In the first seven verses of his famous letter to the church at Rome the Apostle Paul proclaims that he preaches “the Gospel” which Jesus Christ calls “the Truth” in John 17:17 and which Paul calls “the faith” (Rom. 1:5) which has gone to all nations on earth. God’s Word/Truth/Gospel is called “the faith” because, “Faith comes by hearing … the Word of God” (Rom. 10:19). FAITH IS TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD AS IT IS WRITTEN AND HAS BEEN PRESERVED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS (2 Pet. 1:20). True saints: “… live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4), which were spoken and recorded by “holy men of old as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21).
In verses seven and eight Paul notes that the first part of his message is directed to the saints in the church who are loved by God and given peace from Him and His Son because their (the saints’) FAITH was known throughout the whole world. In verse five Paul noted that the saints PROVED THEIR FAITH by their “OBEDIENCE TO THAT FAITH” (God’s Word) which the apostles were preaching “among all nations.” In verse 12 Paul notes that he and they share a “MUTUAL (one and only) FAITH BY WHICH WE ARE SAVED” as we obey God’s Words upon which true faith is based (Eph. 2:8). FAITH MUST BE PROVED THROUGH OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD WHICH IS CALLED “WORKS” SEVEN TIMES IN JAMES CHAPTER TWO. God’s WORD is His LAW by which He RULES His TRUE SAINTS. Those who refuse to obey His Ten Commandment Law are not His true saints, but are instead counterfeit Christians whose churches are as counterfeit as their respective gods and saviors. The salvation they offer is equally counterfeit. Read The Process of Salvation. Key word–Process.
Reminder: in the first part of his letter, Paul is addressing the true saints in the Rome church who, at that time, were undergoing the process by which they would be saved at the return of Jesus Christ, IF they maintained their holiness until the end of their lives. He will address the others in the church later on in his letter. To identify God’s Very Elect who will rise in the first resurrection read “My People Called by My Name” and Who are God’s People? Key words–Called and People respectively. Also read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three.
Beginning in verse 16 Paul tells the saints in the Rome church that he does not hesitate to preach Christ’s Gospel because it is “THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION” for those who BELIEVE (have total FAITH in the truth of the Gospel and OBEY it). The Apostle James reminds us that faith without WORKS OF FAITH (OBEDIENCE TO THE WORD) IS DEAD FAITH THAT CANNOT SAVE THE SOUL (Jam. 2:10,14,16,17, 20,24,26). Notice that the Gospel does not save the soul, but reveals to us how to receive salvation upon the return of Jesus Christ to earth by obeying the Gospel. Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope. Note that at the time of the apostles’ ministries there was no New Testament. The same Gospel that was preached to Abraham and his descendants is still being preached to the God’s New Testament Church. The other 99% of church people hear Satan’s “perverted Gospel” (Gal. 1:6-9). Read First Corinthians 10:11, Hebrews 4:2 and Ephesians 2:20. The Gospel was preached to Old Testament believers as well as New Testament believers. The teachings of both the prophets and the apostles form the foundation of the New Testament Church. The message is the same: OBEY GOD’S LAW.
In verse 17 Paul reminds the saints that “therein” (the Gospel–vs 16) “THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IS REVEALED” in us as we grow in faith through obedience to the Word upon which faith is built (Rom10:19). Notice the Word “For” which refers back to the Gospel (vs 16) whose power to save depends on one’s righteousness–the result of believing (faithing) and obeying the Word of God/Law/Gospel. Such holiness must be maintained UNTIL THE END OF LIFE (Mat. 10:22; 24:13). Paul notes that the just (those who remain justified through obedience) will live (this life) by faith (by taking God at His Word AND OBEYING IT). To “live by faith” means to approach everything in this life from the standpoint of faith by allowing God to direct one’s life through the Holy Spirit that lives within the truly converted saint whose life reflects the Holy Bible. Our lives either reflect God’s Word or Satan’s word through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit which leads true sons of God to obey the Law (Rom. 8:14).
Recall that it was when Adam and Eve’s walk began to reflect Satan’s word that the fabric of their lives began to unravel. The irony was that, while listening to the Serpent, while talking about disobeying God, while making the decision to do son, while walking to where the forbidden tree was located, while examining it, and while partaking of it–THEY “KNEW” THAT THEY WERE STILL IN GOD’S GOOD GRACES. THEY SIMPLY DID NOT BELIEVE HIS WARNING ABOUT DISOBEYING HIS LAW. Sound familiar?
It should, for this is the attitude of church people each sun god day when they gather at their respective citadels of sin to worship the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) by obeying his commandments proclaimed by his false prophets. Read Matthew 15:9 and 24:4,5. Notice that the people Christ is condemning “worship” Him by rebelling against Him. Truly, “Satan has deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). The universal “Christian” attitude toward God’s Word was voiced by a woman who said that she did not worry about sinning. The woman–a Scripture-quoting, cross-wearing pillar in her church–explained that, “God doesn’t like sin, BUT HE WON’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.” Learn about God’s attitude toward the church’s attitude in The Voices of God and The Lion is Roaring. Key words Voices and Listening respectively.
In the following segment we will examine the spiritual lives of those in the church who follow in Adam and Eve’s (and the “Christian” woman’s) religious footsteps. All three reflected the attitude of the five foolish virgins written about in the Matthew 25 parable. All eight KNEW that they were right with the Bridegroom (Jesus) until He showed up in Eden (Gen. 3:8-13; 16-19), and when He opened the door to the Marriage Feast (Mat. 25:10-12). There is an ancient saying that perfectly describes the modern day (Laodicean–Rev. 3:14-20) church’s spiritual condition: “All that glitters is not gold.” Sometimes it is “fool’s gold.” In Psalm 14:1 we are told: A fool says there is no God.” A greater fool says there is a God, but that he is not expected to obey Him. L.J.
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