There are literally hundreds of thousands of salvation hustlers (whores) preaching Satan’s “believe in Jesus and receive instant salvation” message. Due to their efforts there are today some two billion people world-wide who believe in Jesus Christ. However, there are only a few thousand who believe what He said. This is not a new phenomenon. From early on in His ministry many were attracted to the carpenter from Nazareth. Thousands followed Him wherever He went. He sometimes had to hide from the “great multitudes” in order to rest.
However, only 120 believed what He said and remained with Him to the end (Acts 1:15). Though the masses followed Him, were healed and delivered by Him, were fed by Him, watched Him raise the dead, etc., it was the masses who shouted “crucify Him, crucify Him” when the Roman officials wanted to set Him free because they could “… find no fault in Him.” The masses preferred to have a murderer released in their midst rather than Jesus who had done only good wherever He went. Even Nicodemus, a Pharisee, admitted to Him: “We (Pharisees) KNOW THAT YOU ARE A TEACHER SENT FROM GOD” (Jn. 3:2). Notice that the Pharisees knew that GOD HAD SENT HIM TO THE JEWS TO TEACH THEM HIS (GOD’S) WORD. They had watched Him, heard Him and could find no reason to reject Him.
And yet they and their followers convinced the Romans to crucify Him. They would have killed Him themselves but were not allowed to because Jews, being under the rule of the Roman Empire, were not allowed to take life. Why did the Jewish hierarchy want Him dead? Because of His message. The Jews had long ago rejected the Holy Scriptures (the Law and the writings of the prophets–Mat. 5:17). They had written their own version of God’s word which they called the Talmud. Jesus came preaching the Law and the holy prophets which exposed the lies of the priests, Pharisees and Sadducees. They knew that if not stopped, He would draw all men to Himself. They had to nullify Him in order to end His message.
Nothing has changed. Modern day Pharisees (Catholic/Protestant preachers) drop His name, sing praises to Him and preach sermons about those Truths that confirm their cult’s doctrinal proclamations. The other 90% of His teachings are either deliberately hidden or openly refuted. because they command a total change in the life of the salvation seeker. The salvation whores’ diversity, equity and inclusion, “Come as you are, stay as you are, Jesus accepts you just as you are” message appeals to those who demand that God accept them with no expectation of change on their part.
Jesus warned Truth seekers about such “ministers” in Matthew 24:4,5. He warned that they would deceive “many.” Some two billion people today ignore His warning, reject most of His Words, sin at will and, like Adam and Eve, expect to live forever in paradise in their private mansion where the streets are paved in gold, etc. Jesus warned that those who believed and obeyed the false gospels of their false prophets that, on Judgment Day, there would be much “wailing and gnashing of teeth” when the super-religious masses learn that they had believed a lie (Mat. 8:12).
In Mark 7:7-9 we find Him speaking about those who substitute their words for His Words. After calling them hypocrites who honored Him with their lips but whose hearts were far from Him, He said that THEY DID INDEED WORSHIP HIM, BUT THEIR WORSHIP WAS ALL IN VAIN IN THAT THEY REJECTED THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD SO THAT THEY COULD KEEP THEIR OWN TRADITIONS. Here Jesus tells us that it is possible to WORSHIP HIM IN VAIN. NOTICE THAT WORSHIPING HIM IN VAIN REVOLVES AROUND REJECTING HIS COMMANDMENTS/LAW. He could not make it any more clear. And yet ….
The Apostle James wrote: “Even so faith, if it is not accompanied by works (obedience), is dead, being alone. Yes, a man might say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’ Show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith BY my works.” Without works, faith is dead. Works (obedience to the Law) is faith demonstrated. Read James 2:10,14,(17,18),20, 24,26.
James continues: “You believe that there is one God (the Father), you do well. The devils also believe, and they tremble. But know this, O vain man, that faith without works is dead” (vss 19,20). Satan’s demons believe the Word of God. Notice that James does not call the demons “hypocrites.” Jesus calls fake Christians “hypocrites” because they refuse to believe and obey His commandments, thereby proving that they do not love Him. Read John 15:10; 14:15,23, First John 2:5 and 3:1-10. Jesus Christ makes it clear that faith in Him will not save a soul. Works of obedience are required. How can we believe in the Messenger of the New Covenant without believing in His message? Saving faith requires us to believe what Christ said, not what men tell us He actually meant. He meant what He said.
We are told that “Blessed is he who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, for he will be filled.” Righteousness is the product of believing and obeying what God said. God creates righteousness in us as we manifest Him in our lives by doing what He says–OBEY HIS WORDS/COMMANDMENTS/LAW/ TRUTH AS DID JESUS OF NAZARETH. There is no other way to join Them in the Kingdom of God. Do not believe the salvation sluts who promise instant salvation following a “repeat after me” prayer.
Salvation hustlers abound today as Satan pushes his theology in a last-ditch attempt to destroy as many lives as possible. He is working desperately, using every venue possible for he knows that his time is short (Rev. 12:12). I am guessing that there will be an end-time, global revival. If I am right, the so-called “revival” will be based on the same Catholic/Protestant lies that lured church people into the end-time apostasy in which they wallow at present. I predict that churches will experience a surge in attendance and religious activities. I predict that masses will “get saved.” I also predict that God will not be in their midst because Christ’s message will not be heard. A false narrative will lead the masses astray as has been going on for almost 2000 years. Jesus knew this would happen, which is why He said: “Let no man deceive you.” Salvation whores are deceived by the same god that deceived Adam and Eve. Jesus warns that Satan’s messengers will be so slick, so smooth that even the Very Elect will be subject to their “I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re all okay,” just love Jesus” lure (Mat. 24:24). “Oh, and don’t forget to repent.”
Perhaps the premier statement made by the Lord relative to counterfeit Christianity is found in Matthew 7:21-23. Notice what He says to and about people who had called Him their Lord, who had preached and cast out devils in His name, who had done many other wonderful works in His name. Notice that He will say to them on the Day of Judgment: “I NEVER KNEW YOU; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS). This warning is directed toward the modern day churchites who believe the popular “only believe,” “all grace-no Law” message still being spewed out on them. Remember Christ’s command to the ex-prostitute: “SIN NO MORE.” What is sin? “SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW.” Those quotes are found in the New Testament. Do not be deceived by the salvation pimps who offer a “you want it, you got it” Christianity. There is only one way to the Kingdom of God–the way of His Law.
One way to know if we are in the will of God and are His children was spoken by Jesus in John 15:18-21. Here Jesus guarantees that the world, meaning the church world, will hate the true child of God just as the religious hierarchy hated the original Son of God. The unchurched world does not persecute God’s people because it doesn’t care what they believe, do or say. It is the church that hates God’s people because darkness hates light which exposes it. If the church world does not hate us, we are not God’s people. Thus said the Lord Himself who, because he obeyed God, was put to death by religionists. Nothing has changed except the death part. That will change. L.J.
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