Though not an Adolph Hitler fan, I find his dictum true: “Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it.” And though not a fan of Communism, I find its dictum also true: “Capture the heart when it is young and you will own it forever.” Sex-crazed, sex-obsessed religious progressives are determined to pervert our youth and thereby secure perversion’s place in their hearts. To accomplish this they must remove God from the picture. Their success is evident. Slowly but surely they are trivializing Him and His Word. The next generation will know nothing about either.
Our young people are being lied to repeatedly, and the lie has taken root. For example, in some school systems, and soon to be in all systems by governmental decree, kindergarten children are being told that they are neither male nor female, but are rather “gender fluid,” meaning that they are the gender they feel they are at any given moment. They are then allowed to cater to that moment’s gender proclivity in their daily activities. Some of the more perversionally zealous practitioners are taking the movement to an entirely new and dangerous level.
One of the “advancements” in the rapidly-growing “gender-orientation” craze now sweeping the nation and the world is called “sex reassignment.” In this procedure everything from sex-designation chemicals to radical surgery are being used on ever younger patients. The openly gay Secretary of the Federal Department of Education is pushing for more to be done in the lower public school grades to promote “Alternative Lifestyles” both in the U.S. and in the countries comprising the United Nations. Other “advanced techniques” are being utilized to push the sexual perversion agenda. Approximately two years ago I read a magazine article about a young couple who refused to designate their child’s sex until he/she was old enough to decide which sex he/she wanted to be. At the time of the printing, no one inside or outside the family had been allowed to see the child undressed. The child was about two years of age a that time. Be assured, this is not an isolated incident.
The floodgates have opened and the millennials (18-35 years old) are “discovering their true gender identities” at an ever-increasing rate. Yesterday (6/15/2015) morning the nation and the world learned about a “race-orientation” case–the woman could not decide if she was black or white. Before bedtime some were already legitimizing the race-identification problem. Is a “species-orientation” movement waiting in the wings? Are people going to be coming “out of the barn” who believe that they are actually animals, or rodents, or reptiles?
Dozens of people, some of them church leaders, are now “coming out of the gender-orientation closet” and are being treated like world-savers, iconoclasts–the avantgarde that will usher mankind into a glorious future where God’s value system will be viewed as a rejected relic from a less-cerebral past. Right and wrong will be the exclusive domain of the individual–each will do what is right in his own eyes (Prov. 21:2).
A recent newspaper article highlighted the foundational problem in the church-homosexual-gay marriage-transexual-bisexual-transgender-cross dressing, “what gender are you at this moment?” situation. The headline itself stated the problem: “SOUL-SEARCHING ON HOMOSEXUALITY–Societal Shift Stirs Frank Talk Among Christians.” The term “soul-searching” alerts us to the root cause of the problem. Those who call themselves “Christians” do not need to search their souls concerning the issue, they need to search God’s Word (which this series of postings will do. Those who do not want to know what God says should stop reading now). There needs to be an individual “heart-search” to determine if one believes God or His enemies? God tolerates no Scripture-straddling.
The words “Societal Shift” was also illuminating. “Societal Shift” has become ground zero relative to the church’s attitude toward altered gender states–does one’s church go with the current social trend, or does it stand up for God? This is where God’s church people separate themselves from Satan’s church people, leaving no doubt as to who is whom. THE ONLY QUESTION GOD’S PEOPLE ASK IS: WHAT DOES HE SAY ABOUT IT? Fake Christians are more concerned about religious correctness. For those about whom the article was written, God’s view of the issue, or any issue, is secondary at best. For them, “Thus saith the Lord” has lost its relevance; a new set of theological concepts have taken center stage–THE MASSES MUST BE PLACATED. CHURCH RULE IS NOW FROM THE BOTTOM UP. VOTE-DETERMINED DEMOCRACY HAS REPLACED GOD’S DICTATORSHIP. RELIGIOUS CORRECTNESS RULES THE DAY. People are told to HURT GOD’S FEELINGS, NOT PEOPLE’S FEELINGS. In other words: THE RELIGIOUS TAIL WAGS THE RELIGIOUS DOG. For the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/Protestantism), the truth concerning right or wrong relative to any situation is her call. God is out of sight and out of mind. To be continued. L.J.
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