In the beginning of the creation of all things (not the REcreation of Genesis 1 and 2) the Word, who became Jesus of Nazareth (Jn. 1:1-4), created the angels, millions, maybe billions, possibly trillions of them. We know that they existed before He created the earth because at the first sight of it the angles shouted for joy (Job 38:4-8). The Scriptures have much to say about the appearance and power of these majestic beings as well as their activities on the earth and in the heavens both near to and far from the earth. Being spirits, they can never die.
In the Bible God describes these magnificent creations in vivid detail. He describes them as burning coals surrounded by fire with lighting coming forth from them. Their faces shine like the sun, their feet are pillars of fire. Some ride on horses while others ride in chariots of fire. They are incredible, majestic creations of the creator God.
The Apostle John records the following: “And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud; and a rainbow was upon his head. His face was as it were the sun and his feet as pillars of fire” (Rev. 10:1). In verse three we find that angels can do unusual things. In verse two John describes an angel as having one foot upon the sea and the other foot upon the earth. This takes some doing, even for an angel. This angel had a message for the entire world: “And he cried out with a loud voice, as when a lion roars, and after he had cried out, seven thunders uttered their voices” (vs 3). In Ezekiel 1:13 it is written about angels that their appearance is that of burning coals of fire and burning lamps, out of which go forth lightnings. Angels have tremendous power which they display in a variety of ways as shown throughout the Holy Bible.
We know from other Scriptures that they can take whatever form and characterization they want. Some appear as human beings such as the time the God of the Old Testament and two angels appeared as men to Abraham and to the citizens of Sodom. Angels sometimes contact human beings today. I was awakened by an angel early one morning as he stood beside my bedside. He had physically touched me to awaken me. He was tall and covered by a cape from head to foot so that I could not see his face. He “spoke” to me in a silent voice, like God always does when He speaks to me through His Holy Spirit. The angel’s silent message to me was to get up and pray. Then he was gone. This angel did not allow me to see his face
Angels can be whatever size they need to be. Even in visions God can make them any size or description He desires as was the case in John’s Revelation chapter 10 vision. Understand that what John “saw” as recorded in the Book of Revelation was a vision. John wrote that he was in the Lord’s Day. The Lord’s Day, or Day of the Lord, will be the final year of this age which will follow the 2 1/2-year-long Great Tribulation. Understand also that Christ’s meeting with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transformation was also a vision. Jesus told the disciples to “Tell the VISION to no one” until He had risen from the dead (Mat. 17:1-9). This isn’t life or death information, but knowing the truth is always a good thing.
God’s Very Elect saints and His angelic multitude have a working relationship here on earth which will continue until the return of Jesus Christ to earth. This relationship will change–actually reverse–at that time. This drastic situational change is the subject of this series. We will examine the coming change in the next posting.
But first I must remind you that having a relationship with angels is not automatic upon one’s understanding of the Godhead, one’s acceptance of who and what God and Jesus are, what They have done, are doing and will do. This is mistakenly referred to as “the salvation experience.” This ministry is designed to speak to the Institutional Church which has never heard God’s Truth. Those who learn those Truths and believe them have only taken steps one and two on Jacob’s stairway up to where the Lord awaited him then, and where he awaits the true convert now. Before ascending to where the Lord awaited, Jacob had to die spiritually, which is step three. His old man had to pass away and his new man had to be created. Only the “new man” who is created in the image and likeness of God can walk with the Lord, can be “in Him” and “know Him” on the spiritual level (1 Jn. 2:5). One must “come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13) in order to follow His command to “Be holy for I am holy” (1 Pet. 1:16).
Such is the case for the salvation seeker in all ages. God was calling Jacob (Israel) to spiritually develop in righteousness and holiness to the point where he (Israel) could walk on the same spiritual level as God. That God would come to earth as Jesus of Nazareth where He would live as a man to serve as our example of obedience resulting in holiness. This was then and is now THE qualification one must satisfy in order to “walk together” with Him. The Prophet Amos speaks to this Truth in 3:3: “Can two walk together unless they are in agreement? (Amos 3:3). The answer is NO. The normal response is that it is impossible to obey God’s Word (Law). If it is impossible to walk with God on His level then why did He mention it in 1 Jn. 2:6 and Amos 3:3? This walk was required for Jesus of Nazareth during His earthly tenure. Jesus, a 100% man, could have sinned as can any man. If He could not sin, why did Satan try so hard to make Him sin? Satan knew that if Jesus sinned one time He could not be the Savior of mankind. The Apostle John tells us that if we claim to be sons of God as Jesus was we must: “walk (live) even as He walked” while on earth (1 Jn. 2:6). Simply put, if we plan to rise to meet Him in the air at His return (the first resurrection) and spend eternity with Him in the Kingdom of God, then we must walk as He walked while on earth and overcome Satan as He overcame him (Rev. 3:21) using the same power (the Holy Spirit). THIS IS THE PURPOSE OF CHRIST’S LIFE, DEATH AND RESURRECTION. The Holy Spirit–the power of God– is “the promise” (Lk. 24:49/ Acts 1:4) God made to true believers that they would receive at the time of their true conversion. This power is essential in order to overcome Satan and “walk as He (Jesus) walked,” thereby qualifying for eternal life. As did Jacob (Israel, which means “power with God”), let us grow in faith, righteousness and holiness, the END RESULT of which is eternal life (Rom. 5:21; 6:22). Let us spiritually walk with Him, in agreement with Him, through this life. Jesus said that only those who walk that walk until the end will be saved (Mat. 10:20,21; 24:13). If you pursue this goal, be prepared to be hated by the religious establishment if you chose to “take up your cross and follow Me” (Jesus–Lk. 9:24; 14:27). Remember that it was the religious people who persecuted the prophets and killed Jesus and the Apostles. Walking the Christ walk (being a Bible Christian) stirs us hatred in church christians. Read Persecution by that name. This is a sure sign that one is walking with the Lord.
In Scripture, the “crown” is the symbol of salvation. Jesus warned that men can “take your crown” that is assigned to the convert at the time of conversion. As did the Apostle Paul’s crown, one’s salvation will remain in heaven until Christ’s Second Advent (2 Tim. 4:8). TO TRUE CONVERTS: DO NOT ALLOW SATAN’S FALSE (CATHOLIC/PROTESTANT) PROPHETS TO ROB YOU OF WHAT GOD HAS WAITING FOR YOU. L.J.
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