Saving faith involves five words: TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD, meaning every Word, every time. Doing so necessitates taking His Bible writers at their Words with the understanding that they received those Words from Him, by way of His Holy Spirit, by which He and they (the Bible writers) communicated and by which He and His ministers communicate today. Relative to such communication, Jesus of Nazareth was no different from other human beings. Nothing has changed. Those who hear from and speak to Him today do so by way of the Holy Spirit. In Second Peter 1:21 the apostle tells us that holy men spoke as they were moved upon (spoken to–led) by the Holy Spirit. Afterwards they wrote, or had their scribes to write, what the Spirit had relayed to them from God, which they in turn spoke. Jesus received His directives from His Father in the same way. Noting has changed. God’s true saints hear God’s spiritual “voice” and reply back to Him in the same way as did Jesus. As He said, every Word He spoke had been given Him by His Father (Jn. 12:44-50).
As a man, Jesus was the same as other men. As He does today, God spoke to Him via His Spirit. Jesus spoke to God via that same Spirit. Modern man is no different. What Jesus had, we have. What He was able to do, we are able to do (Jn. 14:12)–IF WE WALK AS HE WALKED, which we must do in order to be in agreement with Him (Amos 3:3), which we must be in order to honestly call ourselves by His name (1 Jn. 2:6).
Faith consists of BELIEVING what is written in the Holy Scriptures. Saving faith consists of OBEYING what is written in those Holy Scriptures. Jesus warned that only a few salvation seekers would do so (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). Many, He said, would be called to believe and obey His Law/Words/Truth/Gospel and obey it. However, He added, only a few would be chosen for having done so. Let us be among the chosen few.
In Matthew 4:4 Jesus commands His true saints to “… live by (in obedience to) EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD.” That means every Word that is found in the Holy Bible. God spoke every Word; the Holy Spirit carried His Words to His prophets and apostles who preached them then recorded their messages in print. God used the apostle John to gather all of their writings together and combine them into ONE BOOK which is what we today call the Holy Bible. What must be known and believed is that the writings of the prophets and the apostles are of equal value in the sight of God. This is brought out in Ephesians 2:20 where we are told that God’s true Church was founded on the words of both the prophets and the apostles. It is the Book that contains those Words upon which true Christian faith is built. Recall how many times Jesus said, “It is written ….,” meaning that the Words He was about to say were recorded in the prophetical writings. Recall that He said in Matthew 5:17 that He had not come to earth to destroy the Law or the writings of the prophets, but rather to fulfill (Gk.–pleroo) them, meaning to bring them to fruition, to manifest them, to live them to the fullest. Which brings us to the subject of this series.
According to the collective beliefs of the Catholic/Protestant Religious System (“the church”), Jesus lied about destroying the Law and the prophetical writings. The church maintains that He did if fact come to destroy them. Having caught Him in that supposed lie, the church declared the destruction of God’s Law and the writings of the prophets was carried out by none other than God Himself. That Scripture-destroying door having supposedly been opened by the Lord, the church took it upon herself to cull out all offensive statements found in the writings of the apostles in the New Testament. As this website and this series reveals, the New Testament is fair game to those who own it.
But let us be reminded that what professing Christendom has done to God’s Words is not new. Rejection of the Words of God that man does not approve of is as old as man himself. In fact, it is the oldest sin known to man. It was the sin that brought calamity upon the human race (Gen. 2:16,17). In Genesis we find Eve telling the serpent what God had said she and Adam could do and what they could not do under threat of death (Gen. 3:1-4). The serpent then told her that her God had lied to her (sound familiar?). He told her that she and Adam could do what God had commanded them not to do and, contrary to God’s Words, they would most assuredly not die.
According to the serpent, God had actually lied twice. Lie one–they COULD EAT OF THE FORBIDDEN TREE Lie two–they WOULD NOT DIE FOR DOING SO. Instead, they would become as gods–able to determine good and evil for themselves and to live accordingly (vss 4,5). God Himself confirmed this in verse 22 where we find Him saying that, having eaten of the forbidden fruit, man could indeed make his own laws and live by them. However, doing so would bring about his spiritual death in this life and his eternal death later. Unbelieving man has been dismissing God’s Words, and paying the price, ever since.
Since Eden, there have been billions of instances in which man has deliberately rejected God’s Words and either replaced them with words of his own or, as in the case of the prophetical writings, relegated them to the back shelf of history. In both cases the church openly, proudly and continually rejects God’s words from which true, Christ-level faith is formed. In this way religious man practices SELECTIVE FAITH by choosing which of God’s Words he believes, such as “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved,” and which he does not believe.
Salvation-seeking man rejects any Biblical statement that begins with the most hated Word in the Holy Scriptures–IF. If the word (IF) is followed by a CONDITION that must be met in order for the promised salvation to take place, the statement is automatically rejected. Anything beyond “believe” is automatically dismissed as “works” or “legalism,” both of which are rejected. I have been accused of “falling from grace” for pointing out the Lord’s “fine print” which must be obeyed in order for His promises to materialize. I have also been invited to attend a local church so that I could “get saved.” My sin? BELIEVING GOD’S WORD AS WRITTEN. I am guilty as charged.
Among the doctrines and beliefs religious man believes without question are those he has borrowed from the pagan world, some of which are listed on the homepage of this website. God created this ministry to be directed toward the church during the final days of this world. My job is to introduce professing Christendom to what God said about many of her beliefs and traditions. In terms of numbers, this ministry has been a total failure relative to people in the area where I live. Though I have been proclaiming God’s Truth for many years. I can count on one hand the number of people who have embraced those Truths. I am not surprised. After all, Jesus had only 120 followers to show for everything He did and taught. Today’s end-time (Laodicean) Church is described in Revelation 3:14-18. Jesus, Who “declares the end from the beginning” (Isa. 46:10), saw which way professing Christendom would go as the end drew near and warned His true messengers. Not surprisingly, He was right. Knowing that His end-time church would be tiny relative to “the church,” Jesus said that where two or three would gather in His name, He would be in their midst (Mat. 18:20). Praise His Holy Name. L.J.
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