In Ephesians 6:17 the Apostle Paul defines the Word of God as “the sword of the (Holy) Spirit.” Anyone who has ever dealt with swords or has information concerning their use in the distant past knows that a sword has always had only one use–to destroy everything it touches. In Revelation 19:15-21 the Apostle John writes about the wrath of Jesus Christ who will destroy all of His enemies–those who refused to obey His Law–with “a sharp, two-edged sword” which comes out of His mouth. Jesus defines such people as “… those who will not allow Me to rule over them” (Lk. 19:27). A king rules by His Law. From atop Mt. Sinak Jesus gave His Law to those who would be His people, wrote it in stone (Exo. 20) and later declared that not one jot or tittle could be changed, removed from or added to that Law (Mat. 5;18) until it was fulfilled. Until a new heaven and a new earth have been created, mankind will be subject to God’s Law. His people will obey it and be rewarded for doing so; Satan’s people will be cursed.
Not so says professing Christendom which proclaims that Jesus came earth to destroy that Law, that it was nailed to His cross (Col. 2:14). Jesus refuted that heresy in Matthew 5:17 where He states that He did not come to earth to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it–to live it to the fullest. The Prophet Isaiah confirmed that Truth, prophesying that He (Jesus) would come to earth to “magnify the Law and make it honorable (again)” (42:21). This is a perfect example of how a “headline” (ordinances being nailed to the cross) lacks meaning unless accompanied by the appropriate “fine print” (Isa. 43:21). The “ordinances” nailed to the cross concerned the sacrificial law, exactly as Jesus said at the Last Supper where He announced that from that time on, His blood and flesh, not the blood and flesh of animals, would be sacrificed for man’s sins.
We must get on board with the Lord if we are to have any chance to live with Him eternally. “Can two walk together unless they are in agreement?” (Amos 3:3). IN ORDER TO LIVE WITH HIM IN THE FUTURE WE MUST WALK WITH HIM NOW. INORDER TO WALK WITH GOD NOW WE MUST AGREE WITH HIM, MEANING TO BELIEVE AND OBEY HIS WORDS/LAW/GOSPEL/TRUTH. We must agree not only with His “headlines,” but also with His “fine print,” which I liken to the combination to a safe. A safe full of gold (“headline”) is useless without the combination (“fine print”). The ever popular John 3:16,17 “headline” is meaningless without the Matthew 19:17 “fine print”. Likewise, John 15:13 is useless without verse 14. Unfortunately, those who believe the “headlines” refuse to believe the “fine print.” I find that instead of embracing the “fine print,” people get angry upon being confronted with it. Their church truth nullifies Bible Truth 99.99% of the time. Which brings us to the focus of this series–the supremacy of God’s Truth over Church truth. This makes “fine print” deniers what I call “church Christians.” God’s people are “Bible Christians.” Only Bible Christians will rise to meet Him in the air at Christ’s return.
The following Truths are designed to prove that the Bible is the one and only source of spiritual Truth. Outside of that Holy tome, all other “truth” is human-generated speculation and wishful thinking. This includes the totality of church doctrine which is an abomination simply because it exists. Church doctrine is what the Apostle Paul wrote about in Galatians 1:6-9 which he said was a perverted interpretation of God’s Gospel. The only doctrine found in God’s church is His Holy Word which does not need to be interpreted. Interpreting the Bible is a sin (2 Pet. 1:20) for the Bible interprets itself using God’s “fine print.”
The Bible does not require editing. GOD’S WORD NEEDS TO BE STUDIED, LEARNED, BELIEVED AND OBEYED. Those who obey that rule will join Jesus Christ upon His arrival and will help Him create the earthly Kingdom of God where He and His saints will reside with the Father in New Jerusalem–the capital of God’s Kingdom–forever. Read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. Now we will examine a number of Scriptures that contain many Biblical nuggets, most of which are rejected by church Christians.
First, we will view God’s Words concerning the attitude of those who reject His Law. In Deuteronomy 5:9 we find the Old Testament God (the Word Who became Jesus of Nazareth–Jn. 1:1-4,14) wielding His spiritual sword as He accuses the Israelites of committing “iniquity,” which in English means “Lawlessness.” In this verse He says that those who reject His Law HATE HIM. He says the same thing in Luke 10:17, using the word “despise” instead of “hate” when describing the mind-set of Scripture-rejecters. In Luke 10:17 Jesus notes that such people DESPISE BOTH HIM AND HIS FATHER. Note in Deuteronomy 5:6 that He is talking to those whom He had brought out of Egyptian slavery–HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE–of whom He commanded strict obedience. As the Apostle Paul makes clear in His writings to the Gentile churches he founded, God commands the same of them. They became spiritual Israelites by obeying the God of the Israelites. They had to continue to obey Him in order to be His disciples.
A quick reminder of what sin is: “TO TRANSGRESS THE LAW IS SIN; FOR SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW” (1 JN. 3:4). Now look at Psalm 5:5 where King David–the “man after God’s own heart”–says to God: “You HATE all workers of iniquity.” The Word Hate in Hebrew is “sane” which means to hate, to be an enemy. Note that God hates sinners, whom He calls His ENEMIES. In Philippians 3:18 Paul calls church sinners the “enemies of the cross of Christ,” meaning that they make “the cross of Christ of no effect” (1 Cor. 1:17). They also “trod under foot the Son of God, count the blood of the covenant an unholy thing and do despite to the Spirit of grace” (Heb. 10:29). Today these people call themselves “Sinners Saved By Grace.” Are you loving God’s “fine print” yet? Only those who do so will join Him in paradise.
God calls all professing Christendom “My people who are called by My name. ” The vast majority are counterfeit Christians who have entered God’s “sheepfold,” not by the gate, but by “climbing up (over the fence) some other way.” Read “My People Who are Called by My Name.” Key word–People. Jesus warned about these false believers who want to be part of His church (sheepfold) but do not want to be ruled by His Law. These are they who reject His strait (spiritual) gate (leading into His church) and His narrow (strict, Law-directed) way of life (Mat. &:13,14). Instead, they get in (to “the church”) “some other (wide, religious) way” by following false prophets who lead them into Catholicism/Protestantism, which is the “enemy” of God and His church. Though God calls them His people, they are His in name only. As Jesus said, they call Him ‘Lord, Lord’ but refuse to obey His Law (Lk. 6:46). They do indeed worship Him, but their worship is all in vain because they substitute their doctrines for His commandments (Mat. 15:9).
A passage that proves that not all who are called God’s people are His true saints is Second Chronicles 7:14 where God (the Word–Jesus) says about some of His people that they are proud, lacking in prayer, do not seek His face and have wicked ways. BUT HE CALLS THEM: “MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME.” Recall that Judas’ ministry was no different from that of the other disciples. Recall that Solomon built God a temple, then led His chosen people into idolatry and even child sacrifice. GOD USES SINNERS TO ACCOMPLISH GOOD THINGS. Read All That Glitters. Key word–Glitters.
As I have said many times, those who shine the most in today’s religious world are stars in the eyes of their followers. However, God and His true saints know what abides inside their hearts. I firmly believe that a time is coming, and soon, when God will expose to the world their sins, along with the sins of politicians, media people, educators, businessmen, military leaders and the higher-ups in governmental departments such as the F.B.I, the C.I.A., etc. This is already beginning to happen. I have prayed for this so that the world can see what people have been hiding for many years. I have prayed that God would expose everyone from the American president to the local mayor, city fathers, etc. We have a promise from God that “Nothing is hidden that will not be revealed” (Mat. 10:26). I believe that the revealing has begun. I also believe that God will give America a final opportunity to abandon their wicked ways and turn to Him and His ways. Pray with me that this will happen world-wide. L,J
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