For many, Satan is a figment of demented imaginations. But for Bible believers, he is very real. In this posting I will relate an example of the power he uses to persuade and deceive even the most religious within professing Christendom. The episode took place during the 1970’s. A friend (Perry) with whom I often ministered had a cousin named James whom I had come to know. One day they asked me to go with them to James’ mother’s home to minister to her. On the way they described what I was about to see. James’ mother had an infirmity that caused her to be bent at the waist into the shape of a 7. She could not straighten her body; it had frozen in that shape. Upon arrival at the rural home I found their description to be exactly right. The poor lady was so bent that, when she talked to someone she had to turn away and look back at the person under her arm pit. She had been that way since before James was born. He was probably in his mid-thirties at that time.
After a few pleasantries we got down to business. We explained that we were there to pray for her and ask God to heal her. She accepted our presentation and agreed to allow us to pray for her healing. God healed her instantly. Within seconds she had straightened up to her full height. She was rather tall, as I recall. I have never seen a woman so happy. She went through her house with her hands in the air shouting and praising God. After a while we left, rejoicing that God was the God of His Word. Unfortunately, we had not counted on Satan getting involved in the situation.
A few days later James told us that his brother had later convinced her that what God had done was a ruse, that she was not actually healed. Within days she had returned to her condition. We did not go back and I never saw her again. As I sit here I can still see her standing on her porch waving at us as we drove away. I am glad I have that memory of that poor woman.
Never underestimate the power of the devil. Since deceiving Eve he has played havoc with mankind, most of whom do not believe he exists. Many of those who do believe tend not to realize how much power he has over man, especially religious man. The power to resist his calls to sin are found in the written Word. When he tempted the man Jesus following His fast, Jesus used the Scriptures to defeat him. With each temptation He responded with “It is written ….” True believers have that same power available to them. However, in order to use God’s Word we must, as did Jesus, know, believe and obey that Word. For this reason we are commanded to study that Word in order to be approved by God and to have available to us the power found in those Words, which are in reality Jesus Christ in written form. In John 1:1-4,14 and Revelation 19:13 we are told that Jesus was, is and will ever be the Word of God.
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