Religions do not simply arise out of nothing. Religion is not innate in mankind. However, the need to associate with something or someone greater than oneself is natural. Some find that “something” in the form of physical objects such as the sun, a rock formation, a certain animal, etc. Man creates his religions within his own mind, then finds a physical or spiritual object or being (real or imagined) with which to associate what he has mentally constructed. He then designates the object or being as his “god.” Even atheists have a god–themselves.
As this website has proven, that which labels itself “Christianity” is no different from other religions relative to her origin, her spiritual condition, her choice of gods, her relationship with her adherents, etc. However, the two-headed, multi-bodied spiritual whore (Rev. 17:1-5) known as Christianity is unique in that its gods are as numerous as its various segments (denominations, faiths, churches, etc.). Also, each god is different from all other gods in terms of his doctrines, rules for attaining salvation, etc. The irony is that all variation of “the church” use the same source of its “truth,” though each finds different “truths” in that one Book. This allows each cult to have its own god and savior. Only Satan could orchestrate such a convoluted, conflicting, competing morass of religiousness with which he deceives billions of people into embracing one of his religious establishments. THIS IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT THE BOOK THEY ALL CARRY CLAIM TO BELIEVE PROVES THAT THEIR RELIGION IS THE ENEMY OF THE ONE WHO WROTE THE BOOK.
Such is the condition of “the church” in modern society. Jesus addressed her in Revelation 3:14-20 where He characterizes her (the Laodicean [final] era of the church) as a religious entity which believes herself to be one with Him and “in need of nothing” (vs. 17). However, He describes her as “… wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.” From whence came this seductive monster? What happened to the church that was created on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D? Though they bear the same–“the church”– they are all different from all of their fellow churches with which they have NO RELATIONSHIP. Does this make sense? From their god’s point of view it makes perfect sense. Let us look at the process by which churches come into being.
When a man creates a religion he must also create the god that rules that religion along with the do’s and don’ts involved in that god’s governance of those over whom he/she rules. For example, when Simon Magus created Catholicism he of necessity invented a god to reign over the cult. At the time (33 A.D.) Christianity, with her God and Lord, was gaining popularity throughout Europe. Posing as the Apostle Peter, Simon, used the power of Satan (his religion’s true god) to eventually gain religious supremacy in terms of numbers. He knew that in order to gain a following he needed to appeal to people from every walk of religious life. He did just that, even naming his religion “catholic,” which means “universal.”
Simon’s church was designed to appeal to all people regardless of their spiritual condition, their god(s), beliefs, customs, etc. Simon’s god had no restrictions as to one’s god(s), etc. Being “Catholic” also meant that a “convert” need not concern him/herself with the effects of sin. His/her god’s death on a cross erased sins as quickly as one could rub a bead, genuflex, etc. In reality, Simon’s god allowed man to do as he pleased, just as Adam and Eve’s new god (the serpent) allowed them to do. He had convinced them that, by obeying him, they would “… become as gods, knowing (able to determine) good and evil” (Gen. 3:5,6). In verse 22 we find God agreeing with Satan. Man had indeed taken to himself the power to determine good and evil BY WHICH MAN WOULD RULE HIMSELF. The history of mankind reveals the outcome of that apostasy. Those who follow Simon’s lead (Catholics) will suffer the same fate when Christ returns to rid the world of the abomination Simon created.
The same fate is in store for the hundreds of denominations, faiths, churches, etc. of Protestantism that cling to the beliefs and customs of their mother church while claiming to reject her. See the homepage of this website for examples of how mother and daughters are still connected through her spiritual umbilical cord. Outside of a few cosmetic differences, mom and her kids are spiritually one. As the saying goes, “The fruit does not fall far from the tree.” Read Revelation 3:14-20 for Christ’s view of the modern day church. Read17:1-5 for God’s description of what she will soon become–a one-world “church” which He describes as Mystery, Babylon the (Catholic) whore and her harlot (Protestant) daughters. They will reunite to form a world-dominating “church” (woman) that will “ride” (influence) and be empowered by a world-ruling political/military “beast” during the final 3 1/2 years of this world. The Institutional Church is a man-created, Satan-led/empowered religious system. But she is not alone in the spiritual world. Read The Ingathering …. Key word–Ingathering.
When Mohammad created the Islamic religion he went through the same process by which Simon created what is called “Christianity” today. He first devised the religion, its god, then its rules of engagement. He then gathered a following of religious misfits such as sun worshipers, etc. As the Roman Empire forced people of all religious persuasions into the Catholic Church, its leaders simply incorporated their gods, truths, customs, etc. into her catechisms. When the “protesters” left, they took most of her heathen beliefs, etc. with them. The rest is history.
Regardless of the religion, the process of its creation and its continuance are the same. Each religion that has ever existed on earth began with Satan using a man to accomplish his ultimate goal–to the capture the hearts of God’s most cherished creation–man. His success is evidenced by the fact that, of the billions of people that have walked this earth, only a few thousand have believed and obeyed the Word of the Creator of the universe. In Matthew 7:13,14 and 22:14 Jesus Christ warned that this would be the case, that Satan would lure most of mankind to himself. Men, using Satan’s power, have created a smorgasbord of religious offerings from which man is invited to choose. If what is sought does not exist, one is easily and quickly created. This is the method by which the hundreds of “churches” infecting the world’s people today were created.
However, there is only one God who can prove His supremacy over all of the church’s gods as well as the numerous “isms” found world-wide. That supreme God is the God of the Holy Bible. The proof of His position above all other gods is His power, which He displays through His ministers who are commanded to manifest His power by healing the sick, casting out demons, multiplying food, walking on water, killing a tree with a word, making the sun stand still, controlling nature, knowing the unknowable, arranging the death of a church sinner, making people bling, mute, shrugging off the bite of a deadly viper, etc., all of which God’s ministers have done as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. He has revealed to me that, in the very near future, He will make John 14:12 a present and visible reality through His chosen, sent, commissioned, anointed Very Elect apostles. Though few in number, they will show the world the power of the true God. All pretenders will be shut down and revealed as the false prophets they are. Famous church leaders of today will be silenced and stilled as their apostasy will be revealed for the world to see in real time. What has for hundreds of years and continues to be presented by Satan’s false prophets as “Bible Truth” will be revealed for what it is–COUNTERFEIT CHRISTIANITY OPERATING UNDER THE HEADING OF CATHOLICISM AND PROTESTANTISM. BOTH OF WHICH ARE ABOMINATIONS TO THE ALMIGHTY. He will make these truths known through His chosen ones. Read The Gun …. and The True Trinity. Key words–Gun and True respectively.
During the time when God will be displaying His power through His servants, the church world, along with the world in general, will hate and vilify His messengers and their followers. Only by the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit will they survive what is coming on them in the form of social and political persecution. I believe that much of the hate they will endure will be due to the fact that, while those around them are suffering in all manner of ways, God’s saints will not suffer.
However, God has revealed to me that, in spite of His future public condemnation of that which calls itself “the church,” the overwhelming majority of human beings will reject the message and miraculous acts of His apostles and will cling to their traditional religions. God’s messengers will be vilified as agents of Satan. In so doing people will blaspheme the Holy Spirit. I had such an experience several years ago when a woman God had healed when I prayed for her accused me of using witchcraft to produce the healing. God told me that He was going to kill her. A few weeks later she died in her sleep for no medical reason. She was not the only person to die without a medial cause after hearing me speak and rejecting God’s Words.
Satan’s people will rise up against the Lord’s true saints and try to silence them through social and political means. Initially, they will fail. Then they will try to annihilate the Lord’s saints. God’s people will prevail, but only for a season. Then His message will stop being heard for He will have taken his “little flock” of “peculiar, holy priests” to the place of safety He has prepared for them where they will ride out the gathering storm in safety and plenty.
With the true church safely ensconced in “her place” (Rev. 12:6,14), which I believe will be Petra, a mountain formation in Jordan, the world will suffer another global war which will make the first two pale by comparison. For 3 1/2 years the world’s Satan-serving masses will suffer as man has never suffered. We are now in the preparatory stage of the Tribulation Period that will soon descend on mankind. Until then there will take place many so-called “revivals” as man begins to grasp the reality of his situation. But such “revivals” will result in nothing more than a return to what brought the world down in the first place–Catholicism and Protestantism, along with all the other “isms” Satan has created with which he has deceived mankind (Rev. 12:9). Religious people will cry out to their various gods awhile the non-religious will look inward for help. But help will not be forthcoming for either group as Satan exhibits his hatred for mankind for 2 1/2 years, a time period Biblically known as the Great Tribulation. This horror will be followed by the Day of the Lord, a one-year period during which God will pour out His wrath on sinning man.
No one is forced to endure this time of terror. Sin and holiness are choices we make. One leads to death, the other to life. It is our call. Let us make the right call. L.J.
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