Multiplied millions of church people world-wide have never heard God’s Word. Most of those who have heard His Truth cannot understand/embrace it because they approach it with closed hearts. Like the multitudes Jesus fed then spoke to in parables in order to mask God’s Truth (Mat. 13:3-15), the modern church has blinded her own eyes and deafened her own ears, making her unable to hear His Truth. Does God deliberately keep people from grasping His Truth? Let Jesus answer in Matthew 11:25: “… I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because THOU HAST HID THESE THINGS (TRUTHS) from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes.” Note it: God hides His Truth from those who believe themselves to be too spiritually wise to do/obey what He said–the Institutional Church. The vast majority–probably 99+percent–of those who hear me or read my writings do not believe such Scrip-tures. A even stronger statement revealing God’s attitude is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-11 where God tells us that those who do not obey His Word will “… PERISH because the do not receive the love of the TRUTH (Jn. 17:17) that they might be saved. And for this reason GOD WILL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION (so) THAT THEY WILL BELIEVE THE LIE.” I once had a former missionary read 1 John 3 in which God’s condemnation of church sinners is graphically depicted. I then asked her what was the crux of His message. Her answer: Love. Totally blinded to what she did not want to see, she saw only what confirmed her theology. Such is the case with the modern version of God’s church–Catholicism/Protestantism). Know this: If one wants to spiritually hang himself, God will supply the tree, the rope and the stool.
That no one can know either Father or Son unless he opens himself up to Their Truth is proved in Mat- thew 11:27: “No man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him.” Jesus was saying that we cannot know Him or the Father unless They are revealed to us. That can only happen if we obey Their Word. Hundreds of mil- lions of church people hear Their Words, memorize them, carry them on their person, hang them on their walls, witness them to others, preach them, etc. but refuse to do them. Following God’s command I have dedicated this miraculously-established website to exposing these people as spiritual frauds. They are counterfeit Christians who lure people into their Counterfeit Church. I have written in the local newspaper what I have written on this website. Only one minister has challenged me publicly. And when I answered with the Word of God, the public heard no more from him. Thousands of church people have read what you are reading and have dismissed it as the ramblings of one who has “… fallen from grace.” My challenge is that they “Prove all things of God, hold fast to what is good, abstain from what is evil” (1 Thes. 5:21,22). The church does not believe this statement. Having rejected God’s Word, they nonethe- less continue to call themselves His people while refusing to obey Him. He speaks to this hypocracy in Luke 6:46: “Why do ye call Me ‘Lord’ and do not the things I say?” In Matthew 7:21 we find Him saying: “Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father.” Having called a group of people “hypocrites,” Jesus explained why. The reason perfectly fits those in the Counterfeit Church: “These people draw nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain to the worship Me, teaching as (My) doctrines the commandments of men” (Mat. 15:9). Notice that these people WORSHIP Him, SPEAK of Him, HONOR Him, DRAW NEAR to Him in their speech–YET THEY DO NOT OBEY HIM. THEREFORE THEIR WORSHIP IS ALL IN VAIN. They proclaim the above Scriptures to be lies. Which is why the last message of this posting describes their end.
After depicting the condition of those who hear and obey His Words, Jesus described the inglorious end of those who do not: “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine (the Bible) and does not do them will be like the FOOLISH MAN who built his house on sand, and the rain descended and the flood came and the winds blew and … great was the fall of it” (Mat. 7:24-27). Like her spiritual ancestor–the church at Laodicea–professing Christendom mixes what few of God’s Word she believes with heathen practices which she swears by (Eze. 22:26), thereby making herself like vomit in God’s mouth which He will hurl out. She believes herself to be spiritually rich and in need of nothing from the Lord. Instead she is “… wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” (Rev. 3: 14-17). L.J.
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