Because I avoid listening to or reading what comes out of the world’s false religions, I tend to forget how far Satan has led professing Christendom away from the Lord and His Truth (His Word–Jn. 17:17). The result is that the Almighty sends me an occasional “wake up call” to remind me of the power and influence Satan holds over his world-wide religious system. Though each religion plays its assigned role in his system, his most prized prey is that which calls itself “the church.” Because Christianity is so pervasive throughout the earth, and because it provides such a wide variety of options relative to the wants and wishes of its parishioners, professing Christendom has global appeal. For this reason it is mankind’s largest religion, at least for the present. So accommodating is this religion that if one cannot find what he/she is looking for, he/she can simply create a new unit, gather a few like-minded people around him/herself, give the group’s organization a religious sounding name and, presto, a new church (cult, denomination, faith, etc.) is born. One man claims to have found over 800 “denominations” (“divisions”– Rom. 16:17/1 Cor. 1:10; 3:3; 11:18) world-wide. This makes professing Christianity by far the most accommodating religion on earth. Christianity’s motto is “You want it–you got it. If we don’t have it–you can create it.” As the world’s most famous evangelist told the tens of thousands who got “saved” during his meetings,: “Now go join the church of your choice.” One woman I know took his advice and found just what she was looking for. She joined this particular church because: (quote) “… they do what I like to do” (unquote).
Is it any wonder that the rest of the world considers Christianity a joke? It is any wonder why God commands God seekers to “Come out of her and be separate from her; do not touch that unclean thing …?” and that only then will He become one’s God and one will become His child? (1 Cor. 6:14-7:1). Is it any wonder that Jesus declared that He would not die for everyone, but only for His “friends?” whom He identified as those who “… do whatsoever I command you” (Jn. 15:13,14). Note that He was speaking to His disciples. He declared that His mother, brothers and sisters were not His spiritual “brethren” because they did not believe in Him and were embarrassed by Him (Jn. 7:3-5). He then identified His spiritual brethren as those who “… do the will of My Father in heaven” (Mat. 12:46-50). His biological family was obviously not obeying God. Is it any wonder why He warned that FEW would enter His strait (church) gate and walk His narrow (My way only) path, and that MANY would enter Satan’s wide (church) gate and walk his broad (any way you want it) path? (Mat. 7:13,14).
Over the past three days I have been unable to work because my website was taken down due to factors beyond my control. Though my efforts to restore it were in vain, God continually assured me that He had everything under control. And, through forces beyond my control, my website was restored. God alone did what I tried so hard to do but could not do–He moved on the hearts of people whom I will never know. Praise His holy name. And a hearty “thank you” to those nice folks who heard His voice and obeyed Him.
Returning to my need for an occasional reality check, one night recently I was watching the evening news when a religious advertisement came on, which surprised me. This minister must have been very successful because t.v. advertising during prime time is incredibly expensive. This man was on for an unusually long time for a prime time t.v. ad. His message was a powerful reminder of why God put me on the internet. This was one of Satan’s false prophets proclaiming his (Satan’s) powerful “salvation message.” I will paraphrase his words. He told his audience of millions that they needed to get saved, and that they could do so during the ad. To get saved they needed only to repeat after him. He then led them through the “sinner’s prayer,” at the end of which he declared that everyone who had parroted his words were “saved” forever. If Satan had a human face, I was looking at it. If he has a prime message, I had just heard it. And because of man’s rejection of God’s Word, billions of them have embraced this false prophet’s version of truth.
Admittedly, I do occasionally need to be reminded of why I do what I do and why it is important that I do as much as I can while I can. God warns His apostles to work while it is day, for the time is coming when spiritual darkness will cover the earth and no (light-bearing) man will be allowed to speak or write His words.
It is for this reason that I ask you, my dear readers, to tell others about this website. I ask only that my readers search the Scriptures to see if what I write is true (Acts 17:11). What the reader does after that is between him/her and the Lord.
As a reminder, I offer to readers an index of all series titles available on this website along with instructions which enable the reader to search out what he/she wants to read and download it. For a copy of the index simply email me at
I will not contact you following the mailing of the index unless you request that I do so. L.J.
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