Perversion: deviation from the normal. Webster’s Concise Dictionary, Encyclopedic Edition. Every sin, regardless of type, is an act of perversion–deviation from God’s Word. Liars, thieves, murderers–all are perverts by definition in that, relative to God’s Word, they all deviate from His Will as expressed in His Word. The Lord summarizes perversion (rebellion) in Galatians 1:6,7: “I marvel that you have … TURNED AWAY FROM HIM WHO CALLED YOU (by turning) TO A DIFFERENT GOSPEL, which is not another (gospel); but there be some AMONG YOU who PERVERT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST.” Note that those who pervert His Word are in the church. The gospel is the Word of God–His concept of “normal.” Any deviation (turning away) from His gospel amounts to PERVERSION. Notice that to deviate from God’s gospel (to sin) is to turn away/deviate from Him. God and His Word are one (Jn. 1:1-4,14). Therefore, to disobey His Word is to pervert His Word; to pervert His Word is to pervert Him; to choose another’s word is to choose another god, which is idolatry. THIS IS LIFE AND DEATH REVELATION.
Perversion (sin) runs rampant and unchallenged in today’s world. Having been given free reign, it has become institutionalized as standard operating procedure among both the churched and the unchruched. Sin has become man’s nature. One much wiser that I has observed that what man allows himself becomes a “habit;” a habit allowed becomes “natural;” what remains natural becomes man’s “nature.” Deviance/perversion/sin has evolved from something man has allowed, to being “natural,” to being his “nature”–his innate spiritual condition. This heresy has been greatly aided by a church-wide belief in the Satanic doctrine known as “original sin.” See Human Nature. “Adam made me do it” is accepted as truth within the church where sin (which supposedly cannot be avoided) is more highly valued than righteousness (which is supposedly impossible). Truly, Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9), specifically the religious world. Sin is sin; the wages of any type of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). Though churchman embraces sin in general as his natural spiritual state, one type of sin, having captured the heart of the so-called Christian Nations, is valued high above all others–sexual perversion.
Modern man’s view of sex, particularly illicit sex, borders on worship. The world has become sex- saturated and sex-obsessed. In the economic marketplace everything is valued relative to its association with sex. Advertisements feature near-naked females in the sale of everything from toys to trucks. Watch a professional or college basketball or football game and you will see a plethora of bare bottoms and bouncing breasts as so-called “cheerleaders” do their bump and grind, sex-simulation routines. Walk the streets of any big city and you will be approached by scantily-clad prostitutes with crosses around their necks and Bibles in their purses. Swinging, open marriage, group marriage, cohabitation, group sex, etc. have become commonplace. Many governmental workers spend their day watching pornography. Question the above and one will find that the majority of them are “Christians.” Some cities celebrate an annual LGBT Pride Day complete with multi-media coverage. Recently a nearby city declared June LGBT Pride MONTH. One city was honest enough to call its celebration a “Day of Decadence.” Recently a junior high class was field-tripped to a sex toy shop. Public school text books now present same-sex marriage, homosexuality etc. as “normal.” Children’s t.v. programs routinely feature same-sex couples as having children. Some schools are allowing children to use either male or female bathrooms and showers based on which sexual proclivity happens to be dominant on a given day. On the college level, co-ed showers and dorms are in the planning stage. Truly, Satan has found a soft spot in the nation’s collective psyche. His sex blitz (“lightning warfare”) has honed in on it to the point that many cultural items and social activities are valued relative to their sexual component. Even television news reporters are valued relative to their sex appeal. One network president was quoted as saying that he hired only female anchors with whom men would want to have sex. To be continued. L.J.
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