Once the mightiest nation on earth whose military was both feared and admired, America has lost three wars in my lifetime (Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan). Today she is involved in another war which she is losing as hundreds of thousands of criminals are invading her sovereignty and are being made to feel right at home as the federal welcome wagon continues to feed, clothe, house, medicate and transport them to the location of their choice, something the current America hating administration would not do for its own legal citizens whose taxes are being used to make the law-breakers comfortable.
Once the world’s least expensive nation relative to household goods, America is now drowning in inflation as the current administration makes moves that make everything cost more than it did two years ago. And not just a few cents, but much more as everything that moves, which is everything we use and consume, costs more to transport due to higher gas prices caused by the Left’s attack on the oil and coal industry . Because of this, fewer goods are arriving at retail stores. The fewer the goods on the shelves, the higher the cost of the goods. This financial slap in the face is caused by COVID-19 which the current administration financed with our tax dollars, then allowed to be brought to our shores.
Once a secure nation with solid border security, America’s southern border has become a sieve through which illegal drugs and humans are pouring into the nation’s heartland in record numbers. A drug from China by way of Mexico has become the number one killer of America’s youth. Those who are not killed by the drug become immediately addicted to it. Fentanyl pills are being carried across the border by the people who control the border–Mexican drug cartels. Also in the mix are human smugglers who maim, kill and rape those females they “escort” to their new home. “Panty trees” dot the border from whose limbs hang the panties of the females, including children as young as three, who have been raped enroute. The smuggling rapists use the panty trees to taunt the American border agents by reminding them of who is actually in charge of what. Meanwhile liberal leaders welcome such people into their sanctuary cities and states where criminals are hidden, protected and cared for as they maim, rob, rape and kill their benefactors. But, their welcomers reason, in the end those minor sacrifices will prove to be worthwhile because the thieves, rapists and murderers will vote for those who made life so pleasant for them and protected them from the few policemen who, in spite of pressure from city hall, are still doing their job. The ends, they contend, will justify the means.
Once the nation whose treatment of the unborn was known and admired throughout the world, America has become, not merely the world’s fetal murder capital, but the financier of God-hating man’s quest to murder millions of innocent victims whose lives would become unbearable inconveniences for those who joyfully sacrifice them on the alter of their personal gods–themselves. Lack of care for the innocent is the hallmark of a nation on its way down. America is circling the toilet bowl.
Once known as the international model of law and order, America has become the crime capital of both the civilized and uncivilized worlds. With the liberal politicians of cities and states cheering on the violent and deadly activities of the criminal element, the rest of the world is witnessing the takeover of entire municipalities by those who then steal what they want, burn what they don’t steal while maiming and killing those who get in their way. Meanwhile, city and state politicians defund the police and tell those who remain on the job not to arrest the criminals who, having no fear of arrest, do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it. And when some brave cop does do his job, the thieves, molesters and murderers are back on the street by sunrise. The criminals then show their gratitude for the leniency they have received by committing other crimes, knowing that the punishment will be a hot shower, a couple of hot meals and a comfortable night’s rest away from the dangerous streets of Liberalville, U.S.A. America’s vice president once raised money to bail out criminals who had been arrested for theft and destruction of inner city businesses. She announced that she had freed them so that they could return to their criminal ways. This is not a rumor; I watched her make the announcement on television.
Once known as the world’s mecca of medical research, discovery and practice, America’s current political administration financed “gain of function” research in a Wuhan, China laboratory. This process changes diseases that were infectious in animals only to one which also affects human beings. Following the success of the process, the disease was spread throughout the world where it came to be known as the COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Following this, world-wide drug manufacturing organizations immediately began to rush out vaccines designed to treat the deadly disease. Equally as quickly, the American government prompted all people to take the medication while closing down the nation, thereby causing economic upheaval among the masses. In a move that surprised very few, the minions in the federal government began printing money in order to bribe those who could not or would not work to keep them in office in the upcoming election. This ploy also helped in the administration’s efforts to create a socialist regime designed to replace the nation’s representative type of government. The government’s latest efforts in that regard is the granting of money to people who went into debt for their education. This federal boondoggle will force taxpayers who did not go to college to subsidize those who are making more money than they are.
The nation which at one time balanced the federal budget every year is now 31 trillion dollars in debt. Each year finds her facing a larger trade deficit. This ever-increasing financial imbalance forces the government to print more money to pay people not to work, but rather to stay home and make more babies so as to receive more welfare money. Today, for every unfulfilled job there are two people not working. We do not need to wonder why.
Once known as the world’s breadbasket because of her food producing and dispersion process to people around the world, America is today struggling to feed her own people. A major problem has arisen due to the price of fuel, making planting and harvesting much more expensive. Some farmers are giving up while standing on the world’s largest oil and gas sources. What was once the world’s biggest energy exporter now sees her president on his knees begging our enemies to sell us some oil and gas, regardless of the cost. Money is no problem because he can simply raise taxes.
Once the place to go in order to receive a quality education, America has become the world leader in wokeness which has spread throughout every part of the society. Beginning in the halls of higher education several generations ago, many of these institutions have produced public school educators who, following the woke playbook, are teaching, not math, history, English, etc., but rather how one can change sexes thorough a thought process. Males, they insist, can not only become females, but can conceive and deliver babies. Unless, that is, they choose to murder them at taxpayer expense. My contention is this, if one can change sexes by thought, then one can change species by thought. Why not be a lion, or perhaps a zebra? What one can become is limited only by one’s imagination.
Mixed with all of this are the so-called “acts of nature” which are Biblically declared to be acts of God. Floods, droughts, mudslides, fires, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, etc. are at an all-time high in terms of frequency and destruction. The question is, Why?
The Almighty tells us why our nation is cursed, as well as Who is cursing her. In 2 Chronicles 7:13,14 we find the Lord saying that it is He, Himself Who has caused and is causing the above listed devastation to take place. He also tells us why–rebellion against Him through rejection of His Word, thereby proving that America’s collective heart despises Him and His Son. He also tells us in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 why He is cursing America. I highly recommend you read all three selections which answer the why and who questions. America, God tells us, has sown the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind.
The above information has caused the United States of America to be the laughingstock of the world. People are asking what happened to us. The answer is quite simple–liberalism, which began in the church. That leaven then spread throughout the nation. America has been fully leavenized. L.J.
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