Since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in four states, followed by the president’s declaration that it applies to all 50 states, liberal churchites have tried to convince the nation that the Lord is in favor of the decision. A good rule to follow when accusing Him of something is to first determine what He said about it in the Holy Bible–His only will and testament. I have noticed that the Scripturally challenged are the first to break forth with their version of “what it says in the Bible.” Outside of John 3:16, which they miss-interpret and miss-apply, most so-called “Christians” have no idea what God said about anything. Pardon my venting, but I’ve noticed that the least knowledgeable are the most vocal regardless of the subject.
One of the primary excuses put forth to legitimize gay marriage is that some of God’s men had more than one wife and some had concubines. This is true. But I have yet to have anyone show me where the Lord approved of their family arrangements. Let us look at a few such situations to see how they worked out. If anyone needed more than one wife it was Adam who, along with Eve (not Steve), was commanded to populate the entire earth. Did not God realize that the process would be completed much sooner and go much more smoothly if he supplied Adam with several hundred wives? Perhaps He looked ahead and saw that Solomon’s hundreds of wives would cause his spiritual downfall. And let us not forget that Elkanah and Jacob’s two wives spent much time in conflict with each other. Or that David’s second wife was the result of murder. Or that Abraham’s concubine birthed the progenitor of today’s religious world war.
While we are highlighting the failures of some of God’s people, let us not overlook Adam and Eve’s unbelief, Cain’s anger, Noah and Lot’s problem with wine, Samson’s lust, Joseph’s brothers’ hate, Moses’ impatience, Paul’s anger, Peter’s cowardice, Eli’s discipline problems, Josiah’s pride, Jeroboam’s idolatry, Rehoboam, Judas, Ananias and Sapphira’s greed. All failed their Maker. Some paid a horrific price for their failure. Some paid with their lives while others repented and became stalwarts of the faith. Bible believers know that THE LORD APPROVED OF NONE OF THE ABOVE.
Unlike those who want to remove all restraints on man’s sexual activities, let us not use the sins of the few to excuse the sins of the many. Let us search the Scriptures for God’s Truth. Let us not twist and torque them to make them fit our theology–LET US NOT PUT WORDS IN GOD’S MOUTH. L.J.
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