In the previous posting we were reminded that God has destroyed the surface of the earth on two occasions due to sin, first on the part of angels, then due to the rebellion of His most valued creation– man. Knowing the first from the last, He looked ahead to this time and saw that man, having the freedom of choice, would once again choose to follow Satan’s siren call to rebellion. He knew that once again He would see how great man’s wickedness on the earth has become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart is only evil continually. Due to 24/7 news coverage in almost real time we can see that, world-wide the acts of men have never been so evil. Knowing what would be the mindset of an ever increasing percentage of people in what is called the “terminal generation,” the Lord knew that man would once again have to be dealt with, and that He would once again be forced to cleanse the face of the earth in order to remove the stench left on it by mankind. Only to save His “elect”–His true saints–will the Lord not totally destroy the earth and everything on it (Mk. 13:19,20).
God has established a cause and effect pattern: global sin produces global punishment. But due to a promise He made to Noah, the Lord will never again curse the earth with water. This time He will destroy it with fire. Whereas water cleanses; fire destroys. Prior to the coming of a new earth, new heaven and new Jerusalem, God will destroy the old earth by burning it to nothing. Until that happens man will be allowed to practice spiritual self-destruction. Left to his own devices, man has become so evil that the sins of the past pale by comparison. As prophesied concerning these end times, never before in the history of mankind have the world’s people so totally embraced the ways of the devil.
Over the years leading up to the present those with eyes to see what is happening have noticed a change in leadership. In times past the society tended, at least nominally, to follow the lead of the church in order to stay on good terms with church people. The situation has been reverse. In today’s world the church follows the lead of the world in order to be accepted by it. The only real difference between the church and the world is where the church spends a couple of hours on Sunday morning. Otherwise, they pretty much mirror each other. The watch the same t.v. programs, read the same books, talk about the same topics, go to the same places, satisfy the same fleshly desires. This fact was brought to public attention recently when it was revealed that of those arrested for committing a crime, the number who profess to be Christians is approximately the same as those who do not. Never before has this nation in general and the church in particular so openly embraced and practiced the ways of Satan. The previous series of postings asked if he exists. Inquiring minds want to know; spiritual minds already know; doubting minds say “No.” The supposedly non-existent devil has deceived two out of the three groups (Rev. 12:9). To be continued. L.J.
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