Yesterday, in the most wicked city in the United States, the home of the fetal murder (abortion) craze and the beating heart of financial lust and greed a meeting took place that could very well be the beginning of the REVIVAL that many religious people have been wishing for as the nation slowly sinks ever deeper into Satan’s sewer. In New York’s famous Yankee Stadium tens of thousands of people gathered for what was titled the “Come Home To Hope” event headlined by the world’s number one religious snake oil salesman. I make it a point not to use the names of people or religious organizations –with one exception. Read The Real Elvis. Key word–Elvis. “The King” exemplified the moral character of the nation and the religion that sets the national standard for morality.
I did not attend the event at the “House That (Babe) Ruth Built, nor have I heard any of the rhetoric that came out of it. But if I was a betting man I would bet everything I own that what was proclaimed by all speakers is the same message heard in tens of thousands of churches the following day. I would give 10 to 1 odds that the theme was religious business-as-usual in which the following statements, or statements like them, were heard: “Only believe,” “Attend the church of your choice,” “I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re all okay. We just need to come together,” “Come as you are, stay as you are for Jesus loves you just as you are,” etc., etc. In other words, stay the religious course that the Catholic/Protestant Church System has been on for the past 1700 years and all will end well. I am confident that the smiling, energetic speakers assured the crowd that God is anxious to help them, that He stands at the ready with words dripping with grace and forgiveness. I am sure they were told that one thing will turn their wishes into hope, and their hope into reality. They only need to repent following each of their inevitable sins that Adam’s sin gene forces them to commit. I am sure that the formula for religious success is repent, become more churchy, and don’t forget to smile. After all, a smile is worth a thousand acts of obedience. If, that is, one could actually obey God.
One thing you will not have heard is the admonition to obey God’s Word. That would have cleared the stadium in record time. The same is true of the church in general. If you want to empty the pews, tell the people that in order to be saved they must obey God. That is not, nor has it been for many generations, even a footnote in the sermons of Christendom’s preachers and teachers. Why? Because they like their jobs. There is something about a steady paycheck that appeals to hirelings of all stripes.
This ministry was created for the sole purpose of exposing the Institutional (counterfeit) Church and its various salvation formulas for what they are as a singular religious unit–a Satanic counterfeit of God’s true church. Professing Christendom’s hundreds of “churches” have an equal number of conflicting, competing, contradictory, anti-Bible “gospels” that are nothing more than perverted, Satan-created versions of God’s one true Gospel (Eph. 4:4-6). Satan would like nothing more than to see a world-wide revival–a real “Come to Jesus” movement–because the religion religious masses would return to would not be the religion God prescribes in His Holy Bible. Rather, it would be the fake Christianity all Catholic and Protestant churches have embraced for many generations.
As I have stated before, I believe we will witness a religious revival in the near future. If that happens, smiles will be innumerable, church pews will be full, crosses will hang from millions more necks and fish will don millions of more cars. But what you will not find is a preacher telling people to obey God. What you will hear are thousands of preachers telling people that they cannot obey God, so all they need to do is repent, and repent, and repent until Jesus snatches them up in a secret “rapture.” And Satan will be wearing the biggest smile of all.
The ultimate question is, why does this “One Nation Under God” which she “Trusts” need a revival? The Prophet Isaiah wrote the answer to that question in his message that God preserved so that we in the end times could read it because He knew it would apply to the end-time (Laodicean) church. For a look at that church read Revelation 3:14-22. In Isaiah’s message God Himself speaks much of what is written. In the first 15 verses of chapter one we find both Isaiah and God Himself speaking. In the first three verses we find proof that God and Isaiah were speaking to people all over the world. In verse one Isaiah names Judah (tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi–“Jews”) as the focus of the letter. Then in verse two Isaiah address the “earth.” At that point in time the other tribes of Israel had been scattered throughout the world for over 200 years. These tribes are known Biblically as “Israel,” in contrast to “Judah” which remained in what is today called “Israel” whose people are called “Jews.” In verses two and three God speaks to Judah and globally-scattered Israel, saying that He had nourished and brought up children (the “children of Israel”) and they had rejected Him. What God and Isaiah say after this is directed to the 12 tribes of Israel who are found everywhere on earth. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Today. In the following verses God, through Isaiah, tells all of Israel and Judah that He is angry with them because they had turned away from Him (stopped obeying Him). He reminds them that He has “stricken them” (with disease, war, natural disasters, floods, famine, etc.) but they have not returned to Him. Sound familiar? He describes them spiritually, telling them that “the whole head is sick, the whole heart is faint.” From the foot to the head there is only (spiritual) running sores, bruises and wounds that they refuse to treat (by obeying Him). He laments that they refuse to allow Him to treat the wounds that He Himself inflicted because of their sins. In verse 7 He perfectly describes the United States today: “Your country has become desolate” (fire, flooding, drought, extreme heat, natural disasters, etc.). “Your cities are burning with fire “(cities have suffered rioting, destruction, death, crime, etc.). “Strangers devour the produce of your land in your presence. Strangers are overthrowing your nation” (hundreds of thousands of “migrants” have entered the United States leaving American citizens to feed, house, medicate and transport them). In verse nine Isaiah notes that there are only a minutely few true people of God (a “remnant”) left in the nation. Read God’s Remnant. Key word–Remnant.
In verses 11-15 the Lord Himself speaks, telling the whole of Israel (including the modern day church) that He HATES their religious practices, their meetings, their worship, their sacrifices, their prayers, their singing, their playing of instruments, etc. ALL OF WHICH HE COMMANDED THEM TO DO. Why does He hate the very things He requires them to do? BECAUSE THEY DID (DO) NOT OBEY HIS WORD. THIS IS GOD’S ATTITUDE TOWARD LAW BREAKERS IN EVERY GENERATION.
So far God and Isaiah have perfectly laid out why this nation is in dire need of a true revival. But we need a revival that will take the nation back to the days of old when Israel did indeed obey God Who made it into the greatest country on earth. God’s intent was for that nation to continue forever as His light to the Gentile world to show the heathen what they could have if they would obey Him, and at the same time remind sinning Israel what they are missing. However, the exact opposite has taken place. God has “spoken” to His people through all manner of disasters and problems. Now we have Monkey Pox staring us in the face while China and Russia are taking advantage of our weakened (sinful) condition. In Isaiah 3:9 the Lord, speaking through the prophet, perfectly describes the spiritual condition of the once great United States of America: “The revealing of their (sin-filled) hearts witnesses against them; they declare their sins as did Sodom, THEY DO NOT HIDE IT.” The United States leads the world in sin, vileness and degradation. She is so proud of her rebellion against the God Who established her that she broadcasts her sins to the world. Indeed, SHE DOES NOT HIDE HER SINS. L.J.
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