Second John 1,4,13–John wrote to the church whom he identified as the ELECT LADY AND HER CHILDREN (saints), some of whom were walking in Christ. These saints had heard the commandment (Law) because it had been passed down to them from the beginning (Mt. Sinai). The children (conver- ted descendants) of YOUR ELECT SISTER (obedient Jews) greeted them. The House of Judah and the House of Israel are called “SISTERS” in Jeremiah 3:8.
That God’s call to Israel will be in effect as long as the world stands is proven by His statements in the Book of Revelation: Revelation 7:3-8–The 144,000 sealed by God are ISRAELITES–His end-time church–which includes biological Gentiles who have become part of the Commonwealth of Israel by obeying the Law of the God of Israel with faith in Him and His Son. Revelation 21:10-12–The gates of New Jerusalem will have the names of the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL written on them. No Gentile names. Revelation 21:14–The foundations of the walls of New Jerusalem will have the names of the TWELVE APOSTLES written on them. No Gentile names. The Counterfeit Church counters that all Gentile saints will be in heaven. NOWHERE IN SCRIPTURE DOES GOD TELL US THAT ANY HUMAN BEING HAS EVER OR WILL EVER LIVE IN HEAVEN EXCEPT JESUS CHRIST. That the “saved” go to heaven is a myth taken from the heathen world.
It is obvious from the postings in this series that the New Covenant Church is an Israelite institution. The Counterfeit Church’s attempt to make it a Gentile entity has no basis in Scripture. The Law, the Cove- nants, the inheritance, the glory, the calling, the predestined, the remnant, the elect, the kept–all refer to Israel–God’s good “olive tree”–the church, the ISRAEL OF GOD. To be among those who will rule and reign with Jesus forever in His earthly kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem one must denounce his/her Gentile religion, convert to God’s PURE RELIGION with faith in the Biblical Godhead–the Father and the Son. There is no Gentile way to salvation.
The final passages of Scripture I will use to show that the early church was an Israelite institution are found in Colossians, Acts and Romans. In the Colossian passage Paul told the church that they had at one time been ALIENATED FROM CHRIST but that they had been RECONCILED TO HIM–brought back to their former relationship with Him. One cannot be reconciled to another person unless one has at one time been with that person. Gentiles have never been with Christ. In Romans 2:14 Paul notes that THE GENTILES DO NOT HAVE THE LAW, meaning that ONLY ISRAELITES HAVE THE LAW. Gentiles have never had the Law. Upon coming to Jesus Christ, “Gentile” converts needed little instruction in that they went to ISRAELITE SYNAGOGUES ON THE ISRAELITE SABBATH TO HEAR THE ISRAELITE LAW READ BY AN ISRAELITE PRIEST (Acts 15:19-21). Proof that these new converts were Israelites is proven by the fact that BIOLOGICAL GENTILES WERE NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER THE TEMPLE OR ANY SYNAGOGUE UNDER THREAT OF DEATH. These “Gentile” converts the apostles were referring to were Israelites who had always had the Law–“THE ORACLES OF GOD”– (Rom. 3:1,2).
The New Covenant Church was in its infancy and continues to be peopled primarily by Israelites who have discovered who they are and have embraced their exalted position in the Lord. The Lord reminds us that “Many are called but few are chosen.” The “few” are the “chosen” of the “many” who are “called,” who have walked, are walking and will walk the “narrow way” to salvation “until the end.”
The next several postings, titled White Fields, will continue on this theme by identifying exactly who are the sheaves Jesus and the apostles were sent to harvest, who planted the seeds and nurtured them until the “time of the harvest at the end of the age.” I would very much like to hear from you concerning your opinion of the information you are receiving on this website. It has been my experience that only about 1% of those who read or hear me agree with me. Rejection does not bother me–I expect it because Jesus said that would be the case. Nevertheless, I would like to hear from you. Feel free to write me at Larry L. Jaques P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751 U.S.A. or or (903) 677-5642. L.J.
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