For several years we have witnessed the rise of Political Correctness in the American society to the point that it now dominates practically all of life within the society, including our relationships with the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the world is following our lead and is rapidly catching up. Satan, the instigator and purveyor of P.C., has of late begun to instill his correctness curse within the church system in order to prepare her for involvement in a global religious body unified under and dominated by the False Prophet who will answer to the Beast of Revelation chapters 13 and 17. See the Mark of the Beast for details. But before the global church can come into being there must first take place the breaking of all ties between the various world religions and their various gods. In this posting we will concentrate on the God-rejecting process going on in Catholicism/Protestantism. Having long ago turned some 99.9% of professing Christendom away from God’s Word as her standard of right and wrong, he is now working to remove the final connection between her and the God of the Scriptures. To do this he is using Religious Correctness–the church’s version of Political Correctness.
Because the church still claims to believe in the Biblical God and uses His name to maintain religious relevance, Satan knows that in order for her to voluntarily give up her independence as a religious body and become part of a global religious system she must be completely severed from the Biblical God. He also knows that the separation must be instigated and carried out from within the church. To bring this about he has instituted two catch-words which we will be hearing more and more in the coming days. The words are LOVE and INCLUSION–Biblical terms near and dear to the heart of all of us who call ourselves Christians. We are commanded to LOVE our fellow man and to INCLUDE in the Body of Christ all who believe and obey God regardless of their past lives. However, that is not how Satan is using the words.
As was his method when tempting Jesus following His 40 day fast, Satan uses Biblical words out of context, hoping that church people will accept them in that context, use them accordingly, disobey God, and in so doing separate herself from Him (Isa. 59:2). In the temptation episode he used whole passages of Scripture. Jesus recognized his scheme and came back with other passages of Scripture which placed Satan’s statements in their proper context. Not knowing the Scriptures and not believing many of those she does know, the church is an easy target for the devil. As a result, she is rapidly succumbing to Religious Correctness. How is Satan convincing churchman to reject the few Scriptures he still claims to believe? By appealing to his dependence on “common sense.” A personal episode will illustrate the concept.
I have a friend who is trying to “win to Christ” a member of the church they both attend. I have reminded her of God’s command to come out of the Institutional Church. She acknowledges that He has so commanded, but believes that she has a better perspective on the situation than He does. Satan has convinced her that SHE WILL WIN HER FRIEND BY DISOBEYING GOD. She is certain that her way is superior to His way. His way makes no sense; her way makes total sense. Therefore, her way is right and His way is wrong. This is the attitude Jesus condemned when speaking to Satan: “Get thee behind me, Satan, for thou savorest not the things of God, but the things of men (Mat. 16:21-21). In this instance Jesus had told the disciples that He would soon be put to death. This did not make sense to Peter, who told Him so and derided Him for thinking such a thing. The Lord tells us that He and we do not always think on the same level, that what does not make intellectual sense to us often makes spiritual sense to him. In the case of my friend, God’s spiritual sense must give way to her intellectual sense. She, not He, is able to see the big picture. This is the attitude that Satan is using as his final WMD–his Weapon of Mass Destruction. This weapon is designed to sever the few remaining ties by which the church has maintained a semblance of contact with God–namely, using His name and owning Bibles. By the time Satan’s final operation is complete, she will have discarded both God’s name and His Word. The operation is 99% complete.
The process of separating religious man from the God he professes to love and obey has been ongoing for generations as man has gradually assumed rulership over the church, rendering both Father and Son irrelevant relative to her operations. As a result of being told to sit down and shut up, Both have left her. In her zeal for self-direction she has not recognized Their absence. Like her spiritual ancestor–the Church of Laodicea-Rev. 3:14-17–the modern church believes herself to be in the center of God’s will. She sees herself as “… having need of nothing,” but in reality is “… wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked”–she is in her death throes. Religious Correctness will soon have her enmeshed in a Global Religion led by the False Prophet under the governmental power of the Antichrist-led Beast. By that time the Father, the Son, the Bible will be not so much as distant memories for former church members. To be continued. L.J.
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