An ancient religious practice finally has a socially-defined title. It is called “Quiet Quitting.” Having been around since the days of the prophets, the practice gained increased popularity during the ministries of the original 12 apostles whose preaching and writings were in large part directed toward exposing the deadly phenomenon. Nothing has changed. God’s true modern day apostles are still fighting that same war against the same enemy and getting the same results. Quiet Quitting is one of Satan’s most effective strategies he uses against professing Christendom. Then there is the second problem embodied in the practice, that being the belief that, while practicing the God-rejecting sin, the practitioner is convinced that he is on the same spiritual track as God. Read Bait and Switch for a more complete explanation of the QQ deception. Key word–Bait.
The Satan-induced problem dominates the whole of professing Christendom. So powerful is the deception that when a true apostle of God uses the Holy Bible to point out the deadly errors embodied in the Catholic/Protestant religion, its practitioners claim that the very Word that supposedly “proves” that they have been “saved” is a lie and its Author is a liar. This practice is so entrenched within counterfeit Christianity that one pastor actually voiced to a reporter that he and his congregation went “outside the Bible” in search of truth because they could not depend on the Bible for true spiritual guidance. What he admitted publicly is the theology the false church has been embracing for many generations. Whether meaning to or not, this “minister of righteousness,” who served the “angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:13-15), admitted for public publication what God’s people have known for almost 2000 years–THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH IS A CHURCH IN NAME ONLY. The Biblical definition of a church is a group of called out individuals who believe and obey the Word of God. As Jesus said, such a person is extremely rare and, when identified, is despised and rejected by the masses who call themselves “the church.”
Let us now identify exactly what is meant by “Quiet Quitting” in the social (economic) realm. This phenomenon came to life following the COVID-19 epidemic in which whole segments of several societies were shut down and people were confined to their homes. When the worst was passed and it was time to go back to work, many did not want to do so. However, when the government was forced to stop paying them not to work, many reluctantly returned to the workplace. After many months of inactivity, many were loath to return to the daily grind of making a living but did so out of necessity. Needing a steady income for survival, they decided to “quietly quit” their jobs. They would show up, go through the motions and do only enough work to stay employed.
Though media outlets hailed Quiet Quitting as a new phenomenon, God’s Very Elect knew that there was nothing new about it, that the church had perfected the practice many generations earlier. Like its social counterpart, church QQ began as a well-known trick to fool “the Boss” into paying them (with salvation) for walking a false “Christian” path that was a counterfeit of the real thing. Everyone involved in the ruse knew they were “cheating the system.” They knew that God’s Word was eternal and binding. But as had Adam and Eve, Satan convinced them that they could cheat on God and, because they were super religious, get away with it. With the passing of many generations what was known to be a lie initially became the truth, as is true of all lies if not exposed. Over time people came into the church believing that Quiet Quitting was in fact serving God the Scriptural way, and that walking the church’s QQ walk (obeying church doctrine) would usher them immediately through the pearly gates upon their demise. Over time the QQ lie became “THE GOSPEL TRUTH” and remains so to this day. God’s Gospel Truth is viewed with a take-it-or-leave-it mindset. As Jesus warned, the vast majority leave it.
Socially, QQ is still in the “I know I’m cheating” stage. If allowed to fester within the working community it will one day be accepted by its practitioners as “doing the right thing”–doing what is expected. It will become the status quo. I suggest that the reader read again the Introduction page to this website. The list of heathen beliefs and practices beneath the Ten Commandments constitute “GOSPEL TRUTHS” according to modern day QQers. Because the tenants of paganism have been known as the “thus saith the Lord” for so many generations, they have become “THE WILL OF GOD” upon which the counterfeit church is founded. Any and all Scriptural passages that contradict those “truths” are summarily rejected.
As stated, the early apostles had to deal with Satan’s attack on the newly established Church of God beginning on day one. The Apostle Paul stated the problem in his letter to the churches of Galatia. In 1:6-9 he chastised them for abandoning the true Gospel and embracing a perverted gospel. This was within a generation of the founding of the true church on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D.
There are currently a few social leaders speaking out against QQ in the economic workplace. They are receiving the same reaction that the apostles received. If this continues “MADE IN AMERICA” will no longer be a selling point. Do you want to fly in an airplane made by QQ people? QQ has been going on in communist countries for as long as Communism has been in existence. No one in his right mind would buy anything of significance made in China, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia or Cuba where QQ is the accepted mode of operation. By the same token, no one belonging to the Lord will have anything to do with the Catholic/Protestant Church system where QQ has been the order of the day for many generations.
This ministry was designed by God as a missionary effort to the Institutional Church. My job is to tell church people the Truth as recorded in His Holy Bible. As Jesus warned, the QQ people who have been seduced by Catholicism/Protestantism are not interested in His Truth. Unlike Jesus Who, after being offered the glories of the world’s civilizations if He would bow down before Satan, refused the offer, QQ church people have sold their souls to Satan by preferring the easy life that, according to its purveyor, will guarantee them a first class ticked on God’s personal heaven-bound glory train. To insure this guarantee they merely need to come as they are and remain as they are after having accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Notice the number of churches that not only accept Satan’s QQ theology, but advertise it by flying queer flags, perform gay marriages, welcome prostitutes, adulterers, thieves, liars, etc. into their congregations with NO EXPECTATION OF A CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR. No change is necessary in that, once having been “saved,” all sins are seen by God as righteousness. All that is necessary is to accept Jesus as savior, show up occasionally, smile and tithe. And don’t forget to repent after each inevitable sin.
When God prompted Isaiah to write about QQers among the Israelites: “… they declare their sin as (did) Sodom, they hide it not,” He was also writing about today’s church system. A day is coming when church QQers will realize that they have been duped by Satan’s “ministers of righteousness” who have led them through his wide gate and along his broad way to destruction (Mat. 7:13,14). “Come out of her (the church) and be separate” says the Lord. THEN, AND ONLY THEN WILL HE BE THEIR GOD AND THEY WILL BE HIS PEOPLE (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). L.J.
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