One of the curses God warns that He will place on any individual or nation that rebels against Him is mental “madness” or “insanity of mind” (Deut. 28:28). Over the past 26 days America and other “Christian nations” have exhibited before the rest of the world an excellent example of what national “madness” and “insanity of mind” looks and sounds like. Those of sound mind in each of the afflicted nations have watched in total embarrassment as a tiny (5%) of their respective populations have paraded their queerness and transness before banks of cameras manned (or womaned) by equally mad/insane television personalities and corporate executives. Though they themselves may not be queer, trans, by, pan, cis, alternating, not sure, we’ll see, let you know later, etc., supporters of sexual deviates themselves suffer from the same Satan-induced stupor as those displaying their mental derangement , as well as their genitalia, for the world to see. Sane people are wondering, as one foreigner stated to a national audience: “America, what happened to you?” The answer is obvious to students of the Holy Bible: SATAN HAS TAKEN OVER THE MINDS OF CERTAIN PEOPLE AND THEIR SUPPORTERS.
What the world sees taking place the entire month is not new. This lunacy of mind was not only played out anciently among God’s chosen people, it was prophesied to play out in the end times when many of their spiritual and physical descendants would, like them, choose to follow Satan instead of the Biblical God. And, as happened anciently and is prophesied to happen in the near future, THE SITUATION IS GOING TO BECOME MUCH, MUCH WORSE before the Lord brings it to an end. Read Deuteronomy 28:14-68, every word of which happened to Israel and will happen to America, Britain and the modern day nation called Israel. The reason for the latter abomination will be the same as for the former abomination–sin–the transgression of God’s Law (Holy Bible–1 Jn. 3:4). Pay special attention to verse 28,
Since man began to organized himself into societies there have from time to time occurred what are, in social circles, called “fads” and “crazes.” Webster’s Dictionary defines a fad as “a passing fancy or fashion”–a “must have” item/thing which one possesses. In my day it was the “flattop” haircut for boys and yo-yos. To be “cool” one had to wear a flat-top haircut and own a yo-yo. The yo-yo fad lasted only a couple of years. The flat-top hung around for a longer period of time before being replaced in the 1950’s by the “ducktail” haircut, thanks to Elvis Presley.
Situations take on a more serious tone when what is known as a “craze” develops. Webster’s defines a “craze” as “becoming mentally ill or deranged” relative to something one “must do” or “must be.” The mentally afflicted person feels he absolutely must do or be what he perceives in his mind. Such is the case with the queer, trans, etc. crazes that are now taking the so-called “civilized world” by storm. Note that the “uncivilized world” has not been afflicted with such mental viruses. They have other issues, just not those. Though Satan has always had sexual deviants, including adulterers and fornicators, they have until recently deliberately remained in the shadows due to the public’s rejection of their derangements. Those days are over.
Having gained control over the legal and social systems if the nations of the, the liberals of the Western World, many of those nations have legalized acts that were once deemed abominations based on Biblical standards. That was then, this is now. And the times are as opposite as black and white as one god has replaced another God. Now that the so-called “Christian nations” have pushed the Biblical God out of the public consciousness and Satan has been allowed in, the Lord’s enemy is flexing his spiritual, mental, social and political muscles. As a result, the Western (Christian) World is decaying from within as her citizens call good evil and evil good, just as God warned about through the Prophet Isaiah in 5:20.
But there is always a price to pay for rejecting the Biblical God. Early on (Deut. 28 and Lev. 26) He warned that He would curse those who ignore His Words. Read The Voices of God. Key word: Voices. To understand why America and other nations have been cursed over the years, read Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26, which also warn of what is coming in the future as those “Christian nations” grow further and further away from God. Also, recall that what was written to and about Israel was written to and about the church in existence at the end of the present (Laodicean) age (Eph. 2:20/ 1 Cor. 10:11).
So how did such a God-centered, God-blessed, God-used nation as the United States of America get to her present state of spiritual decay and become the world’s leader in spiritual rot? Simply stated, she followed Adam and Eve’s example–she changed gods. The Serpent of Eden deceived his victims into believing that His word was true and that God’s Word was a lie. The rest is history. Not surprisingly, this phenomenon has taken place again, only this time on a much larger scale. Just as Adam and Eve’s God-created, God-blessed world came to an end, America is coming to an end, along with all those nations who have looked to her for spiritual guidance. Once “the light of the world” relative to the things of God, America has fallen into darkness and has pulled other nations in with her. And the church led the way.
As goes the church, so goes the nation. The church was designed to be the guiding light of the nations in which she existed. Christianity’s light began going out not long after her establishment in 31 A.D. This ministry was established by the Lord to speak His Truth to the Catholic/Protestant Church System in the final days of the age. I am finding that the majority of those who write to me are relatively new in the Lord. And most of them are from the other side of the world. Most Americans are too entrenched in church doctrine to embrace God’s Word. Again, how did this happen?
The phenomenon is called “tautology,” meaning that “something is true because it is.” Truth, we are told, is totally relative–relative to whose truth it is, the situation or circumstance, the time of its existence, the convenience or inconvenience it generates, etc. Such “truth” is truth in spite of all of the verifiable evidence to the contrary which proves it to be a verifiable lie. Tautology states that something is true because it is “known” to be true by its possessor. “Proof” of its “truth” is that the possessor wants it to be true. Therefore, it is true. And as this “truth” is repeated, it becomes ever more true. All verifiable evidence to the contrary is summarily dismissed and declared to be irrelevant. A biological girl is indeed a boy because she wants to be a boy. But what about her reproductive organs, her breasts, her dna, her lack of muscle size and strength, her voice, etc? These observable facts are deemed not merely irrelevant, but non-existent. What cannot be proved trumps all scientific proof of what can be proved. What you see is actually your lying eyes that are deceiving you. And if you can’t see the “truth,” there is something terribly wrong with you.
This reasoning process relative to the Truths of God began to raise its ugly head within professing Christendom in the days of the original apostles. Read the Apostle Paul’s statement about such doctrinal changes in Galatians 1:6-9. Some 25 years after the founding of God’s church the churches of Galatia had already embraced a perverted version of His Gospel. By reading the writings of the other apostles we learn that the Galatians were not alone. Read Christ’s messages to the early churches in Revelation chapters one through three. Pay special attention to the final letter which was written to the church at Laodicea. That church characterized the end-time church as it exists today at the end of the age. Within two generations Satan had corrupted all but one of those early churches. The church at Philadelphia had held on to its godly faith. That church era began in the early 1930’s and ended in the early 1990’s. That was when I came to realize (thank you Jesus) what was happening and embraced that era’s Biblical beliefs. By reading Revelation 1 through 3 we find that it did not take long for Satan to corrupt the vast majority within the New Testament church. This should not be surprising in that he needed only one brief conversation with Eve to turn her and Adam from light to darkness, from good to evil, from life to death. Except in the case of a minutely few true believers, nothing has changed (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14).
First, Adam and Eve, then the nation of Israel, then the New Testament Church, then the modern day church–each quickly evolved from the worship of and obedience to the Biblical God to the worship of and obedience to Satan. Why? Because of Tautology–the majority chose wishful thinking over God’s Truth. Personal preference gave way to Biblical Truth with little resistance. What the changers deemed to be truth became irrefutable truth because they wanted it to be truth. And as their “truth” was repeated in each succeeding generation it became more truthful. This is how church “truths” such as the rapture, the trinity, the Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, original (Adam-caused) sin, the Law nailed to the cross, the Friday death and Sunday resurrection of Christ, salvation and rebirth in this life, replacement theology, etc., etc. became “Bible truths.” Not one of the so-called “Bible truths” listed above is found in the Bible. All of those subjects are discussed from a Biblical point of view on this website. For a free copy of series titles and key words email me at L.J.
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