Peter warns us about “untaught” and “unstable” people who twist specific Scriptures, eliminate some and add still others in order to fulfill their anti-God, anti-Bible agenda. We are warned throughout the Scriptures that those in the congregations who are either Biblically ignorant, Biblically lazy or are in league with these false prophets will not only go along with them, but will counsel others to join them in their rebellion. Using this agenda, so-called “LGBT Christians” have worked hard over the years to legitimize themselves and their life-styles in the eyes of the Counterfeit Church. Of late, their success has been nothing short of phenomenal. One of the tools they use is what I call “negative proof.” The trick involves pointing out what is NOT found in Scripture. In this ruse, sex perverts rightly claim that words such as “homosexual,” “bisexual,” “transexual,” etc. are not found in the Bible. Therefore, their twisted reasoning holds, not only does God not condemn them, He actually approves of them. First of all, the words noted above did not exist during Bible times. Such terms came into vogue only recently with the advent of Satan’s sex blitz. Concerning what is not in the Bible, words and terms such as “rape,” “group sex,” “manslaughter,” “embezzlement,” “cohabitation,” “swinging,” “oral sex,” “hooker,” etc. are also not found in the Scriptures. Nevertheless, they are sins whose perpetrators will suffer at the hands of a wrathful God Who warns that He will destroy those who continue their anti-God behavior–homosexually being one of the featured examples. These are Biblical facts that sex perverts and their supporters refuse to admit. Instead, they put forth the exact opposite message which resonates ever more powerfully with an ever larger religious group that separates itself ever farther from the Biblical standard with each passing generation. Today’s “millennials” (18-35 year olds) comprise the first generation to openly reject God and His Biblical Standard. With rare exception, neither the Lord nor His Word have a place in their lives. The next generation promises to be even more Satan-dominated. But social acceptance of sexual perversion is not enough to permanently solidify its place in the society. One more level of integration is needed.
A significant majority (61%) of U.S. citizens having embraced sexual perversion as an integral part of their social life, one more step must be taken to implant it in the American psyche–it must be legalized. Satan has done a superb job in bringing this about while not touching other types of perversions. Example: There was a time when a homosexual could be arrested, tried, jailed and lose his job if his secret was discovered. At that time the same was true for a thief. Both were deemed sins/crimes because of God’s Words to that effect. Today, thieves are still arrested, tried, jailed and lose their jobs if found out. NOT SO HOMOSEXUALS. One can openly condemn thieves and others who sin against God and suffer no negative effects. NOT SO WHEN THE SUBJECT IS A SEX DEVIATE. Today, any negative statement concerning sexual perversion is labeled “hate speech” and is condemned far and wide. Thieves continue to be loathed and shunned by the masses because they break both God’s Law and man’s law. NOT SO SEX PERVERTS. This in spite of the fact that GOD CONDEMNS BOTH SEX PERVERSION AND THEFT IN HIS WORD. He actually has more to say in condemnation of homosexuality than in condemnation of theft. This fact has no effect on the so-called “gay Christian” crowd. Both churched and unchurched consensus holds that God needs to sit down and shut up. Be sure, there will be a payday some day. Hell hath no fury like a God scorned. Wind has been sown; the whirlwind is rapidly approaching.
“But thieves hurt people by taking their property; gays hurt no one” is a common comeback from God-rejecters. It is true that thieves hurt other people by taking their physical property. But sex perverts hurt people by destroying their spiritual lives. Thieves do not publicly display their sins, proclaim the rightness of their acts and entice others to join them. Not so with gays who openly flaunt their perversion and proclaim its moral rightness while enticing others to approve of their actions. There is no way of knowing how many people have given in to Satan’s siren call to sex perversion because someone they admired extolled the virtues of the perversion. Satan is the master of planting a thought, feeling or emotional response in the mind of unsuspecting victims. Adam and Eve serve as perfect examples. Obviously they had thought about the forbidden tree. Of note is the fact that Eve mentioned it to Satan. He did not mentioned it at all. Our Eden ancestors knew what it was, where it was and the consequences of partaking of it. There had to have been thought, if not conversation about the forbidden tree. God’s enemy simply urged them to question what they had already thought about. Satan’s seduction into sexual perversion takes place in the exact same way. It begins with a feeling, a thought, a question, an emotion. As the following posting will show, Satan is the master of mental sin seed planting, fertilizing, production and multiplication. To be continued. L.J.
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