To anyone who might be hearing the call of God to come out of the world and follow Him I say, stand up for Him and His Word. Be the one He refers to in Isaiah 66:2: “… on this one I will look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who TREMBLETH AT MY WORD.” Those who hear His call and reject it only tremble when thinking about the persecution they would endure should they choose Him over Satan. Early church leaders knew the risks of obeying God but did so without fear. Hebrews 11:36-38 reveals what His people endured for their faith in Him. By 100 A.D. all but one of the original apostles had been martyred except John, who had been imprisoned. Let us not forget why: “I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ was on the isle that is called Patmos FOR THE WORD OF GOD AND THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST (Rev. 1:9). The other 12, plus Paul, were savagely murdered because they stood up for the God of the Bible. Later some 50,000,000 people were martyred during the Catholic Inquisition, many of them God’s people.
In their never-ending drive to prove themselves right and God wrong, some so-called “gay Christians” contend that God did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality, but rather because of their arrogance and greed. They contend that the well-meaning citizens only wanted to say “hello” to Lot’s guests. Some say that the Bible supports gay marriage. Others put forth that Jesus was homosexual.
Concerning the newspaper article referenced earlier, one of the suggestions relative to the “How do we stand for God without alienating the gay crowd and their supporters?” question was to allow them to join the church but deny them leadership positions. LEAVEN LEAVENS THE LOAF. God demands that the church put them out, not welcome them in. Nowhere do we find God saying that the church unleavens the leaven. Recent history has proven the Lord to be right. Once in, sex perverts bend everyone else to their will. The time eventually comes when Bible believers are forced to leave. Once Satan plants his germ in a congregation, total rot soon follows. What was formerly wrong becomes right; “thou shalt not” becomes “If you don’t you’re a hater.”
Concerning the childhood “sexual-orientation” craze that is sweeping the nation (and will soon overtake the church), an extremely rare common sense article was published in the June 12 edition of The Wall Street Journal. The article, written by a professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, stated that transgendered individuals suffer a “disorder of assumption” that “does not correspond to physical reality.” The author stated that the disorder is similar to that of anorexia sufferers who believe that they are fat when in reality the exact opposite is true. The author cited a Swedish study that followed sex-reassignment surgery patients for 30 years. One of the findings was that they had a suicide rate almost 20 times as high as the rest of the population. The sex-obsessed crowd pays no attention to information such as this. Any information that refutes their ideology, regardless of its validity, is summarily dismissed.
I find it revealing that in today’s America when someone admits to such perversions as stealing, lying, cheating, murdering, raping, embezzling, etc. we do not see the immediate public display of acceptance, tolerance and inclusion that is afforded sex perverts. There is no media fawning, no appearance on talk shows, no book deals, no appearance on the front covers of popular magazines, etc. The former are viewed as objects of shame and revulsion while their sexual counterparts are hailed as brave trend-setters–national heroes whose example we should all appreciate. BOTH ARE PERVERTS ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD–THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE WHO WILL JUDGE EVERY HUMAN BEING WHO EVER LIVED BY HIS WORD. That Word condemns all of the above. Such popular things as human reasoning, being supposedly saved, one’s feelings, intellectual surmisings, church doctrine, “That’s how I was always taught,” “That’s not why I do it,” “A god of love would never condemn anyone,” etc. will have no effect on His verdict. Perverts in both groups will be judged according to God’s Word and will receive the sentence of death unless a 180 degree change is undertaken. As these postings will show, God condemns perverts of whatever stripe. What men, or groups of men, or all men think is irrelevant. To be continued. L.J.
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