Let us now see how Satan is using LOVE and INCLUSION to bring the church to her inglorious end. Having been built on sand, she will fall and great will be the fall of her (Mat. 7:27).
It matters not what the activity is, if it is condemned by God it is sin. Sin has no place in God’s church and is not tolerated therein. God tells us to put sinners out of the church (Mat. 18:15-17). Here Jesus tells us that if one in the church refuses to turn from his wickedness he is to be treated as a heathen (godless person). In Jude 14,15 the apostle tells us that God’s wrath will fall on ungodly sinners among His saints. In 1 Corinthians 16:22 Paul tells us that those who do not love Jesus Christ are anathema–separated from Christ. Those who love Him obey Him (1 Jn. 2:4). And if the obedient saint is outnumbered in the church he is commanded to come out of it and remain separate from it (2 Cor. 6:17). Few, God said, would obey Him (Mat. 7:13,14), which is why where only two or three are gathered together in His name He is there (Mat. 18:20). World-wide there is only a small number of His saints to be found in any location, in some cases none or perhaps one. He said that Israel (those who would comprise His New Covenant Church) would return to Him “… one of a city, two of a family” (Jer. 3:14), and that He would bring them to Zion–the Holy Land where He will establish the Kingdom of God upon His return. See The Kingdom of God.
Sin-excusers who claim that, as one famous false prophet said: “The church is nothing more than a society of sinners” should read the four gospels and First John where we find such statements as: “Go and sin no more.” “My little children, I write these things that you sin not,” “He that says he abides in Him must walk even as He walked.” “He who sins is of the devil.” “Whosoever is born of God does not sin; whoever sins has not seen Him nor known Him.” “Whoever does not righteousness is not of God.” He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.” Peter reminds us that “… only the righteous shall be saved” (1 Pet. 4:18). Whoever has the hope of salvation “… purifieth himself even as He is pure … for “… in Him there is no sin.” THESE WORDS WERE WRITTEN TO THE CHURCH ABOUT THE CHURCH.
The Counterfeit Church rejects every one of the above Scriptures, reserving for herself the right to sin and get away with it (Jude 4). Jesus, she claims, made it possible. This makes her low-hanging fruit for the devil as she welcomes professed sinners into her midst. I specifically refer to two types of sinners who are treated with great deference by the church: 1) those who commit sexual sins such as adultery and homosexuality, and 2) those of other religions–neither of whom have any intention of accepting the Biblical God and His strait and narrow way.
The excuse for allowing sinners to mix with the professed “body of Christ” can be summed up in one sentiment: How can the church show their LOVE for them by winning them to Christ if they are EXCLUDED from their meetings? The problem is that these people are not “won to Christ,” rather Christ is won to them–He accepts them as they are and as they will remain. The only change taking place is the church’s attitude toward the sin.
You will notice that once sinners are allowed access to the church the church begins to develop a different attitude toward their sin. Why? Because the sinners are so nice and kind, so helpful and generous. They are active in church; they pray, study the Bible, tithe, etc., JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. So why should they be viewed any different from EVERYONE ELSE? Good question, in that they are EXACTLY LIKE EVERYONE ELSE–the only difference being the nature of their sins. Long ago the church chose heathenism as her foundational principles (see the introduction to the website). So it is without a second thought that she declares God-defined sexual sins and idolatry no longer sins. As had her religious ancestors, she sees the error of her ways. After all, LOVE and INCLUSION are all that matter. God’s written commands are relevant only if they fit within her LOVE and INCLUSION parameters.
As a result of the church’s spiritual evolution the adulterer and the homosexual continue doing what they had intended to do all along. The worshipers of other gods blend in with the church crowd to the point that throughout the United States today there are so-called churches that regularly hold services in which practitioners of other religions openly participate. Their ministers minister to the congregation; their written materials are openly distributed throughout the sanctuary. Children are encouraged to learn the practices and beliefs of other religions. Adults are encouraged to appreciate their contributions to the world of religion. After all, “We all worship the same god, only in different ways and under diff- erent names.” Write for The Ingathering:the Forming of the End-time Church which is free of charge.
Due to Religious Correctness sexual perverts and idolators are not converted to Christianity, rather false prophets encourage their followers to LOVE them and to INCLUDE them in all things religious.
But woe to the God-lover who stands for Him and His Word. We are accused of not having LOVE for these people and not wanting to be INCLUSIVE. We are labeled as unfeeling, arrogant and judgmental haters. The average churchite cannot stand up to this kind of abuse. To be accused of being UNLOVING and EXCLUSIONARY is more than the religious masses can withstand. As a result there is taking place a global change in church doctrine. Former acts of sin are now merely “alternate lifestyles.” What was formerly right is now wrong. God warned of this in Isaiah 5:20 when He said that good would become evil and evil good.
Warning. If your church has not made the changes discussed in this posting, it will. Having begun the slide into apostasy many years ago, she is on Satan’s slippery slope and will rapidly pick up speed as the end approaches. Religious Correctness is the wave of the present–there is no turning back. My advise is to “… come out of her and be separate … touch not the unclean thing.” Then and only then will God be your God and you will be His child. Find that strait gate and enter it–believe God’s Word as written. Walk along that narrow way leading to life–obey God’s Word as written.
God admonishes His people to follow His lead and “… work while it is day, for night comes when no man can work” (Jn. 9:4). Hate Crime laws are being enforced today. Soon they will begin to be much more strictly enforced. Anything that offends anyone will be declared a hate crime. This will include words. Saying that Jesus is the only way to salvation will be against the law. I will not be able to say and write what I now do. I feel that I must do all I can while I can. It is my prayer that readers will go to God’s Word and “… search the Scriptures daily” to see if I am telling God’s Truth. That is my only agenda. Those of you who believe Him, please tell others about what I am doing.
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