I recently heard a YouTube preacher saying that a Chrisitan cannot be demon possessed or harbor a demon that can be cast out. His reasoning was that a Christian is already possessed by God and is filled with His Holy Spirit so that no demon (evil spirit) can abide within him/her. Such theological reasoning makes for a good sound byte and looks good on paper. However, one must consider whether the person in question is a church-(man)-defined Christian or a Biblical-(God)-defined Christian. This preacher obviously does not know the difference between the two and believes that everyone in “the church” is a true disciple of God, is saved, born again and is filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Scriptures refute this deadly error in no uncertain terms. However, only those who insist on knowing God’s Truth will search His Scriptures in order to find His Truth, and when it is found, will believe and obey it. Read God’s Bible study instructions as recorded in Isaiah 28:9-13. Such study will prove that all that glitters is not gold. Read the series using “Glitters” as the key word.
Note that the Lord, through the Prophet Isaiah, issues those instructions twice. Joseph told Pharoah that when God says the same thing twice, the issue is set–unchangeable. Only by learning His conditions (which I call His “fine print”) and fulfilling them can one receive His promises (which I call His “headlines”). Church sheep search for, find and obey His caveats (“IFs”). Goats ignore them. This explains why church sheep receive them and church goats do not. Following His specific instructions and obeying them are the standards by which the Lord separates church sheep from church goats. Read The Church, The Gospel and the Goats. Key word–Goats
The “Christians” the YouTube preacher was referring to are the billions of disciples found within professing Christendom’s various churches who live in the spiritual “neither world” Satan has led them to create. These are they whom God refers to as “goats” who claim to be sheep while “walking” the goat life. Because they outnumber God’s sheep millions to one, they are what the world, and they themselves, refer to as “the church.” Satan has them convinced that they are God’s true sheep. At the same time he has convinced the goats that those who walk (live) according to God’s Ten Commandment Law are in fact religious goats. Only Satan could pull off such a Truth switch and convince 99% of professing Christendom to agree with him.
How can church goats pass themselves off as sheep when the Bible plainly proclaims the life-and-death difference between them? They pull off this trick by creating a “neither world” in which they display just enough Bible Truth to enable them to convince themselves and the world they identify with that they are true Christians. This enables them to then walk as goats while maintaining their status as sheep.
This soul-killing characteristic is explained in Christ’s letter to the modern day (Laodicean) church as recorded in Revelation 3:14-20. The Laodiceans were one of the “churches” He addressed in His letters to believers. As noted earlier, though He called that religious organization a church, He also called them vomit which He would expel from His mouth at the time of judgment. Let us not forget the parable of the ten virgins (Christians) written about in Matthew chapter 25. Note that the five foolish virgins (Christians) were known as virgins (sheep) even after they had rejected the Lord. It was only at the end that their goathood was recognized by the sheep. Of course, the Bridegroom knew it all along.
The hundreds of religious groups (denominations, faiths, etc.), though different in some ways, nevertheless embrace a core set of beliefs and customs, many of which are found on the home page of this website. Many of them have been borrowed from heathen religions and involve their gods, their beliefs and their customs. A few are the creations of the church in her attempt to improve on what God has said. As with Adam, Eve and the five foolish virgins, they think God has recognized their improvements as superior to His commandments. As with the silly seven, they are in for a shock.
Religious man’s “neither world” enables him to walk (live) in tune with the Satan-dominated world while maintaining an aura of church rightness. In his world, churchites need only to exhibit a small amount of true rightness in order to maintain his “Christian” status. By going to church, wearing crosses, smiling, quoting Scripture, preaching, etc., church goats believe that they are walking with the Lord. Read Matthew 7:21-23 to discover Christ’s attitude toward religious man’s “neither world” walk. Note that these goats will tell Jesus how sheeply they had been. Then read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 to learn how one separates oneself from that world.
Living in his “neither world” enables churchman to walk with the world around him, all the while assured that he is walking in agreement with the Lord (Amos 3:3). Churchman believes that he can watch the same t.v. programs and movies, listen to the same music, read the same books, laugh at the same jokes, wear the same clothes, waste the same time, think the same thoughts, speak the same words, etc., as the world, then attend church, wear a cross, etc., that all will remain well with his soul. Modern churchman believes that his “neither world” existence enables him to enjoy the best of both worlds. This in spite of God’s command to come out of both the world and the worldly church and have nothing to do with either of them. L.J.
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