In Joshua 24:14-16 we find him addressing the children of Israel whose ancestors had failed to obey the Lord’s Law, and in so doing, had “SERVED OTHER GODS” (vs 14). In the eyes of the true God, to disobey even one command (sin–1 Jn. 3:4) is to serve another god–to commit idolatry. God governs His saints by His Law. The Apostle James explains that to break one commandment of that Law is to break the entire Law (2:10), thereby making one a “worker of iniquity” (Mat. 7:21-23)–a Lawless person whom Jesus will cast out of His sight on judgment day because He “never knew” him/her (intimately). As the parable of the ten virgins (Mat. 25) tells us, God might have known the idolater earlier due to his/her holiness, then to not know him/her come Judgment Day because of his/her backsliding (apostasy–falling away from God). Read about this travesty using the key word–Apostasy. As Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:22, one must retain one’s holiness (obey the Law) “until the end” in order to be saved. Read Romans 5:21 and 6:22. Notice that salvation is the END RESULT of holiness and righteousness ONLY. No other religious status will result in the awarding of eternal life upon Christ’s return.
In his address to the Israelites, Joshua tells them to FEAR THE LORD AND SERVE HIM IN SENSERITY AND IN TRUTH (in obedience to His Word–Jn. 17:17). He tells them that they must decide which way they are going to go spiritually, then go that way ONLY. They were to “… choose you this day whom you will serve,” EITHER GOD OR SATAN. Notice that he did not mention a third option, BECAUSE, IN GOD’S EYES, THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION. To put it in Texas terms: IT’S GOD’S WAY OR NO WAY AT ALL.
In spite of that clear Biblical message, churchman has created another way–a third option which I call the “neither world” in which Joshua’s command is ignored and a third option is put forth. In her neither-God- nor-Satan-but-some-of-each world, church people straddle the religious fence that Satan has helped them to construct, all the while “knowing” that all is well with their souls. The church’s neither world takes on literally hundreds of forms to which she assigns nice-sounding names like “denominations,” “faiths,” “assemblies,” etc. Though they all have their individual “truths,” etc., they all share some of the same beliefs, customs, etc., each and every one of which is condemned by the Word of the God they all claim to believe and serve. Many of these nether world “truths” and practices came directly from Babylonian mystery religions. Read Simon of Samaria. Key word–Simon for a history lesson relative to Christianity’s embrace of heathenism.
In Revelation 17:1-5 one is introduced to the great Babylonian whore–the one-world church that will rule the religious world during the reign of the “beast” government during the Tribulation Period. This old prostitute is called “Mystery, Babylon, the mother of harlots.” The great whore–Mystery Babylon–refers to the Catholic Church; her harlot daughters refer to the hundreds of Protestant Churches in existence today. They will join forces during the Tribulation Period and, empowered by a world-wide political machine, will exert religious rule over all of mankind with the one-world beast government providing the muscle to make the people bow to the whore’s will. Read about that horrific time using the key word–Tribulation.
In the introductory statement on this website’s home page is listed a number of “nether world” beliefs and practices that the religious establishment has embraced and called her own in an attempt to justify her rejection of God’s Word/Law/Gospel. Satan has deceived the Institutional Chrush that “neither world” beliefs and practices are accepted by the Lord (Rev. 12:9). His power to deceive man was first demonstrated in the Garden of Eden. His options are still winning the day in “the church.” If you have not already done so, I implore you to study the introductory statement and see how many of those “nether world” options are believed and practiced by the churches with which you are familiar. EMBRACING EVEN ONE OF SATAN’S NETHER WORLD “TRUTHS” OR PRACTICES SEPARATES THE BELIEVER FROM THE LORD (Isa. 59:2).
One of the most practiced “nether world” sins involves the believer’s use of his/her free time. We are commanded to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). Instead of using that time to study God’s Word to determine what He requires for salvation, the church masses do those things that appeal to the flesh. For this reason Jesus said that “few” salvation seekers would “find” His church, enter it and walk His way to paradise. “Many,” He said, would simply enter into one of Satan’s churches (the “church of your choice”) and walk one of his many ways, each of which leads to death.
God tells us to redeem the time we are allotted in this life (Col. 4:5). We have eternity to enjoy the effects of following His command. But let us not forget that, unless we obey His 7th day (Saturday) Sabbath Law, redeeming the time, going to church, reading the Bible, praying, fasting, etc. combined will not save us. Read the series about God’s Sabbath Day. Key word–Sabbath. Billions of church people will not be taken up in the first resurrection because of having disobeyed God’s Sabbath command. They will not be alone. They will be joined by Satan’s false prophets who had convinced them that the Sabbath Commandment was “nailed to the cross” along with the other nine.
Remember that the rich man was denied salvation because of “one thing” (Mk. 10:17-22). Notice that he had OBEYED ALL OF THE LAW SINCE HIS YOUTH. The problem was that he “knew” his sin (lust for possessions) was not actually a sin. Why? BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT HE WANTED TO DO. RELIGIOUS MAN DECLARES AS “RIGHT” ANYTHING HE WANTS TO DO. And even if it is wrong, God will forgive him every time he commits the sin. Who told him that? The same Serpent who told Adam and Eve that eating the forbidden fruit was okay. Today he uses his prophets to spread his “nether world” messages.
Relative to the working of the Lord, nothing has changed since Eden. Relative to obedience to His Law, it is all or nothing at all. THERE IS NO “NETHER” OPTION IN THE EYES OF THE LORD. WE SERVE EITHER HIM OR SATAN. L.J.
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