In Matthew 24:4,5 and Second Thessalonians 2:11 we have what appears to be a contradiction relative to God’s Word. In the Matthew passage we find Jesus warning salvation seekers about MEN who would deceive them concerning the Christian walk and God’s will. Then in the Thessalonian passage we find the Apostle Paul, speaking by the Holy Spirit, stating that GOD would send salvation seekers a deceiving message. And not just any level of deception, but “strong delusion.” What is going on? Would God do that to salvation seeking church people? And if so, why? Let us turn to the Apostle Paul’s second letter to the church at Thessalonica to answer those questions.
In verses 10-12 of the second chapter the apostle warns those in the church that those who followed “wicked” leaders would be destroyed along with them upon His return. These “wicked ones” who were leading people astray were doing the bidding of the “wicked ONE”–Satan (vs 9). In verses 10-12 Paul warned that those leaders and their followers will “perish” because “they did not love God’s Truth (Word–Jn. 17:17) so that they might be saved.” And because they refused to believe and obey the Truth, “God would send them STRONG DELUSION so that they would believe a lie. They would and be damned for not believing the Truth and taking pleasure in unrighteousness.” Note that Paul was writing to and about the church. Note also in verse ten where Paul noted that some of them might have been saved if they had believed God’s Word. Nothing has changed–not the wicked leaders nor their equally wicked disciples.
Let it be known that the Biblical God is not who and what He is portrayed to be by leaders of the world’s churches. The “god” the church presents is the same as the one the serpent presented to Eve during their conversation as recorded in Genesis 3. The serpent told her that her god had lied to her. The god presented by professing Christendom today is also presented as an inveterate liar whose words must be approached with skepticism. So much so that ministers must be able to recognize the errors in His teachings and be able to teach their followers the real truths (church doctrine) which more often than not, contradict the corresponding statements found in the Holy Bible. Again, remember Matthew 24:4,5.
In order to add emphasis to his ministers’ interpretation of God’s Word, Satan often uses signs and wonders to “prove” that they (church leaders) have been sent by the Biblical God. Just as Jesus told His disciples to use miracles as proof of what they were saying when people did not believe their words, Satan uses them to “prove” that those speaking his words are in fact working for the Biblical God and speaking His Words. Due to the miracle one has received, he becomes convinced that the church he is involved in is God’s church, and that the leader and the miracle recipient are walking with the Lord.
Jesus warned that Satan is like a lion who constantly looking for someone to devour. Satan is a spirit being. He devours spiritually. When a person joins one of his churches or chooses to remain in one of them, he is being devoured by the devil and, following the miracle, not only becomes more like him, but lures others to do the same. Paul writes about this phenomenon in Romans 1:21,32 where he warns about people who once knew God but did not continue to glorify Him by obeying Him, thereby “darkening their foolish hearts.” Not only did they turn away from their Maker, knowing that doing so “made them worthy of death,” they “took pleasure” in those who followed their example.
A very effective method used by Satan to solidify his hold on religious people while drawing others to join them is to perform miracles. I have read accounts of and heard testimonies concerning miracles that have taken place in the lives of people from every area of religious life. In every case the people directly involved in the miracle, along with those who either knew or knew of them, became more involved in the religious organization associated with the miracle. Invariably, Catholics and Protestants become more firmly entrenched in the religious organization associated with the miracle. This plays perfectly into Satan’s hand. His method of enslavement is to keep the people associated with the miracle focused on God’s “headlines” while keeping them ignorant of His “fine print.”
A perfect example of this scheme was in operation in a group of people I became involved with early on in my walk with the Lord. These were people who had latched onto Deuteronomy 28 with both religious hands, but only through the first 13 verses. They conveniently ignored the first half of the first verse and all of verses two and fourteen. After a while I noticed that, as far as these people were concerned, those verses, along with verses 15 through 68, were irrelevant in that they were saved, born again, sanctified and rapture-ready. Never once did I hear those verses mentioned. The “truth” Satan had planted in their minds was: “Because I (posing as the Biblical God) perform miracles among you, that proves that you are exactly where I want you.” Over time I came to realize that these well-meaning but unwitting souls had zeroed in on the Lord’s “headlines” but were not interested in His “fine print.” All they saw were the promised blessings. Satan had blinded them to the most powerful word in the Bible–“IF.” Ironically, that word reigns supreme in verses 1,2,14-68. Satan had them exactly where he wanted them. “Only believe” was the theme of the day–every day. Sound familiar?
I have read and heard testimonies of people who, though sincere in their hearts, were sincerely wrong relative to the Word of God. I am sure that they saw and heard what they claimed to have seen and heard. However, what they saw and heard contradicted what God wrote in His Holy Scriptures. The common theme continuing today is that, if it is miraculous, it must be of God. I have seen “Christian messengers” tell strangers in their audiences about things that had taken place in their lives. This was information they had no way of knowing. In one case the “messenger” named the grandparent of a member of the audience and a unique toy he had given her during her childhood. Some “messengers” supposedly serve as human instruments through whom dead relatives “speak” to audience members. This type of demonic activity is warned about in the Bible. In Exodus 22:18, Deuteronomy 18:10, Second Chronicles 33:6 and Galatians 5:20 God warns His people about such demonic entities who pose as God’s messengers. A fallen King Saul went to the witch of Endore who supposedly brought forth the Prophet Samuel from the dead to speak to him. Read Life After Death : What, When and Where? Key word–What? To “fine print” rejecters, the miraculous feats of the self-professed messengers “prove” that they are what they claim to be. What they prove is that we must never underestimate the power of Satan. L.J.
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