“Obeying God is just too much trouble.” That is a quote spoken to me by an ex-summer missionary who, as a teenager, “served the Lord” as a student missionary. At the time of the statement she was approximately 60 years old and was still “a good Christian” because she did not drink, smoke, go to movies on Sunday, etc. She smiled, did good deeds, attended church on Sunday, believed and obeyed the “headlines” and did the other things all good Christians do. I showed her parts of the Bible she had never seen, or had read and dismissed (God’s “fine print”–the ignored 90% of the Bible) and told her that God commanded her to believe and obey those passages also. Her response was a shock to my spiritual and mental system. I have heard some astounding statements during my ministry, that one is in the top half-dozen or so, several of which I have written about before and will do so again for the sake of newcomers to the website. Generally speaking, church people will go to any length to avoid obeying God’s Word.
“Too much trouble?” When the shock wore off and I had time to think about her answer, it made perfect sense. Why even try to obey God when, as church people proclaim, “No one can obey the Law (God’s Word); and besides, it’s totally unnecessary.” Trying to do so, we are told, is an exercise in futility. As one famous preacher told his audience, “Don’t even try to be righteous; you’ll just make yourself sick. You are nothing but a society of sinners.” I watched him say it on a television I “just happened” to be walking by at that exact moment. His heart-exposing statement brought me to a sudden stop. I then watched his local audience smile and nod in agreement as the camera panned the crowded auditorium. If I had not seen and heard his statement I am not sure I would have believed that one of Satan’s messengers would actually voice his (Satan’s) words so openly.
Truly, the Apostle Paul was right when he wrote: “We (true saints) do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12). Obviously, this false prophet had lost the war, and had convinced his local and t.v. audience to join him in glorious, Satan worshiping defeat.
Then there was another statement which I have mentioned before. I had written an article in the local newspaper in which, by quoting the Bible, I had totally destroyed many of the “truths” upon which so-called Christianity is founded. I was told that a local parishioner asked her pastor if what I had written was true. To which he replied: “Everything he (I) wrote is true; but that’s not the way we are going.” Then there was a newspaper article which featured a conversation between a reporter and the pastor of a church. During the interview the reporter asked him why he and his church were doing what God plainly commanded the church not to do. His reply was that his church looked “outside the Bible” for their truths.
Those three people speak for the vast majority within professing Christendom. Obviously, the “principalities and powers of the air” are winning the war for the hearts and souls of those who call themselves “the church” while refusing to obey the Words of the One who established the true church. I know their mindset, for I once believed and preached what I now war against. I am unspeakably grateful that the Lord looked inside my heart and knew that I wanted more than anything to be right with Him. Following my 180 degree theological turn-around, He put me to work telling others in the church what He had shown me. Read “Traditions of the Elders.” Key word–Traditions.
I ask veteran readers to bear with me when I repeatedly ask readers to study certain Scriptures. I do this for the sake of new readers who might be reading the website for the first time. With that in mind, I ask that you read Bait and Switch. Key word–Bait.
It is important to understand that most of what the apostles wrote to the New Testament Church was written to those within her who were dedicated, consecrated and sanctified (set apart) Truth seekers who had eyes eager to see and ears eager to hear what God said. This is normally made clear during the first few verses in their epistles. True saints are those who reject what church leaders claim God should have said and would have said if He had listened to those in the know–people like themselves. This is the ruse Satan pulled on Adam and Eve and has been pulling on their religious descendants ever since. Contrary to universal opinion, GOD SAID WHAT HE MEANT. And man will be judged by what He said, not by what church leaders claim He should have said (Jn. 12:44-50), which is the definition of church doctrine. For example, God plainly tells us that sin is the breaking of His Law (1 Jn. 3:4). However, the church declares that He was mistaken (or deliberately lying), and that He should have said that the Law has nothing to do with right and wrong, that sin is whatever each denomination determines it to be. The reason for this is because each group has its own Jesus, its own God and its own plan of salvation. Read “Another Jesus.” Key word–Another.
A perfect example of this heresy in action was presented in a television documentary on the Mormon religion that aired many years ago. The program featured a couple who had petitioned the church to DETERMINE AND DECLARE THAT HOMOSEXUALITY WAS A SIN. The couple had talked with other parishioners, exhorting them to ask church leaders to declare that what is written in the Bible relative to homosexuality was in fact God’s Truth. Then the couple learned that their son was queer. Exhibiting absolutely no shame, they looked into the camera and admitted that, having learned the truth about their son, they had gone BACK to the church hierarchy and asked them to determine and declare that homosexuality is NOT a sin. Notice that the couple “knew” that whatever the church decided would be THE TRUTH relative to the subject. The couple openly declared that the church, not the Lord, was the final arbiter relative to the homosexual question. One can assume that the church, not God, had the final say about everything concerning sin and righteousness. Do you find this shocking? You shouldn’t, for this is exactly what every denomination, cult, faith, etc. in the Catholic/Protestant Religious System has done. Read the home page of this website for examples of this heresy.
The Institutional Church is indeed at war. At the same time God’s church is at war. However, the two churches do not war against the same enemy. In the following posting (possibly postings) we will identify the church groups, their respective enemy as well as their respective friend(s). When each has been identified, readers might be surprised as to who is at war with whom. It is imperative that those in each body identify their spiritual enemies as well as their spiritual friends. Such information has eternal implications. L.J.
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