ignoring God’s Law. Man’s rejection of His pure, simple Law has resulted in the moral and physical destruction of what was once the greatest nation on earth. What will America look like in ten years if the Lord does not return? I shutter to think what life would be like under trans-dominated federal and local administrations. God warned about the cumulative effects of leaven (sin). If America does not return the Almighty god, what we have been subjected to over the past four weeks will become “normal” in a very short time. The Apostle Paul was right when he wrote in Romans 1:28 that when people refuse to learn and believe God’s Words He released them to develop reprobate minds and to believe and do things that are worthless at best and vile at worst. L.J.
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