One fact needs to be stated and stated often: The Bible was written to and about those who call themselves by the name of the Lord. In Old Testament times these were the Israelites–the direct descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). In the New Testament era all writings were directed to and were written about the Church of God of which there is only one. This church involves neither Catholicism nor Protestantism. Nor does it include any of the world’s other religious “isms.” There is only one Church of God; all other religious entities are counterfeit. God’s church is tiny, comprised of only a few thousand people world-wide. It is hated and rejected throughout the world, as was His Son when He walked the earth, and for the same reason–belief in and obedience to the Father’s Word. In that Word we are told that throughout the history of His church there would be those within it who would betray Him by not believing and obeying His Word. This falling away (apostasy), He warned, would be especially rampant at the end of the age. One warning passage stands out due to its clarity.
In 2 Corinthians 4:2-5 we find the Apostle Paul telling the church at Corinth that the apostles did not use deception in their preaching, nor did they distort the Word of God. Instead, they set forth the Truth plainly in the sight of God. However, he warned, there were those in the church who did not believe God’s Word, whom Paul called “unbelievers.” He wrote that these people had been blinded by Satan and were dying spiritually because they could not see the light of the true gospel which would have dispelled the darkness of the false gospel they believed. This is the perverted gospel (Gal. 1:6-9) which Jesus referred to as “great darkness” in Mat. 6:22,23–“great” because it was being presented by Satan’s false prophets as the true gospel. In this passage Jesus was warning those who would embrace Him about Satan’s effect on the eyes of those who would listened to his false prophets–he take away their power to be “single” sighted–totally focused on the Father and His Word. Paul warned that Satan would place a spiritual veil over the eyes of weak church people so that they could not see (believe and obey) the true gospel.
In Matthew 24:24 Jesus warned His disciples (then and now) about “… false Christs and false prophets who will perform great signs and miracles” that would be so seductive that even the very elect in His church would be subject to their allure. “See,” He told them, “I have told you ahead of time.” The “time” Jesus was referring to is now. Notice how many miracle working, Word-rejecting “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:15) are being seen and heard through the various media outlets today. In his “last hoorah,” Satan is leaving no religious stone unturned. God tells us in His Word that many in these last days will succumb to his wiles. Today over two billion of those who have done so call themselves children of God. This proves that Satan is an incredibly powerful adversary who can be overcome (Rev. 3:21) only by the power of God’s Holy Spirit working from inside the His saints (Lk. 10:19/Acts 1:8). As Revelation tells us, only those who overcome him will be with Jesus in the Kingdom of God.
Over the past 20 years or so we have seen a number of Biblically-condemned acts become accepted by many in professing Christendom. Some churches continue to resist the onslaught of religious correctness designed by the devil to destroy them. Eventually, however, they too will succumb to the pressure placed on them by a combination of religious, social and governmental entities that is influencing and affecting the religious establishment at this very hour. As a result of this “love” and “inclusion” push, such abominations as homosexuality, same-sex marriage, evolution, Satanic “music,” abortion, not to mention numerous heathen beliefs and practices, are being accepted as “God’s will” throughout the Institutional Church world. Professing Christendom’s fall is certain. Only one church–God’s “Little Flock”–will be able to stand against the forces of evil.
The deadly spiritual disease that is ravaging the religious community has a long history. Beginning in the fourth century the Institutional Church has consistently and increasingly embraced heathenism. It began when the Catholics opened their doors to masses of heathen “converts” who insisted on bringing with them many of their religious practices. To placate them, the church absorbed many of their beliefs and customs. With the beginning of the so-called Protestant Revolution (Restitution) in the 16 century the heresy spread rapidly due to the fact that the protesting “daughters,” having retained many of their “mother’s” heresies (Rev. 17:1-5), put them forth as Bible Truth.
Though the spiritual condition of the church has gradually worsened over the centuries, we see the apostasy picking up speed and gathering power as the end of the age approaches. This is observable proof that the leaven is leavening ever more of the loaf. Soon there will be no more loaf to leaven. Satan has captured the world, including the Institutional Church. Knowing that his time is short (Rev. 12:12), he is using this final surge to capture as many of God’s “elect” as possible before he is cast into the abyss. L.J.
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