Modern Christianity is founded on a number of false “truths,” many of which are listed in the introductory statement to this website. “The Law was nailed to the cross” is ground zero, the center of the nexus, the apex of the mountain of lies, the root of the tree with whose deadly fruit Satan has poisoned the whole of professing Christendom. The central lie and those lies that have evolved out of it have resulted in the church’s fall from the exalted position she occupied upon her creation in an upper room in Jerusalem in 31 A.D. The arrival of God’s Holy Spirit provided the power with which God’s people could obey His Word and thereby qualify to spend eternity with Him and His Son. Side-by-side views of the church’s beginning and her current state produces the inevitable questions: WHAT HAPPENED? HOW DID IT HAPPEN? AND WHY DID IT HAPPEN?
Satan knew from the time of man’s creation that as long as man believed God’s Words/Law/Truth he (Satan) could not lure him (man) away from Him (God) and to himself. This is why he approached Eve in the Garden of Eden. His first recorded words to her involved God’s Law: “Did God say …? (Gen. 3:1-3). His first lie involved his “truth” that she and Adam could break God’s Law and still live forever (vs 4). They believed his “the Law is dead” lie and the rest is the history of their descendants who continue to believe Satan’s “truth” to this day, resulting in the same curse. Read Would God Do That? and The “Voices” of God. Key words–Would and Voices respectively.
Saints of God know that there is no place for abolishing God’s Law within true Christianity. That lie is the crown jewel in Satan’s arsenal of weapons with which he deceives the whole of mankind, including the worldly Catholic/Protestant Religious System (Rev. 12:9). The only exceptions to the devil’s rule over the whole of mankind consists of a “few” Truth seekers whom the Lord calls His “remnant,” His “little flock,” His “holy, peculiar” people, His “chosen generation,” His “nation of royal priests” who have been “called out of darkness and into His marvelous light.” The tiny, mustard seed-sized group who have answered His call are collectively known as “the people of God” (1 Pet. 2:9,10).
The Apostle John has this to say about that tiny group of believers as well as those whom Satan has deceived into believing that they are part of it: “And hereby we know that we know Him–IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. He that says, ‘I know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments is a LIAR, AND THE TRUTH (OF GOD) IS NOT IN HIM” (1 Jn. 2:3,4). All of Christendom’s talk about Christ is nothing more than religious noise unless one keeps His commandments as He repeatedly tells us to do. Without obedience to Him, speaking about Him is simply religious name-dropping. Jesus said: “If a man love Me HE WILL KEEP MY WORDS, AND (THEN) MY FATHER WILL LOVE HIM, AND (THEN) WE WILL COME UNTO HIM AND (THEN) MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM” (Jn. 14:23). In verse 15 He said that we must obey His “WORDS.” By this we know that His Commandments and His Words are one and the same. His Words are His Commands. WE CANNOT LOVE JESUS CHRIST WITHOUT OBEYING HIS COMMANDS (COMMANDMENTS/LAW). OBEDIENCE TO HIS LAW IS THE PROOF OF OUR LOVE THAT HE REQUIRES. To claim to Love Him, then refuse to believe and obey Him is the ultimate slap in the face. The Apostle Paul calls it “crucifying Christ afresh” (Heb. 6;6).
Due to a lack of Biblical “fine print” study, billions of salvation seekers have believed that the Law was “nailed to the cross” of Jesus Christ. However, an Isaiah 28:9-13 type of Bible study reveals that the “handwriting of ordinances” that was “nailed to the cross” was the sacrificial “law that was added” because of Israel’s refusal to obey the Ten Commandments (Gal. 3:19). This Truth was spoken by Jesus during the “Last Supper” when He referenced His body and His Blood which would be sacrificed for the sins of mankind. His body and blood took the place of the flesh and blood of animals.
In Matthew 19 we find a man asking Jesus what he must do in order to receive eternal life. Jesus tells him that he must obey the commandments, then begins to voice the Ten Commandments (vss 16,17). This man would live long after Christ’s death, long into the church era. If Christ was going to do away with God’s Law, why did He tell the man that he would have to obey a Law that would soon be nailed to His cross? When being shown the Truths relative to the Law the response from church people rarely varies. It normally involves anger and rejection of God’s Truth as written in their own Bibles. Jesus said in Luke 10:16 that rejection of His Word proves that people despise both Him and His Father. Read Their response to man’s rejection in Psalm 5:5.
When Christ’s disciples heard His response to the rich man they were astonished and asked how salvation was possible–how could a man give up everything he owned? Jesus replied that man himself does not have the power to do this. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can we obey the Lord. Only a few, Jesus said, would do so. The many, He said, will choose Satan’s way to “salvation” (Mat. 7:13,13; 22:14) which involves sinning and winning, repeat and repent.
God-directed reality, Truth seekers soon learn, is quite different. In some cases people are required to give up jobs they enjoy doing. Some are addicted to mini-gods such as television, or food, or cigarettes, or anything else that controls their lives. Sometimes we are required to give up our families and friends or our social standing. I am the butt of jokes that I have heard. I walked into a room filled with people and someone said, “And there he is now.” I knew they had been talking about me. Not one person in the room spoke. I once walked into a restaurant and saw a group of men sitting around a long table. One of them pointed in my direction and everyone turned and looked at me. It was obvious that they had been talking about me. In both cases I had written articles in the local newspaper.
No one wants to be despised and ostracized. But when I remember the price Jesus and the apostles paid for doing what I do, I realize that I am getting off light. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that they stood up to everything the religious leaders threw at them, including martyrdom. Jesus warned that we must “count the cost” of true discipleship, and if called to ministerial service, the cost of apostleship. If there was no cost, as is the case with modern church membership, why did God mention cost counting?
Receiving the Holy Spirit gives us the faith OF Christ to do what WE are required to do. One does not need saving faith in order to “belong to the ___________________ (fill in the blank) church.” I know because I belonged to such a church for most of my life. In reality I was spiritually dead, I “knew” that I was saved, born again, sanctified, etc. I know extremely few people who are not in that same religious condition. I was told only last night by the dearest of loved ones that she rejected my message, and that the Bible proves that I am wrong. This in spite of my quoting God’s Words that are written in the Bible she owns, Whose Words repeatedly prove that she is dead wrong. It has been my experience that when it comes to a contest between God’s Word and church doctrine, God loses every time, with a minutely few exceptions. Of the thousands of people who have heard me preach or read my writings, I personally know of seven people who believe me. Never underestimate the power of Satan over both the church and the none-church world.
Warning: The days are coming, and soon, when owning a Bible will be a criminal offense. Spiritual darkness is rapidly approaching. This will be a time when men will run to and fro in search of the Word of God. But no Word will be found (Amos 8:12). For this reason I work night and day to teach as much as possible while I still can. Canada and Finland have laws against mentioning the Bible, God, Christ, etc. in public, on the internet, etc. People are on trial now for making Bible-related statements verbally or in writing. I suggest memorizing Bible verses so that when your Bibles are taken from you, you will still have God’s Word in your heart. L.J.
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