In the first chapter of Romans Paul enumerates 24 different sins which he says are abominations to God and death-producing, including homosexuality. Each and every one of those sins continues to be labeled as a sin in today’s world–except one. One category of sin is no longer on the list. It has been concluded that God made a mistake in the case of that one faux sin. Fortunately for Him, an ever-increasing number of so-called “churches” have realized His error and have been kind enough to correct Him. I find it incredible that, having been declared “evil” and condemned by God for some 2000 years, one of those former “evils” has been declared “good” and has been embraced by Him. Satan is flooding the world with perverted sex in an attempt to legitimize and legalize all such abominations in the eyes of man, especially churchman. Bisexuality, cross-dressing, male and female homosexuality, cohabitation, sex-changes, adultery, etc. are now deemed legitimate in the eyes of the nation and the world. An increasing number of church people have “seen the light” and are accepting sex perversion as a natural state of man. Some place t.v. and print ads to that effect in attempt to lure those of an “alternate life-style” into their organization. Such religious trend setters are invited to “Come as you are; stay as you are.” However, I’ve noticed that the avant-garde “churches” do not put out the same advertisements for thieves, liars, kidnappers, etc.
Due to their sudden popularity, sex perverts are now in vogue. Entire congregations are now composed of such “Christians.” Of the two dozen sinners listed in Romans 1, the homosexual is by far the most popular, appearing in every possible venue world-wide. Within 24 hours of showing off her new femininity, the former Olympic champion mentioned earlier had over a million admirers on her Twitter account. I expect to see her crowned as Time Magazine’s Person Of The Year. Is there a Nobel prize in her future? Or possibly a medal of some sort? This former he has it made for the rest of her life: the talk shows, the book, the movie, the reality series, the speaking engagements, church appearances, etc. The sky is the limit. America is in love.
In the eyes of God, if we can believe Him, sex perverts and those who support them are as doomed as the world they emulate. The “straight” pastor leading a strait church and the “gay” pastor leading a gay church are both condemned along with their parishioners–all will be judged accordingly unless they honestly search God’s Word, accept His Word as Truth, realize their spiritual condition, repent, are converted and follow His Holy Spirit through the strait gate and along the narrow way that leads to salvation. Death is the only alternative.
“But Jesus loves homosexuals” has become the gay mantra. True, but He does not accept them. He loved Judas, Simon Magus, King Saul, Ahab, Jezebel, Ananias, Sapphira, Herod, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, etc. He also loves every false christian and false prophet, homosexual, thief, liar, etc. in today’s sick world and sick church. God’s love saves no one; obedience to His Word with faith in Him saves anyone.
Every argument put forth by sin-deniers is based on manipulation of His Word. The Counterfeit Church has proven herself expert in the art of Scripture-twisting and Word elimination. I recently heard someone voice what should be her motto: “Christianity is not about being righteous; it’s about being forgiven.” This deadly theological “truth” runs rampant throughout professing Christendom like a welcomed disease. Her “We’re all good” mind-set allows sin to dominate one’s life as long as he/she repents regularly. According to her, Jesus did not come to free men from sin, but to free him from the penalty of his inevitable sins. We are told by the Counterfeit Church that repentance, not obedience, is the key to a heavenly mansion. Billions have bought what Satan is selling. The price? One’s eternal life.
Let us now address the rationale-of-last-resort for sex perverts: “But I love the Lord.” This supposedly eliminates all of His commands to obey Him. Question: If you love Him, why do you not obey Him? Why do you openly, loudly and repeatedly accuse Him of lying? Answer: Because you have made Him your Savior but not your Lord. As Savior one need only to receive His forgiveness; as Lord one is required to obey Him. This the entirety of professing Christendom refuses to do, preferring to wallow in the sow’s mire and lap up the dog’s vomit. The spiritual formula is: No Lordship=no salvation–if, as I said, we can take Him at His Word.
For those who label me a homosexual “hater,” there are a few things you should know. I have several gay friends who have eaten at my table, slept in my beds and enjoyed the companionship of my very loving family. These people are religious; one has visited the pope in Rome. BUT I DO NOT WORSHIP WITH THEM. THEIR GOD IS THE ENEMY OF MY GOD. THEY REJECT MY GOD AND HIS WORD, all the while calling themselves by His name. THEY ARE HIS ENEMIES. This is not judgment on my part; God has already judged them and found them guilty. He deals with sinners outside the church; the saints’ job is to deal with sinners within the church. Those wallowing in the spiritual mire of Institutional Christianity are being judged by Him on a continuous basis. See the introduction to this website for a list of some of the sins of which she is guilty. To be continued. L.J.
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