There was a time when homosexuality was believed to be the result of a mental aberration. This was the correct analysis in that all sin is the result of a mental problem. We have all committed acts of mental illness at some point(s) in our lives.
Like one who knowingly and willingly enters a lions’ den, anyone who defies the Creator of the universe by rebelling against His Word is mentally ill either at various times or on a permanent basis. The God Who created man’s mind tells us that we have control over what enters into and remains in our minds, and that everything we do, say and think originates in our minds.
Before proceeding, we must understand that EVERYTHING WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPTURES IS WRITTEN TO GOD’S PEOPLE, not the multiplied millions in the Counterfeit Church. His repeated warnings prove that being one of his saints does not immunize a believer from the ravages of Satan. No one is immune to sin.
Jesus was just as susceptible to Satan’s wiles as we are. Satan knew that Jesus, being a man, could sin. Otherwise, why did he tempt Him? God’s purpose for giving mankind His Holy Bible is two-fold: 1) to tell the unconverted reader how to become part of His family and, 2) to tell His people how to remain in His family.
The Bible is a love letter from God to mankind–a road map detailing how man can come to Him. He wants all to be saved and to spend eternity with Him. Those inside and outside the Counterfeit Church must realize their unconverted condition and make the necessary changes in order to have any chance for eternal life. Those in God’s Church must be diligent to obey Him in order to maintain their place in His church. Putting forth this message is the purpose of this website.
Speaking through the Apostle James, God tells His saints that everything we deliberately involve ourselves in appears first as a thought: “Each (one who sins) is tempted when he is drawn away (from God) by his own (sinful) desires ….
Then, when desire has conceived (one turns desire into anticipation), it gives birth to sin (one commits the act); and when sin is full grown (the act becomes part of one’s life), it brings forth death” (Jam. 1:14,15). In terms of sin, mental illness is a choice. Adam and Eve were equipped with the power of choice, as do their descendants. In every situation in which we find ourselves we have a choice–to obey either God or Satan.
The statement quoted above destroys the “I can’t help myself” excuse. Every normal human being has urges, thoughts and impulses that are contrary to God’s will–the result of Satan’s impulse. God calls him “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2). He is able to affect the mind through the mental messages. Victory over him is not automatic for God’s people any more than it was for Jesus. Again speaking through the apostle He says to us: “resist the devil and he will flee from YOU” (Jam. 4:7). We must resist his mental onslaught using God’s Holy Spirit.
He tells us that, if necessary, to symbolically cut off our hand or gouge out our eye to resist Satan’s pull on our lives (Mat. 9:47). In other words, do whatever it takes to defeat Satan–our constant unseen enemy.
There is no such thing as an “irresistible urge.” God has equipped His people with the innate power to obey Him. Like Adam and Eve, everyone who has ever lived has been “drawn away by his own desires.” At times Satan has convinced each one of us that we MUST obey that urge or satisfy that need that he has placed within our minds. NO WE DO NOT.
The smoker who “can’t resist” that cigarette can do so by throwing it away. The pornography addict does not have to open that magazine or visit that website. The devil can only entice; he CANNOT force anyone to do anything. By the same token, God WILL NOT force anyone to do anything. Man is a choice-making creation. This is why God uses such expressions as “resist the devil,” “beware,” “take heed,” “watch,” etc. “The devil goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8).
If we were incapable of resisting him, he would spiritually devour God’s people just as he has destroyed the Institutional Church. But he can’t force obedience to himself. Therefore he must identify those who have “evil desires” and attack them, tempting them to give in to those desires. Afterwards, he convinces them that their desires are “natural,” which then becomes their “nature.” Then he convinces those who do not have such “evil desires” that such impulses are “natural” for those who have them and must be accepted as such.
As stated in a past posting, in order for the once-deviant–“wrong”–behavior to gain and maintain acceptability, what was once deemed “wrong” must be seen as “right,” and what was once deemed “right” must be viewed as “wrong.” The final phase involves convincing the masses that those who reject the new “right” are not only “wrong,” but are deviants who hate those who are now “right.” Does this sound familiar? It should, for this is exactly what has happened in this and other so-called “Christian nations.” What was once viewed as perversion is now viewed as natural. Those who disagree with the new normality are labeled “perverts” and “haters.”
As the statistics presented in an earlier posting, good and evil have traded places in the minds of the majority of Americans. BUT NOT IN THE MIND OF GOD. By rejecting His Word, America has removed herself from her former foundation–the Rock (Jesus Christ)–and has placed herself on a foundation of sand. One of those many grains of sand is her love affair with sexual perversion. Our once greatly blessed and powerful nation is prophesied to fall, and great will be her fall (Mat. 7:27). And it all begins in the mind.
Those comprising God’s “little flock” are commanded to “… have the mind of Christ” and to “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (1 Cor. 2:16/Phil. 2:5). The words “have” and “let” show that the type of mind one has is one’s choice. God does not force anyone to be converted and receive His Holy Spirit–His power.
Because the Institutional Church has not been converted and has not received God’s Holy Spirit, she is powerless before the devil who has convinced her that she is one with the Lord. No one, including this writer, can resist Satan without the Holy Spirit of God. Because she does not have His Spirit, professing Christendom is the mustard seed that, having grown large, has become the haven for “ever evil bird”–Satan’s doctrines and customs (Lk. 13:19/Rev. 18:1,2). To be continued. L.J.
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