That the church and the nation have a hand-in-glove relationship is proven by history. Satan’s power over both at the present time is evident by a number of observable facts, some of which will be presented in these postings. As the Institutional Church became more and more paganized the nation soon followed in her wake. As the church slipped farther and farther away from God’s Word as her standard of life, the nation slipped farther and farther into Satan’s abyss. As time goes by it will become harder and harder to distinguish between the state and the church. Eventually they will unite and will become the end-time enemy of God’s people. See The Ingathering. As a result of the nation’s obsession with sex, the traditional family is being destroyed. The family is the foundational unit of any society. If the family unit fails, the nation fails as the episode in the Garden of Eden reveals. Today, the nation is growing farther and farther away from the male father, female mother and children unit. In an attempt to legitimize other family units some have pointed out that several men in the Bible had more than one wife. Some had concubines. We must understand that men, not even God’s men, always obeyed Him. Abraham, David, Samson–these chosen men of God made grave mistakes. Man’s sins do not change God’s will. Nowhere in His Word does He condone polygamy. In Genesis God said that a man shall leave his mother and father and cling to his WIFE, not wives. Man, even God’s man, is a free moral agent, free to go his own way. With the exception of Jesus Christ, no man has ever walked free of sin. Several Old Testament men sinned by taking more than one female partner. Having more than one wife has never been God’s will for mankind. Polygamy, along with all other forms of marital perversion, are strictly Satan’s concoctions.
Many, including some in the Institutional Church, do not see the failure of the family as a problem either individually or nationally. A few statistics will bear this out. Only 46% of American children live in a home with two married heterosexual partners in their first marriage; 41% of children are born out of wedlock; 61% of Americans are in favor of same-sex marriage; the same percentage want homosexuals to be allowed to adopt children; 78% believe that gay couples can be as adept at parenting as straight couples, 220,000 children live in homosexual households. The changes in these statistics over the last 20 years has been staggering. This is proof positive that Satan is in control.
Colleges and universities are embracing the sexual revolution with gusto. The University of Illinois’ insurance program now covers sex-change operations for its students. To date at least 51 colleges and universities are forcing all students to pay for the sex-change operations of those who want them. The University of Maryland forces its student body to pay for hormone therapy for transgendered students. State insurance commissioners in Oregon, California, Vermont, Colorado and Washington, D.C. have ruled that under Obamacare’s provisions a person’s gender identity cannot be a reason to deny coverage. Soon every college or university student will be paying for other students’ sexual proclivities, no matter how perverted they may be.
Among other sex problems, America has become a haven for pornography addicts, especially that dealing with children. A few statistics will prove this. Studies show that 30% of all data transferred across the World Wide Web is pornography. Some 10.5 million images of children were gathered off the Internet by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2009. There was a 2,500% increase in arrests for child pornography from 2002 to 2012. Twenty percent of all Internet pornography involves trafficked children. Forty-two percent of the recruiters are women. The fastest-growing criminal enterprise in the world is human trafficking which brings in $32 million annually. There are 3,829 strip clubs in the U.S. The number of violent crimes within 1000 feet of such places is 10 times higher than that of other areas. One half of slaves in the U.S. are engaged in the commercial sex industry. The average age range for entry into prostitution in the U.S. is 12-14. Between 100,000 and 300,000 U.S. children are enslaved in sex trafficking every year. The average cost of a sex slave today is $90. In the mid-1800’s the price of an African slave was the equivalent of $40,000 in today’s currency. Of the world’s 30 million slaves, 1.75 million are sex objects that are purchased, sold, used and discarded to satisfy sex traffickers’ insatiable lust for money. To be continued. L.J.
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