Notice: In this teaching the expression “Tribulation Period” will be include the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.
For many years Bible scholars have correctly predicted that, during the Tribulation Period Satan (the “dragon”–Rev. chapters 12,13,16,20), “knowing that his time is short” (Rev. 12:12), will unleash a level of hate against his enemy that will make his past expressions of hate toward mankind in general pale by comparison. When the Tribulation Period begins he will come against many of those who, throughout their church lives, unknowingly worshiped and served him while believing that they were worshiping and serving the Biblical God. These people will have been members of the Catholic/Protestant Religious System known collectively as “the church.” Having realized that the Great Tribulation had begun, and that the so-called “rapture” had been a myth, and that they had been deceived by Satan’s false prophets, many will call out to God for mercy, will receive it, and will pay the ultimate price–they will be beheaded by the one-world church empowered by the one-world government (Revelation 20:4). These will be people who will have never heard God’s Truth. As a result they will have lived their religious lives in rebellion to His will. These who will be decapitated for their belief in Jesus will constitute the “great multitude” referred to in Revelation 7:9.
This teaching is not about those precious souls. Nor is it about the Tribulation Period. It is about what will take place prior to the beginning of the Great Tribulation/ Day of the Lord period. I refer to this period as the Tribulation Period throughout this posting.
This teaching is about God’s true, Very Elect saints who, at present, are operating in the shadow of the universal Catholic/Protestant Religious System which calls itself God’s people (aka–“the church”). This organization is identified as “the church” because of where its constituents spend a couple of hours on Sunday morning, not because they believe and obey the God they claim to worship and serve. The time element for this teaching is a couple of years before the beginning of the Great Tribulation when God will take His tiny group of true saints (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14) to a “place of safety” (key word–Safety). It will involve a few holy saints who will become fingers in the eyes of the Institutional Church by their ministers’ preaching and ministering of God’s pure Word which will anger the false church as well as the government. Empowered and led by Satan, they, along with the world’s unbelievers, will join forces in an attempt to force God’s people to stop speaking His Truth which will identify the unbeliever/church/government coalition as the cause of the world’s problems.
Their efforts will fail as God’s true messengers will prove the Truth of God’s Word with signs, wonders and miracles like the world has never seen. Their ministry will make the Book of Acts pale by comparison. GOD’S PEOPLE WILL WIN EVERY CONFRONTATION. For an example of what will take, place read the exploits of the Prophet Elijah during his confrontation with the prophets of Baal and the government of King Ahab as written in First Kings 18:21-39. Here you will find a prime example of the type of war that will take place between the unbelievers/church/government coalition and the ministers of God. Notice who won the Elijah/Ahab battle. Read the series concerning this soon-coming war using the key word–Gun.
During this short time period the evil coalition, under the power and leadership of their god (Satan) will declare war against his true enemies–ME AND PEOPLE LIKE ME WHOM THEY WILL BLAME FOR THE TERRIBLE CONDITION THE WORLD WILL BE IN AT THAT TIME. Their hatred will be fueled by our message and their inability to silence it. WE WILL TELL THE WORLD THAT IT IS THEY–THE UNBELIEVERS, THE FALSE CHURCH AND THE POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT– WHO ARE THE REASON FOR THE WORLD’S TERRIBLE CONDITION. Being unable to stop us from speaking God’s Truth, they will try to kill us. But God will use miracles to keep them from doing so. For as long as the Lord wants us to spread His Truth WE WILL WIN. NOT EVEN THE WORLD’S UNBELIEVERS, THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH AND THE WORLD’S GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES COMBINED WILL BE ABLE TO STOP US UNTIL THE LORD TAKES US TO HIS PLACE OF SAFETY, ALONG WITH THOSE WHO ARE OF LIKE MIND. Read about the Lord’s safe haven where His people will live in safety and plenty during the Tribulation and Day of the Lord–a 3 1/2 period during which sinning man will suffer incredibly. Key word–Safety. At the end of the Tribulation Period Christ will return and, following the first resurrection, will take His true saints into His earthly kingdom in the area today called the Promised Land where the nation of Israel is located today.
WHAT will happen to WHOM is being determined now. The Apostle Peter tells us that judgment is on-going in the church at this time and that “only the righteous (Law-keepers) will be saved” (1 Pet. 4:17,18) and taken to the place of safety before the beginning of the Tribulation Period. Read Matthew 15:9/ John 8:31; 14:15,23; 15:10,13,14/ Romans 7:12 and First John. 2:3-5; 3:1-10.
An outline of events is in order:
Before the beginning of the Tribulation Period (a 3 1/2 period of terror, death and destruction) Satan, using the Institutional Church, unbelievers and the national, state and local governments, will declare war on God’s tiny church whose ministers will tell the world God’s Truth concerning the cause of the mess in which the world will find itself.
Immediately before the Tribulation Period begins, God will take His true saints to a place of safety where He will protect them from the terror taking place throughout the world.
During the Tribulation Period, many church people will realize their error and call out to God. He will answer their call and save them. Those who embrace Him will be beheaded.
At the end of the Tribulation Period Christ will return, call His true saints (who have been in the place of safety) up to where He will be waiting along with His mighty angels. Together they will then descend to the Mount of Olives and enter Jerusalem where they will establish the Kingdom of God where they will live eternally. Read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom.
Later, the Lord will resurrect everyone who has ever lived and deal with them as explained in the series titled The Three Resurrections (key word–Three). Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers.
Satan’s most hated, most feared enemy is a true believer who takes the Lord at His Word and acts on Luke 10:19. Here Jesus says to such a Very Elect saint: “BEHOLD, I GIVE YOU POWER OVER DEMONS, AND OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY (SATAN); AND NOTHING WILL BY ANY MEANS HURT YOU.” I am one such believer. L.J.
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