God condemns man-made religious articles. In Exodus 20:4,5 and Deuteronomy 4:25 He commands that we not make (possess) any graven (hand made) image or likeness of anything on earth, in the water or in the air that is to be used in worship of Him. Notice that He characterizes Himself as JEALOUS. Man becomes jealous of one who can take someone away from him or prevent someone from being his. GOD HAS THE SAME REACTION TO RELIGIOUS OBJECTS; HE SEES THEM AS COMPETITIVE SUITORS. It matters not what the maker/owner of the object thinks about the object or why he/she owns it. ONLY WHAT GOD THINKS MATTERS. He promises to visit His wrath on anyone who disobeys His commands relative to graven images and likenesses. His prohibited objects include crosses, fish, pictures, tattoos, engravings, statues, nativity scenes, etc–anything of a religious nature used in worship of Him. In verse six He contrasts those who possess such things, whom He says “hates Me,” to those who prove their “love” for Him by obeying His commandments. Note the words “hate” and “love” relative to obedience to Him. Contrary to church theology, we either obey (LOVE) Him or we disobey (HATE) Him. Man’s thinking and reasoning concerning the use of symbols is irrelevant–one of many Biblical facts summarily rejected by the church. Why does God hate religious symbols and condemn those who use them?
In Romans 1:23,25 He explains that, IN HIS EYES, when man makes a religious image he transfers God’s glory to that image, changes God’s Truth into a lie and worships and serves the image instead of God Himself–in God’s eyes THE IMAGE BECOMES AN IDOL. Again, one’s attitude concerning the image/idol is irrelevant. POSSESSING IT IS IDOLATRY. TO POSSESS AN IDOL IS TO BREAK THE FIRST COMMANDMENT, thereby making oneself a worker of iniquity (Lawlessness). In the first commandment the word “before” means “in addition to”–God forbids His saint from having any god/image in addition to Himself, regardless of how holy, divine, etc. it is believed to be.
Two heroes of antiquity serve as examples of how God’s true saints approach images/idols. When ordered to bow before an image, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego could have used the popular “But that’s not why I do it,” “I am honoring Jesus when I wear a cross, a fish, etc.” excuse for idolatry. The three Hebrew boys could have prayed to God while bowing before the image. The king would not have known what they were thinking. But they refused to do so even on threat of death. Why? Because they LOVED their God and knew that He would condemn them for doing so. The millions who were martyred during the Inquisition could have outwardly obeyed the church, prayed to God while doing so, and lived. They refused, preferring death to dishonoring their Lord. The “I do it for the right reason” excuse would not have worked for them and does not work for us. The Institutional Church does not accept this. Satan has deceived them (Rev. 12:9) into believing that her way is right simply because it is her way. The church has become her own god (apotheosis–the elevation of man to deity status). She, not God, determines what is good and what is evil.
Relative to the popular practice of tattooing religious symbols on the body, God has this to say in Levi- ticus 19:28 and 21:5: “You shall make no cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo (NKJ) any marks on you … nor make any cuttings in your flesh.” Cutting the flesh–still the method of tattooing–was the method ancestor worshipers used to honor their dead. Modern tattooers get tattooed for the same reason. Regardless, tattooing is strictly prohibited by God. The “But I do it to honor God” excuse has no bearing on His attitude toward the pagan practice. Admittedly, I have a tattoo on my arm. When young and foolish I did many things in defiance of God; getting a tattoo is one of them.
Those who believe that because God’s condemnation of tattoos is found only in the Old Testament and therefore does not apply to His New Covenant Church should consider His Words of correction in First Corinthians 10:7-12. First, Paul warns the church not to do what their idolatrous ancestors had done. Then he continues “… Now all these things (punishments for sin) happened to them as examples, and were written (recorded) FOR OUR ADMONITION (INSTRUCTION) …. Take heed lest he (you) fall (by ignoring those lessons and following in the spiritual footsteps of ancient Israel).” Remember also that all references to the Scriptures found in the New Testament refer to the Old Testament. The New Testa- ment did not exist at the time of the apostles and would not come into being until long after their pas- sing. Such passages as “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God …” (2 Tim. 3:16), “… they searched the Scriptures daily ….” (Acts 17:11) and “… man must live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4) all refer to the Old Testament. Remember also that the New Testament Church was founded on the writings of both “… the apostles AND THE PROPHETS” (Eph. 2:20). When Paul admonished Timothy to “Study to show thyself approved of God (2 Tim. 2:15)” he was referring to the Old Testament. God warns that ignorance of these facts among those who claim to be His people is no excuse: “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hos. 4:6). Notice that God was referring to HIS PEOPLE, saying that they PERISH because they do not know His will. Knowledge of God’s will is found in the Bible–the most owned book on earth.
Unfortunately, for the Counterfeit Church the Bible is the last source consulted relative to right and wrong. Church people will listen to anyone on t.v., radio and in the pulpit, read anything in printed form, etc. rather than consult the Word they claim to believe and obey. Why? For the same reason Israel rejected the Lord when He spoke to them from Mt. Sinai, insisting that Moses speak to them instead; for the same reason they rejected Samuel and desired a human king–they hated God’s no-compromise dictates, rules and commands. Samuel spoke God’s Words, making him an extension of God. Israel could not tolerate God’s Word. They wanted to hear someone who would see things their way. They wanted to hear a man, not God or His man. Nothing has changed. Today, when God’s messenger confronts the church with God’s Word it is man who is quoted in rebuttal’ it is man who is believed and obeyed. As a result Satan has the church going in the direction he wants her to go. The church dutifully and blissfully stays the course.
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