The previous posts in this series covered passages in the Old Testament and New Testament prior to the establishment of the New Covenant Church. The remaining postings will cover God’s Word spoken and written following the Day of Pentecost, 31 A.D. As the reader will find, He leaves no doubt that the church is an Israelite institution and that Israel continues to be His Chosen People.
Acts 1:6–The apostles asked Jesus if it was “… at this time that you will RESTORE the kingdom (of God) to ISRAEL?” Note that Jesus did not correct them concerning those who would inherit the coming King- dom of God–ISRAEL. Acts 2:36-39–Peter told the devout Jews gathered in Jerusalem for Passover and Pentecost “from every nation under heaven” to return to their Gentile nations and to tell ALL THOSE WHO ARE “AFAR OFF” (SCATTERED ISRAELITES) that their Messiah had come. Acts 5:31–Jesus brought repentance and forgiveness of sins to ISRAEL. Acts 10:36–God sent the Word (Jesus-Jn. 1:1-4) to THE SONS OF ISRAEL. Acts 13:16,17–“Men of ISRAEL, the God of ISRAEL chose OUR (ISRAELITE) FATHERS.” Acts 13:23,24–God sent to ISRAEL a Savior … to bring repentance to all the people of ISRAEL. Jesus and the apostles’ ministry was primarily to the 12 Tribes (Lost Sheep) of Israel. Acts 13: 32,33–The apostles preached to the JEWS the Good News (gospel)–the promise God had made to the FATHERS (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) concerning ISRAEL’S participation in the Kingdom of God. The apostles told ISRAELITES that He had fulfilled that promise to “OUR (ISRAELITE) CHILDREN” when he raised up Jesus. Acts 15:13-21–God concerned Himself first of all with taking (out) from among the Gentiles a people (scattered Israel) for His name. Old Testament prophets had prophesied that God would “rebuild the tabernacle of David”–so that “the GENTILES WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME” (“Israel”=”power with El[oeim]”) would once again be together and be obedient to Him. Only ISRAEL is called by God’s name (El) (Deut. 27:9;10:9,10/1 Ki. 8:41-43/2 Chron. 6:32,33/Jer. 14:9/Dan. 9:19/Isa. 63:19).
In Acts 15 James declared that the Jewish believers should not lay any extra burdens on the “Gentiles” (Gentilized Israelites) who were turning (back) to God from (where they were living) among the Gen- tiles (see Eze. 37:21). They did not need to tell them anything else because they were going to the Jewish synagogue every Jewish Sabbath where they were hearing the Jewish Old Testament read by a Jewish priest who told them everything else they needed to know–the words of the prophets which, combined with the words of the apostles, formed the foundation of the New Covenant Church (Eph. 2:20). The “Gentiles” whom God was “taking out from the Gentiles” were THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL who had a history with God and needed only to be reminded of that history. Recall that Jews called these Israelites “Gentiles” (Jn. 7:35). They were attending the Jewish synagogues because, as Jesus said, “Salvation is of the Jews” (Jn. 4:22). Jesus was sent to THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. He sent His apostles to the same people for the first 12-20 years of New Covenant Church life. It was only later that Gentiles in general were offered salvation. Acts 26:6,7–Paul stated that he was on trial for the hope (of salvation) of ISRAEL–the “Gentiles” to whom he was sent.
Romans 4:1–Paul told the Church of God at Rome that Abraham was “OUR” (his and their) forefather “IN THE FLESH”–their biological ancestor. The New Covenant church consisted of members of the House of Judah and the House of Israel who had returned to God, whose biological (“in the flesh”) forefather was Abraham. This cannot be said of Gentiles. Romans 9:3-5–Paul makes clear exactly who comprise God’s New Covenant Church–“ISRAELITES, to whom belong the adoption as sons, the glory, the covenants, the preaching of the Law, temple service and the promises.” Romans 9:23-29– God called “US” (Paul and the church) from among the peoples. He is calling ISRAELITES who, because of their rebellion against God, had not been “a people,” “a nation” (Hos.1:10;2:23) for many generations to once again be His people. Here Paul is repeating what God said through Hosea concerning Israel: that though He had divorced and scattered them among the heathen Gentiles to the point that they were no longer “a (recognizable) people” or “nation,” He would one day call them “a people” and “a nation”– sons of God. Hosea noted, however, that out of all of the elect, called, foreknown, predestined Israelites, only a remnant would return to Him in this age (Hos. 2:25-29). Ezekiel 11:16 foretells that God would cast (sow) Israel among the heathen. Malachi 1:11 shows that, following their return to Him, they (a remnant) would make His name great among the heathen among whom they live in this age. In Amos 9:12 God refers to the Gentilized Israelites as “heathen (Gentiles) who are called by My name.” Only Israel has ever been called by God’s name. These are they who make up His New Covenant Church–“the Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16). Romans 11:1,2–God has not permanently rejected His people Israel. Paul, a Benjamite, was one of God’s people–the foreknown descendants of Abraham. God foreknew only ISRAEL (Rom. 8:29,30;Amos 3:1,2). Romans 11:25,26–A temporary “hardening” of the Israelites’ hearts was instituted by God until the two Houses of Israel return to God. That God is referring to Israel is brought out in 9:26,27 and 11:5 where He notes that ISRAEL will be saved when “… the Deliverer will come from Zion and will remove sin from JACOB (Israel), for this is My COVENANT WITH THEM when I take away THEIR sins.” God made no such covenant with Gentiles. To be continued. L.J.
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