In Matthew 6:33 we find the Lord Jesus giving us a command that constitutes the first step on the road to eternal life. Here He tells us to SEEK, when to seek and what to seek: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ….” He goes on to promise that if we will do the first part, He will take care of the second part, which is the provision of “all these things” (25-32,34) that man needs in order to live a good life, which is God’s will for all people. He promises that if we seek His kingdom and His righteous, THEN everything needed in this life will be provided either directly or indirectly. Either way, what is needed will be made available.
In Matthew 6:33 we find Jesus doing what was often done in speaking and writing in that part of the world–He mentions two things which, though they are different, are in reality interdependent–one is available only if the other is present When He tells us to seek the Kingdom of God AND God’s righteousness, He is saying that one cannot enter The Kingdom of God without having lived in righteousness from conversion until death. Conversely, living a righteous life will enable one to enter His kingdom. Here is where the Institutional Church leaves God’s path which leads to His Kingdom and steps onto Satan’s path which leads to destruction (Mat. 7:13,14/ 22:14). The church’s ministers tell her parishioners that it is impossible to walk God’s path, that Jesus died so that they would not need to obey Their Word. As a famous t.v. preacher said, “Don’t even try to be righteous, you’ll just make yourself miserable. You are nothing but a society of sinners.” According to this reprobate, if you belong to the church the fix is in so relax and enjoy your sins. As one woman said, “God doesn’t like sin, but He won’t do anything about it.” She agreed with the preacher that seeking righteousness was a waste of valuable time and energy. Apparently, God’s bar for church people is barely above ground level.
But did not Jesus say that we are to seek righteousness? Did He not say in Matthew 5:6,8 that if we hungered and thirsted for righteousness we would be filled with righteousness, and that only the pure in heart would see God (Mat. 5:6,8)? Righteousness and purity of heart (mind) are one and the same. Question: What does it mean to be righteous and pure in heart? The Apostle Paul introduces us to that subject.
In First Corinthians 13:1-7,13 Paul explains that no matter what we do for God or in the name of God, if we do not have LOVE we have nothing. We are like sound that exists only for a moment, then evaporates into nothingness. He notes that, though he had great faith and great knowledge, without love (charity), he was nothing in the eyes of God. He goes deeper than that, saying that if he gave away all of his possessions and offered up his life in martyrdom, it would mean nothing if he did not have love. In verses 4-7 he tells us what love actually is. Which brings us to what Jesus said about proving that we have love in abundance toward Him and His Father. How does one prove that he/she loves Christ and God?
In several passages the Lord tells us that in order to stay in a oneness relationship with Himself and the Father, love for them is absolutely essential., and that it must be proven. In John 14:15,23 He is talking to His disciples, saying in verse 14 that IF they loved Him they would keep (obey) His (Ten) COMMANDMENT LAW. Then in verse 23 He tells them that IF a man loves Him, that man will keep (obey) His WORDS. Here Jesus equates the Law (commandments) and His Words (the entire Bible). Then He wields the Sword of the Spirit (His Words) in a way that leaves no margin for misunderstanding. “… AND (then) My Father will love him” and the two of Them would come and make their abode (live) in him (in the form of their Holy Spirit). Only they that are led by the Holy Spirit (from within) are true children of God (Rom. 8:14). Jesus has more to say about man’s love for Him and the Father and Their love for the man who loves Them.
In John 15:10 He says to the disciples (and us): “IF you (disciples) keep My commandments (then) you will abide (remain) in My love, JUST AS I HAVE KEPT MY FATHER’S COMMANDMENTS AND (THEREFORE) ABIDE IN HIS LOVE.” Note it: In order to remain in God’s love Jesus had to obey His Law/Words/Truth (Jn. 17:17). He speaks the same message in 14:21. In Matthew 19:17 He ties man’s proof of loving Him (obedience to the Law) to receiving eternal life. Here He is talking to a man who has asked Him how to be saved. Jesus replied; “If you would have eternal life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS.” That includes #4. Recall that the Apostle James said that if we break one of the commandments, we break all of them (2:10). Jesus said that breaking one commandment makes us workers of iniquity (Lawlessness) whom He would reject on the Day of Judgment (Mat. 7:20-23).
It is obvious to the honest student of the Holy Scriptures that there is an unbreakable bond between seeking salvation and loving both the Father and the Son. As the Scriptures also tells us, one’s love must be proven by works–obedience to Their Words/Law. Paul reminds us that the greatest faith on earth is nothing without love. James tells us that faith must be proven by works, that faith, no matter how great, is dead unless it is proven by works of faith. Read James 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26.
In the past I wrote about three people who had died soon after rejecting what I told them about God’s Word. In none of those cases was there a medical cause of death. As tragic as those episodes were, I am sad to announce that it has happened again. Several months ago I was talking to a woman who had said me: “This old sinner saved by grace is going to ….” I do not remember what she was going to do. Knowing what I believe and preach, she had looked at me, smiled and reminded me of the following Biblical passage: “All things work for the good of them that love the Lord and who are called according to His purpose.” I reminded her that God’s purpose was for her to obey His Law, which, I said while gently twisting the sword, “… includes number four.” Her response was silence and, I’m sure, a not-so-nice thought. Not long afterward she died. God means business when it comes to obedience to His Word/commandments.
All four of those now-dead people were religious to the core. Talking about one’s love for God (as they all did), being religious (as they all were), listening to God’s messenger (as they all did) will not get the spiritual job done. Seeking in the Scriptures for information as to how to prove one’s love for God and then following those instructions until death is the only way to assure that one will rise in the first resurrection and enter God’s earthly Kingdom. Let us be about seeking and loving. There is no other way to assure our place in the Kingdom of God where He and Jesus will reside in New Jerusalem and where there will be no need of the sun for They will provide all the light we will need. Read The Kingdom of God and The Message of the Cross. Key words–Kingdom and Message respectively. L.J.
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