By far the most deadly of Satan’s deceptions is to deceive God seekers relative to the conviction>introduction>conversion> salvation process. What man refers to as the “salvation experience” is in reality the seeker’s introduction to God following conviction of sin. God’s introduction of man to Himself is mistaken for conversion. Conversion is then mistaken for salvation. The exercise takes place in a matter of minutes.
However, God’s Biblical conviction>introduction>conversion>salvation process takes a totally different spiritual path. Having experienced conviction of sins, the introduction period takes place as the seeker spends much time, perhaps months, searching the Scriptures, praying and listening to God’s true messengers in order to learn the Way of the One to Whom he has been introduced. Upon learning the Lord’s Way (“walk”) of life, the seeker embraces Him and agrees to follow His Way as prescribed in His Word. He then follows that Way “… to the end” at which time he will be saved (Mat. 10:22).
Matthew 7:14,15 presents a condensed version of the salvation process. Following true conversion (submitting totally to God), the seeker enters the strait gate (accepts God’s Word as Truth) and follows (obeys) His narrow Way (Word) throughout the remainder of his life in order to qualify for salvation upon the return of Jesus Christ (the Bridegroom). That salvation is a FUTURE promise is attested to by the Apostle Paul: “… now is our salvation NEARER than when we (first) believed” (Rom. 13:11), proving that in this life we only have the “HOPE OF SALVATION” (Titus 1:2;3:7/Heb. 3:6;6:11). Faith points us toward the Kingdom of God; obedience takes us there. The Counterfeit Church embraces the faith command but rejects the obedience command. One without the other accomplishes nothing.
It is during the so-called “salvation experience” that Satan performs his “bait and switch” trick in which he diverts the seeker from God’s strait gate and narrow way to his wide gate and broad way. Only the “few” who seek God’s Truth find the right gate and way. The masses (“many”) unwittingly follow Satan into his system of religion in which a “perverted gospel” (Gal. 1:7) is presented as God’s Truth. Having unwittingly fallen into Satan’s system, then having fought my way out of it I can attest to its power over the unwitting God seeker. For this reason He said that only a “few” will “find” His strait and narrow way. The “many” of professing Christendom follow Satan while believing that they are following God (Mat. 7:14,15).
Within the Hebrew marriage system there was an “espousal” period during which the two parties became better acquainted while learning more about each other. Marriage took place at the end of that period. This “getting to know you” period was the forerunner of true Christendom’s introduction period during which the seeker of eternal life spends considerable time learning what is required of him in order to qualify to “marry” the Bridegroom upon His return. During the conversion period one obeys his Master by walking the walk of obedience to the Him. Having done so until the end of life or the return of Jesus, one is then saved/born again and enters into the Kingdom of God. The Counterfeit Church maintains that salvation takes place before the walk begins. Having been instantly “saved,” the “walk” is whatever rules are dictated by the sect one has joined.
The parable of the 10 virgins perfectly exemplifies the difference between man’s version of the “salvation happening” and God’s version of the “salvation journey.” Knowing that in this life we are in the “espousal” (hope/probationary) stage, the five wise virgins believed and obeyed God’s true gospel in letter and spirit, thereby qualifying to marry the Bridegroom at His appearing. Believing that they were already saved, the five foolish virgins followed the way of man’s religion, thereby disqualifying themselves. Notice that both groups were called “virgins” (church members), believed the Lord (had faith). All ten virgins had vessels, oil and wicks (attended church, prayed, studied the Bible, tithed, etc.). Both groups eagerly awaited the arrival of the Bridegroom; both “knew” that they would then marry Him. It was only at His arrival that the foolish virgins realized that they had not qualified to be His Bride. One group was welcomed by the Bridegroom; the other was rejected. This parable equates to the final day when God’s angels will separate sheep from goats, wheat from tares, bad fish from good fish, etc. Notice that this will take place AT THE END OF THE AGE. Until then all “virgins” will spend their lives doing what their master (God or Satan) tells them to do. Both groups will go throughout their lives “knowing” that they will reap God’s promised reward. However, only one group will do so.
God spoke His Truth to the Word/Jesus (Jn. 1:1-4,14) via the Holy Spirit. Through that same Spirit Jesus spoke those Words to the prophets and apostles who recorded them for us. The faith necessary for salvation comes from hearing (believing) those Words (Rom. 10:17). However, as James 2:19-21 tells us, faith without WORKS (obedience) is dead faith, which renders dead the one who has such faith. Bear in mind that Satan has more faith than any of us–he knows and believes what God said, as do his angels. He is angry and his angels tremble. Abraham provides the example of life-producing faith–he proved his faith through obedience. He believed what God said and obeyed Him. The Counterfeit Church, represented by the foolish virgins, believes herself to be superior to Abraham–the father of the faithful. Her statement: “I know I’m saved” has only one problem–God rejects her salvation. L.J.
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