Some time ago I noticed that the sex trans movement had come out of the social closet and was raising its ugly head. I wrote about the subject, declaring this was only the beginning of the trans movement, that there would come a time when people would convince themselves that they were of a species other than human. I wrote at that time that Satan would convince people that they were animals, birds, fish, reptiles, etc., and that those “creatures” would “know” beyond a doubt that they were the non-human species they envisioned themselves to be. Not long after that my elder daughter, who is a supervisor of college teachers, told me about an incident experienced by one of her part-time teachers who teaches in a local public school. This teacher had recently had a new student arrive in her class who “knew” that he was a reptile. The child did not walk, but rather crawled from place to place as would a lizard which he believed himself to be. Not surprisingly, his parents had moved to the Dallas, Texas area from California. When told that their son would have to act like a human being in order to remain in the Texas school, the parents were bewildered. They insisted that, because he BELIEVED himself to be a reptile, HE WAS IN FACT A RETILE. I had predicted such behavior earlier and stated at the time that we need to get ready for this type of lunacy to become commonplace in the future. That future arrived sooner than I expected.
It was recently reported that Great Britain is experiencing a surge in the number of children who are no longer human, but rather animals, birds, reptiles and even PLANETS. One example given in the article was a child who “knew” that she was a cat. So complete was the transition that, instead of speaking, she meowed. Earlier I had read about and reported on a man who “knew” that he was a combination of human and parrot. Parrots have no ears and large beaks. This man had his ears surgically removed and wore headgear featuring a large beak that covered the middle of his face. Some who believe themselves to be cats have their teeth filed into points and have whiskers tattooed on their faces. One man, “knowing” that he was a devil, had horns surgically implanted on his forehead.
Anyone who does not believe in the power and influence of Satan and his demons will soon have to face reality. There is no other explanation for such mental illness. Unlike social fads, fashions and social movements, this current movement will not come to an end when the novelty wears off. This fad is here to stay and will become a larger problem because Satan is behind it. The time will soon come when NORMAL, REALITY-BASED PEOPLE WILL BE EXPECTED TO VIEW THE TRANS ABOMINATION AS NOT ONLY NORMAL, BUT ONE TO BE ADMIRED. NORMAL PEOPLE WILL BE LABELED ABNORMAL BY THE TRANS CROWD AS WELL AS THEIR SUPPORTERS, WHICH WILL INCLUDE THE CHURCHES. YES, YOUR CHURCH TOO. Welcome to Satan’s world. which is transing as you read this posting.
Such demonic “reality” is not limited to the trans situation and does not involve only trans people. Areas of the United States are doing other things that, like the trans movement, defy rationality. For example, Los Angeles and San Francisco are building entire neighborhoods of miniature cottages for those who choose to be “homeless” so that they can live in air conditioned comfort with free cell phones, food, utilities, clothing, etc. And that is not all. Being drug addicts by choice, they have no problem getting the drugs they crave. When they need drugs, which are not being provided (yet), they simply go to the nearest store, steal what they want, sell what they have stolen and use the money to buy drugs. Sterile needles, pipes, etc. are provided so that they can engage in their druggery in safety and comfort while basking in the stupor of their choice–all at taxpayer expense. The governor of that state wants to be our next president.
Do not get the impression that this will remain solely a West Coast phenomenon. If the closet communists now in power remain in power, what we are seeing transpire on the West Coast will spread eastward like a cancer, destroying the nation state by state. California craziness will become a national spiritual pandemic. And with the invasion that is taking place on our southern border, America will eventually become a drug saturated welfare nation, the state of California being the template. Those who continue to work will support the other 90% of the population which will grow exponentially as the “immigrants” have babies at record rates so as to receive larger monthly checks from those who still work.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what lies ahead of us unless God intervenes. Which I believe He will over the next few years. I believe He is going to expose the Left for what it is–a Godless, lying, cheating, murderous, vote-obsessed contingent of spiritual reprobates who will stop at nothing to achieve their ultimate goal, which is ULTIMATE POWER, WHICH IS AVAILABLE ONLY IN A COMMUNIST STYLE DICTATORSHIP.
As readers of this website know by now, the cause of this situation is spiritual. Isaiah 59:2 tells us that SIN SEPARATES US FROM GOD. Like an infant separated from its mother, we are helpless when separated from our Maker, which makes us easy pickings for Satan and his fallen angels. Anyone who can’t see their influence in what is happening to this once God-loving, God-obeying nation is spiritually blind. And it all began in the church where tautological reality got its start when such unbiblical “truths” as the Law nailed to the cross, denominationalism, salvation in this life, the Sunday Sabbath, the rapture, etc. became “Bible Truth.” Because those in the church wanted those and many more heathen beliefs and customs to be true, they became true. Any Biblical evidence to the contrary, and there is much, automatically became lies because the people wanted them to be lies. The society, taking its cues from the church, has formulated its own versions of “truth” and “reality.” Today, the reigning “I want it to be so, therefore it is so” phenomenon is the “trans movement” which has become the “in thing”– the latest fad. The problem is that, unlike social fads, this fad operates with Satanic empowerment. It will not fade away, rather, it will continue to grow until and unless it is forced to end by a greater power from on high.
When Satan convinced God’s people that he had a better, more user-friendly version of the Gospel, people began “quiet leaving” the Biblical God. Today we see this in the social realm as people practice “quiet quiting” their jobs by doing a little as possible while pretending to be good employees. Spiritually, such “quiet quitters” do the minimum necessary in order to remain part of “the church” by doing four things. One need only 1) show up (periodically), 2) ‘fess up (occasionally), 3) pay up (without fail) and 4) prepare to go up (where Jesus awaits). “Quiet quitters” remain physically in “the church” and give Jesus lip service, but, as He said, “their hearts are far from Me” (Mat. 15:8). It’s all about the “visuals.” Wearing crosses, church attendance, smiling, etc. is all part of the “visuals” associated with spiritual “quiet quitting.” And it works. But as the ten virgins (Mat. 25) tells us, the end result is not what will be expected.
With the passage of time and the rejection of ever more Bible Truths, the hearts of church people have grown ever further away from Him. Like their human cat, dog, reptile, planet, etc. counterparts, they “know” that they are real Christians. Any Biblical proof to the contrary is instantly rejected. Let this be understood, Satan strictly controls his majority contingent within “the church.” They read and hear only what he allow them to hear and read–the “headlines.” These are the same people who determine church “truth” and “reality.” Only a few, Jesus said, allow His Truth and reality into their hearts (minds).
I believe that the Almighty is in the process of bringing the Satan-implemented corruption we are witnessing in both the social and religious arenas out in the open for all the world to see. I believe that the reprobates in both political parties and in all of the “churches” will be exposed for what they are. I also believe that we will see religious “revival” take place as never before. It has already begun, calling itself the “Jesus movement.” As I predicted, this “revival” is based on church doctrine which, as the Holy Scriptures tell us, is Satan’s perverted Gospel parading as God’s Truth (Gal. 1:6-9/ Mat. 15:9). In the end, nothing will change; there will simply be more churchiness and religiosity. As a result, America and those like her will go down exactly as did their ancient ancestors, and for the same reason–rebellion against God’s Law. Only the return of Jesus Christ will save mankind from destroying himself (Mat. 24:22).
Only those who have clung to the Lord through obedience and faith will survive the coming Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord. When the Tribulation arrives His true church will have been taken to a place of provision and protection known as “her place” (Rev. 12:14). Jesus warned that those who are taken there will be few in number. Let us be among the few. L.J.
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