Returning to the recent newspaper article we find that some church leaders are “standing their ground” while trying figure out how to do so without alienating the large numbers of young people for whom there is no conflict between Christianity and homosexuality, etc. The issue at hand is the Institutional Church’s acceptance or rejection of God’s definition of sin. For Bible-believers, it matters not what young people, or any people believe to be right. God caters to no one; neither do His people, neither should church people. But that is not the case. Satan is using love, inclusion and tolerance–the P.C. Big Three– to destroy any entity that claims any relationship with the Biblical God. The mere use of His name is enough to bring on a Satanic attack. The number of sin-embracing churches reveals his record of success.
Anything outside of God’s expressed Will–His Word–is irrelevant. Individual and group likes, dislikes, desires, beliefs, theology, etc. have no place in the Church of God. Societal shifts have nothing to do with right and wrong. The cowardly question being asked by Satan’s false prophets is, “How do we uphold God’s Standard without doubling down (on His Word) or capitulating?” This is the epitome of Scriptural fence straddling (hypocrisy). It is also impossible. Those who call themselves Christians must grow a spiritual spine and make a choice. Either double-down (stand with God) and join the minutely few who are true God/Word-obeying Christians, or capitulate (compromise) and remain with the other 99.9% of professing Christendom in their rejection of God and His Word. Either present God’s Word with a take-it-or-leave-it-attitude and please very few, or compromise with the devil and make the religious masses feel good. Be warned: choice #1 has its consequences. Before joining the Lord in His war against Satan and his church system one needs to count the cost of doing so (Lk. 14:28). Jesus warns us that those who obey Him will be hated by the world, even by those in his/her own family. Universal hatred is an obvious sign that one is truly a child of God. One must also know the identity of his/her enemy. The unchurched care not what God’s saints do, say or think–they do not persecute believers. It is the church who hates, rejects and persecutes God’s people. Who persecuted the Old Testament prophets, some unto death? Who persecuted and killed all of the New Testament apostles except one? Who did the same to Jesus? The answer is the same for all–the religious leaders of their day. Nothing has changed. The Lord’s saints’ most determined enemies are those who practice Catholicism and Protestantism. The persecution-salvation calculus is as follows: no persecution=no salvation. Question: Who is behind the church’s persecution of God’s people? Revelation 2:10 shows us–Satan. Jesus told the church at Smyrna that: “The devil will cast some of you into prison.” It is Satan who persecutes God’s saints using religious men to do his dirty work. See Persecution.
Why are so many religious leaders and members of the laity straddling the fence on the issue of sexual perversion and the church? Answer: they have left their first love (Rev. 2:4)–God’s Word and obedience to it. Being afflicted with the “Stephen Syndrome,” God/Word-rejecters shut their ears and attack when someone shows them what God says about a particular sin they have embraced. In Bible language, sin is sin. If God is to be believed, homosexuality is sin as this series will prove. Though it is no more sinful than adultery, lying, cheating, theft, etc., it is the sin the church is trying desperately to legitimize and make “within God’s will” in this hour. And she (read Satan) is succeeding. Having transferred all decision-making powers from God to herself, the entire church system will eventually “see the light” and pronounce homosexuality, gay marriage, bi-sexuality, etc. within the scope of God’s “loving embrace.” Sexual perversion of every kind will eventually become part of the church’s love, inclusion, tolerance mind-set. “It’s all good” will then be the Counterfeit Church’s mantra.
It is long past time for those who claim Jesus Christ as their Savior to stand up for Him and quit laying down for Satan. “Christians” who reject God and His Word must be put out of the congregation. It won’t take long for them to find a church that will scratch their itching ears. Ear-scratching, compromising churches are increasing in number daily.
“But how can we get those people saved if we send them away” is the universal question spoken among those who still believe God. That is not our problem. God says not to allow them into the Body of Christ. If they are already in, put them out and keep them out. Leaven is not unleavened by the loaf; the leaven leavens the loaf. The saint’s responsibility is to OBEY GOD. The rest is His business. If the church has embraced sin, the believer must leave in that the church has become the leaven.
Sin must be abandoned and conversion affected BEFORE one is allowed to become part of the Body of Christ. It can take months of teaching, counseling, etc. by church leaders before a supplicant is allowed to participate in group worship. No one would allow a known, unrepentant thief to spend one night each week in his/her home. No known, unrepentant rapist would be welcomed to visit a family with female children. A total reversal of life-style–true conversion–must be PROVEN before one is allowed to join true saints in the Church of God. To be continued. L.J.
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