In the 28th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel we find God telling the prophet to speak to the PRINCE of Tyrus. According to Josephus this was Ithobolus II. This king was so proud and self-absorbed that he claimed to be God and to have the heart of God. God rebukes this king, saying that he had made himself a god and that he sat as God in His (God’s) seat (vss 1,2). The Lord then warns him that his days of rulership were numbered, that He (God) would send an army to defeat and kill him (vss 3-10).
Beginning in verse 11 the Lord tells Ezekiel to address the KING of Tyrus, meaning Satan who ruled the prince of Tyrus and his people through him. In verses 12-15 God reminds the former Lucifer (morning star) of his previous standing with Him (God). He reminds him of his former excellence, beauty and talent. Lucifer sat on a throne in the Garden of Eden from whence he ruled the earth along with 1/3 of God’s angels. Lucifer was the most impressive angel God had ever created, “until iniquity (Lawlessness) was found in you (him)”–vs 15.
Lucifer had a lust problem; he craved what God had–total control of the universe. With that in mind he went to war with God (Rev. 12:7-9). God’s angels fought against Lucifer’s angels, and won. The first chapter of Genesis describes the result of that heavenly war–darkness throughout the universe and the earth covered with water. Lucifer wanted it all. He had gone so far as to say that he would exalt his throne above the throne of God, boasting: “I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit upon the mount of the congregation … I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most High (Isa. 14:12-14). Following the war God spoke to Lucifer, saying: “How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning; how you have been cast down to the ground (earth)” from whence he had risen. It would be here that he would turn his gaze on God’s most prized creation with full force in the final days of the world. He would apply all of his power against man whom God had created in His own image and likeness.
This is where we begin to understand why the earth’s human inhabitants have, with extremely rare exception, rebelled against God. Beginning with Adam and Eve, 99.99% of mankind has been ruled by “the god of this world” (Satan–2 Cor. 4:4). In His wrath God had cast Lucifer (renamed Satan) and his angels (renamed devils) back down to the earth’s atmosphere where he and they became “the prince (Satan) of the powers (devils) of the air … who now work in (control) the children of disobedience” (sinners)–Eph. 2:2. The Apostle Paul here makes it clear who controls all sinners–Satan, and through whom he controls them–his devils.
These spiritual beings are incredibly powerful. They do their work on mankind through mental impulse and temptation. THEY CANNOT FORCE ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING. They work in the realm of temptation from their location in the air. Once they find a mental opening they enter the person and work their will from within him/her, which explains the insane things that people believe, say and do. Most of the mental and physical ailments of man are caused by demonic “powers of the air” who are guided by their “prince.” Satan can also affect “nature.”
Recall that Satan caused a storm to come upon the Sea of Galilee designed to kill Jesus and His disciples. But the man Jesus had the power of God at His disposal. With His words He quieted the storm and made the sea calm. RECALL THAT HE CHASTISED HIS DISCIPLES FOR NOT TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS INSTEAD OF AWAKENING HIM (Mat. 8:24-26). The irony is that the disciples did not understand that He expected THEM to quiet the storm (vs 27).
Over the centuries Satan and his devils have caused the world’s human inhabitants untold misery by afflicting them with sicknesses, diseases, epidemics, pandemics and various other infirmities and calamities as God either allowed them or directed them to do. If this is confusing, just remember: “God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform” and “His ways are not our ways.” That’s what makes Him God.
So how does man, including churchman, come to be controlled by Satan through his demons? First comes temptation to sin. If man sins, the temptation returns. If the person continues to sin the demon then enters the person and exerts its impulses from within his/her heart (mind). At this point the spirit is in control and the person becomes “demon possessed.” Once a demon achieves this level of control, change is almost impossible. For deliverance to occur a true man of God, having the same Spirit power as Jesus Christ, must take charge and command the spirit(s) to leave the victim. Recall the boy with epilepsy who was brought to the disciples for deliverance. They were not able to cast the devil out. Jesus had to step in and do what they had failed to do. When asked why they could not deliver the boy, He told them that they needed more faith which comes from prayer. The lesson was that HE EXPECTED THE DISCIPLES TO DO WHATEVER HE DID. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
Sin separates man from God (Isa. 59:2), meaning that He removes His Holy Spirit from him, thereby allowing Satan and his devils/demons to do whatever they want to do with the victim, even to the point of killing them with physical problems, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning, floods, starvation, volcanos, earthquakes, etc. But understand this: EVIL SPIRITS, INCLUDING SATAN, CAN DO ONLY WHAT THEIR VICTIM ALLOWS THEM TO DO. SIN IS A CHOICE. A SINNER HAS TURNED HIS/HER LIFE OVER TO “THE PRINCE OF THE POWERS OF THE AIR”–SATAN AND HIS ANGELS. Satan and his demons keep church people ignorant of whom they worship and serve by keeping them ignorant of God’s Word. The church has never heard the Truth. And when she stumbles onto it, she rejects it. Never underestimate the power of Satan over his church. Ignorance of God’s Word is one of his most powerful weapons.
Having gained power over his subject, the demon uses continuous temptations to prompt him/her to sin again, and again, and again by convincing his victim that, thanks to Adam, he/she has no choice but to sin. But all is well. All he/she needs to do is repent. Because of an almost total lack of Scriptural knowledge, both church leaders and their followers fail to recognize whom they are obeying, serving and worshiping–SATAN.
Of late we have seen Satan change the focus of his efforts. He is now waging total warfare on the mind of man. We are all aware of the lunacy that has taken over the minds of formerly sane people, even children. Here are a few examples of what Satan has done to the minds of millions of Americans: males believe they are females and visa versa. Males marrying males and females marrying females. People believing that males can become pregnant and have babies. People killing strangers for no reason. Women sacrificing their babies by the millions on the alter of convenience. Most everyone else believing that they have the right to do so. People shooting into homes when they do not know who lives there. Children setting fires to homes and killing other children simply because they want to. Teen agers beating a homeless man to death and recording it. City officials allowing criminals to commit crimes in the name of wokeness. Teachers telling children that they are the opposite sex. Educational systems pushing for sex changes in children without notifying their parents. Newsmen filming flaming buildings while declaring that what our lying eyes are seeing is “… basically a peaceful demonstration.” Our nation’s vice president bragging on camera that he used tax payer money to bribe the leader of another country to fire that country’s attorney general. He later bragged: “I got the sun of a bitch fired.” THEN THE NATION ELECTED HIM HER PRESIDENT whom the prime minister of another nation declaring publicly that our new president”… couldn’t find his way home in the dark.” An American politician looking into a camera and declaring that “The nation’s southern border is secure” as criminals and drugs pour across it en masse. Another politician declaring that there was no pillow talk between him and his Chinese lover who was later convicted of spying and expelled from the country. That politician still has his job. Then there was the “Russian collusion” lie made possible by the “Steele dossier” lie–both of which were known to be lies before they were made public. And now we have the “laptop from hell” that was declared by politicians and their lap-dog reporters to be nothing more than “Russian disinformation”–another lie. Day after day, week after week, month after month, THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. And what is equally incredible is that HALF OF THE AMERICAN POPULATION BELIEVED THEM. The world is wondering what is happening to this nation. For once, science does not claim to have the answer. The answer is that Satan and his angels are alive and well in the U.S.A.
But those who know the God of the Scriptures understand what is happening, and why it is happening. Satan and his fallen angels are working like never before to corrupt the minds of human beings, specifically those in the United States. And they are succeeding for the entire world to see. Recently France held a celebration in which representatives from many of the world’s nations attended. Who did our government send to represent the United States? Two trans females, one of whom wore a short, low-cut dress. The U.S. Navy has named a ship after a child molesting queer–the U.S.S. Harvey Milk. The rest of the world is shocked by what is happening to this once great nation. They are wondering how she could have fallen so far so fast? The answer is summed up in one word: SIN–THE TRANSGRESSION OF GOD’S LAW (1 JN. 3:4). And who has led America in her downward spiral? THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH which long ago nailed God’s Law to the cross of Jesus Christ. Without God’s Law to serve as her moral standard, “every man does what is right in his own eyes.” God calls Law-deniers “fools.” Since the counterfeit church nailed the Law to the cross, everything has gone downhill in every aspect of human life. The fools are running the nation at this time.
God has “spoken” to (warned) this nation many times using many different “voices” such as war, disease, so-called “natural disasters,” financial collapses, etc.–but to no avail. Read The Voices of God. Key word–Voices. So-called “revivals” have come and gone over the years. Read the “Revival, Revival” series. Key word–Revival. As I noted earlier, there might be another “revival” on the way. However, it will be no different from its predecessors–church business-as-usual, only more of it. It will be en vogue and all the rage for a short time. Then everything will return to what is, unfortunately, “normal.”
I believe that over the following 2 1/2 years God is going to give the American people one final opportunity to REPENT of their sins, TURN from their wicked ways and OBEY His Law. He is allowing the world to see America’s liberal leaders for the vile, sin-saturated, Satan-serving reprobates they are. Seeing this, the nation, including the liberals, will have the opportunity to climb out of the sewer the nation has created for herself. If she continues to reject her Founder and Sustainer, His light to the world will become totally dark. I weep inside when I reflect on what is coming upon my beloved nation. She will suffer incredibly for her REBELLION AGAINST THE ALMIGHTY which has left her vulnerable to ever more attacks from Satan and his angels who now control every aspect of national and personal life in the nation meant to be God’s “city on a hill,” His “light to the nations” that would give light to all who would partake of her spiritual wealth by obeying Her incredible God. Jesus prophesied that only a few would enter His door and walk His path. (Mat. 7:13,14). He has called many to do so, but few have answered His call (Mat. 22:14). Why? Because the CALL was only half of the deal. With the call came the command to “be ye holy for I am holy” (1 Pet. 1:16). Who wants to go to the trouble of being holy when the church offers a much sweeter deal–sin at will and repent afterward. Then continue to repeat the sin-repent, sin-repent cycle again, and again, and again. Satan has found a target rich environment. It is called the United States of America. L.J.
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