As stated in the previous posting, many people, some of them church people, do not believe that the Biblical personage whom God calls “Satan” and “the devil” is an actual living entity who possesses the powers and abilities God proclaims him to have. But as is the case with all other things spiritual, the number of people who believe something and the number of centuries people have believed it have nothing to do with the reality of it. In the Introduction to this website I list a number of beliefs and practices that the professing church has “known” to be “Bible Truth” for 2000+ years that are not Biblical Truths, but rather are beliefs, doctrines, customs, etc. borrowed from the world of heathenism. Not so Satan. Few things are more Scripturally founded than the reality and identity of God’s ultimate enemy. Also Biblically identified are Satan’s followers whom God also calls His enemies (Rom. 5:10/Phil. 3:18/Jam. 4:4). But before we look into the creation and activities of the devil, let us revisit creation week.
In Genesis 1 we find the Lord God creating the universe. As an aside, this was the second creation–a re-creation–of the earth and the personages who would occupy it. God’s re-creation of the world and the necessity for it will be the subject of a future series of postings.
In Genesis 1 we find God creating beings like Himself who would have the capacity to reason, choose, love, communicate, etc. For man to realize his special place in the heart of the Lord he must understand why he was created. Simply put, God created man in His image and likeness for the same reason that a couple create a child–to have someone to love and cherish who will love and cherish them in return. The desire to reproduce Himself in flesh form is the ultimate reason for God’s creation of man.
On the sixth day of creation week the world was covered with plants and living creatures. It was time for the Lord to bring forth His ultimate creation–man, whom He named “Adam,” meaning “man.” In order to complete the creation process, He created woman, whom he named “Eve,” which translates to “living.” Adam and Eve were given the responsibility of reproducing themselves–to cover the earth with their own kind. The first recorded Words that God spoke to man was the command to multiply and populate the earth (Gen. 1:28). Note that He said this to Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Gay marriage violates God’s first command to mankind.
Animals were of the animal kind, fowl of the fowl kind, fish of the fish kind, etc. Each type of creation was given the type of “seed” that would enable it to reproduce its own kind. ADAM AND EVE WERE OF THE GOD KIND, having been created in God’s image and given a mind like His with which to operate on the God level in terms of thinking, speaking and doing (1 Cor. 2:16/Phil. 2:5), with the obvious limitations that separated Him from His human creation. However, that separation is not nearly as great as Satan has caused man to believe. As I will prove in future postings, the most religious of men have not the slightest idea of what God created His people to be and to do. This world is about to be educated in this regard. Through television and the internet people world-wide are about to see God’s true saints do things (Dan. 11:32/Jn. 14:12) that will produce global “shock and awe.” As promised by Jesus, the masses will witness the impossible take place. However, the world, including the church world, will reject God’s Biblical display of power and majesty through His faithful saints. The unchurched will discount what they see because it cannot be explained intellectually. The churched will reject it because it does not conform to their various theological beliefs. To be continued. L.J.
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