God did not create evil. Satan is evil. So from whence came Satan the devil? As stated in the first posting in this series, many people, including church people, do not believe in the existence of an actual being called Satan and the devil. Nevertheless, the Bible those same church people possess and claim to believe has much to say about him–who he is, what he does, why he does what he does and what is to be his fate. Let us study God’s Word to determine what He has to say about this one who has caused so much misery throughout the history of man.
In Luke 10:18 we find Jesus Christ saying, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” By this we know that he was in heaven at one time. Is that where he began life? “And there was war in heaven. Michael and his (fellow) angels fought against the dragon (Satan), and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he (Satan) was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, who has deceived the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him” (Rev. 12:7-9). Was that their first time to be on earth?
Did God create Satan, His arch enemy? God creates only good. The devil is evil. But not only does the devil exist, he and his fallen angels were at one time in heaven with God and His angels. Is that where he began his man-destroying career? Why was he created? What position did he originally hold in God’s creation? Let us return to the time when all was well in the universe and trace Satan’s life from that point to the present. The Biblical journey is as rough as it is convoluted, which is the way of anyone who chooses to disobey God. I speak as one who knows, having traveled that path for many years. Let us step back in history to a time before man came on the scene. How far back? Listen to God speaking to Job: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of (created) the earth? …. and all the sons of God (angels) shouted for joy” (Job 38:4-7)? Note that the angels existed before the Lord created the earth. When they saw it they shouted for joy because for many of them, they were looking at their new home, as the Scriptures reveal.
But before we delve into a detailed account of Satan’s “coming out” and his destructive career on earth, I want to say a few words about his work in these end times. Any reasonably intelligent person watching the moral decay of the world in general and the United States in particular and deny the existence of an evil power behind it is lacking a sense of reality. Only a being of Satan’s power and reach could orchestrate the incredible morass that the world has become. And it is about to get worse–much, much worse. Those who know God’s word and believe it have seen this coming for many years and have done their best to warn mankind, but to no avail. The end is coming soon. How do God’s people know this? Jesus said that, though His saints would not know the day nor the hour, they would recognize the “signs of the times.” He is giving us loud, powerful warnings that are gathering in frequency and intensity with each passing day. Please, dear reader, believe God, do what you must do to assure a place in Him, then remain in Him through belief in His Word and total obedience to it. Rest assured, such a move on your part will cause great turmoil in your life as those whom you love will turn on you and reject you on the spiritual level. Remember, Jesus came not to bring peace to the earth, but a sharp, separating sword– His Word–that separates loved ones and friends (Mat. 10:34-36). But the prize–eternal life–is worth whatever the cost one must pay. Please hear God’s voice from His Holy Scriptures, then embrace and obey them. Obey His command in 2 Corinthians 6:17 to come out of Satan’s church system. Allow the Lord to empty you of all the Satanic paganism you have received from her, then to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Only then will you have any hope of being saved upon the Messiah’s return. To be continued. L.J.
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